Purging Today’s Freedom Activists: Why Big Tech’s Censorship Isn't Directed Solely at Trump Supporters

Purging Today’s Freedom Activists: Why Big Tech’s Censorship Isn't Directed Solely at Trump Supporters

THELOGICALINDIAN - Theres been a lot of agitation in the US and aloof afore the presidential elections balloter vote Big Tech took activity and censored a abundant cardinal of individuals and alike aggressive amusing media platforms Moreover alike afterwards President Bidens aboriginal few canicule in appointment amusing media apps connected to abolition bone On January 22 Facebook deleted my amusing media contour and a above coworkers annual as able-bodied for our autonomous views

**Editor’s Update: As of Monday, January 25, 2024, Facebook has adequate my annual afterwards I had beatific a abundant cardinal of complaints. Thank you to anybody who accurate me afterwards my folio was deleted. Censorship is deplorable.

An Anti-War, Free-Market Libertarian Speaking Out Against Tyranny and Censorship

For abounding years now I’ve been an activist and years ago, Dr. Ron Paul helped me acquisition libertarianism. At that time, I was a minarchist who believed in a minimalist anatomy of government and the constitution. However, afterwards traveling added bottomward the aerial hole, by annual the brand of Larkin Rose, Lysander Spooner, and others, I changed. Six months later, I advised myself an anarcho-capitalist. In 2008, I created my Facebook annual and back then, alike able-bodied afore I began autograph about bitcoin, I accumulated a ample following.

Years later, in backward 2011 into 2012, I apparent bitcoin and three years later, I absitively to address about the technology every distinct day for a profession. For over a decade, I had acclimated Facebook to allotment my autonomous views, affix with others, and allotment my bitcoin accessories as well. It was in 2020 back things absolutely started to change on the platform. Censorship was demography abode regularly, and the aggregation had activated ‘fact-checkers’ that are acclimated to banderole declared ‘fake media.’ I alone never advocated violence, hate, or annihilation that absolutely went adjoin association standards.

I did, however, explain on a approved base that the government is an abandoned entity, one that is built aloft violence. I was not a Trump fan or a Republican, however, I had apparent abhorrence for Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Obama, Bush, and the blow of the presidential goons. Yes, I consistently told political followers that they had absent all appropriateness by apathy to be individuals and instead towing R & D affair lines. Many posts I had accounting additionally alleged for aperture the economy, absolution bodies adjudge on whether or not they appetite to abrasion a mask, and added capacity involving the coronavirus and civil liberties.

Big Tech Censorship Is Not Just Targeting Trump Supporters, but Anyone Who Supports Free Thought and Liberty

Then during the aboriginal anniversary of the year, afterwards the Capitol aperture in Washington DC, I wrote about the event. My beat was a scathing critique of Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google, and Amazon’s accommodation to abridge not alone Donald Trump but hundreds of bourgeois supporters, conservatives, and libertarians. During that aeon of time, I had additionally predicted that my Facebook (FB) profile, in particular, would be axed in due time. I told an old acquaintance from aerial academy that anniversary that I knew that I would be abutting in line, and two weeks after my anticipation came to fruition.

Before my annual was deleted, I managed 15 libertarian-based pages, had abutting to 5,000 acquaintance connections, and chastened six cryptocurrency groups. On Friday morning, the annual was absolutely disabled and was accustomed no admission to my FB contour data.

Purging Today’s Freedom Activists: Why Big Tech’s Censorship Isn't Directed Solely at Trump Supporters

Now, this beat isn’t a complaint, but added of a affidavit of contest in adjustment to advertise the actuality that the accepted Big Tech censorship is not aloof focused on Trump conservatives, but actually anyone with a agnostic assessment adjoin the state. I wasn’t the alone one who was purged, as a cardinal of added agreeing individuals who bidding abhorrence for the accepted oligarchic aphorism were additionally wiped off Facebook on Friday. Sterlin Lujan, a above news.Bitcoin.com contributor, was additionally purged by Facebook and aloof like my experience, we were accustomed no acumen and no adventitious to address the decision.

“I woke up in the morning and as accepted I arrested my Facebook page,” Lujan explained to me. “It was still active. I took a bathroom break, sat aback bottomward at the desk, and my annual was logged off. I approved to log aback in and it said my annual was disabled for actionable association standards. I approved to address the decision, but I accustomed an auto-response adage I could not address my account. This is annihilation new for me. I accept had issues with Facebook censoring my pages and accounts for a brace of years now. Aback in 2024, my Facebook folio Psychologic-Anarchist got purged. It had about 50,000 followers, and I accept managed added pages that got censored as well,” Lujan added.

Purging Today’s Freedom Activists: Why Big Tech’s Censorship Isn't Directed Solely at Trump Supporters

Lujan said that abounding bodies anticipate alone ‘extremists’ are accepting the ban hammer. But in reality, anyone who supports chargeless anticipation and alternative has gotten bent up in their censorial campaigns. The autonomous added fatigued that moderators and decision-makers of these amusing media platforms appetite bodies to be carbon copies of anniversary other, uttering the aforementioned platitudes and blithely discussing simple things like the weather.

“My own claimed augment was abounding with discussions on abandon from government intrusion, the accent of aloofness and cryptography, and the ability of benevolence and adulation for transforming association into one based on autonomous activity rather than coercion,” Lujan emphasized. He added added:

The Ruling Elite Fears What We Might Say

Currently, the agitation in the U.S. is actuality suppressed by censorship and the accomplished assumption of censorship is amiss and immoral. The acquaintance has led me to accede with Lujan’s opinion, that this civic arrangement is abscess into a aberrant dystopian nightmare. One area choir are silenced consistently for speaking advisedly and not adhering to the nation state’s propaganda.

For years now, and aloof a few weeks afore this event, I had accounting extensively about bodies brief to decentralized amusing media. I am still application Twitter, but accept migrated my amusing media attendance to places like noise.cash, Flote, Minds, memo.cash, member.cash, and Peepeth as well. This is the best I can do and we can do, which is aloof re-build and drift to decentralized amusing media that acquiesce chargeless accent and censorship-resistant discussions.

Purging Today’s Freedom Activists: Why Big Tech’s Censorship Isn't Directed Solely at Trump Supporters

The affliction allotment about the accepted censorship in the U.S. is the actuality that the association (even accompany and family) is sitting idly by watching it all after protest. In fact, abounding are acceptable apologists for censorship and giving excuses to those who aftermath the suppression. Just like Lujan and the others who accept been purged, I was not a Trump adherent and I alone batten my apperception about aggregate tyranny. Yet I was deplatformed because I will never angle bottomward to aggregate tyranny, and I accept promised myself to authority my attempt dear.

My capital ambition is to let you the clairvoyant apperceive that this Big Tech censorship is absolutely real and absolutism in the U.S. is thriving. There’s no agnosticism that this accepted censorship calendar will abide and abandon activists should be able to action it with whatever articulation we accept left. As Laurie Halse Anderson already said, “censorship is the adolescent of abhorrence and the ancestor of ignorance.”

What do you anticipate about my acquaintance with Facebook censorship? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons, Twitter, Facebook,