Harvard Professor Says Bitcoin Price Will Go to $100, Flawed Logic

Harvard Professor Says Bitcoin Price Will Go to $100, Flawed Logic

THELOGICALINDIAN - Speculating on the Bitcoin amount is an absorbing yet somewhat abortive exercise Harvard economist Kenneth Rogoff has consistently been bearish on Bitcoin His best contempo anticipation puts the bitcoin amount at 100 in the abutting decade While such a bearish attitude is not new it is abortive an inaccurate prediction

Kenneth Rogoff is Wrong

Although banking experts should apperceive bigger than the blow of us, they are not consistently correct. While one can altercate the amount of bitcoin is demography a huge beating, too abundant bearish apprehension is not a analytic aftereffect either. Right now, it seems as if best of the Bitcoin price abatement is over, although this bazaar is consistently accountable to animation and speculation. That will abide to affect the amount in a rather abrogating address for absolutely some time to come.

According to Kenneth Rogoff, the valueo f bitcoin will abide to decline. In his opinion, the amount per BTC will bead to $100 in the abutting ten years. An absorbing statement, although one that is actual difficult to aback up with solid evidence. After all, there is no indicator things will finer appear to a arch in such affecting fashion. The accepted declivity is already absolutely steep, but it will end eventually rather than later.

A around-the-clock abatement in the bitcoin amount is artlessly not feasible. The appeal for Bitcoin has not slowed bottomward in the slightest. The Bitcoin Dominance Index is still on the acceleration as well. Although that closing metric is not a absolute indicator, it does acquaint a adventure of its own. Right now, Bitcoin is the ever ascendant cryptocurrency in the industry and deepening its position.

The Future of Bitcoin Looks Pretty Good

Once we see the abstruse developments appear to bazaar for Bitcoin, things can alone improve. With able ascent solutions, micropayments, and so forth, the approaching has never looked bigger for Bitcoin. At the aforementioned time, we see an added amount of acceptance in some countries.

There are additionally the Bitcoin futures contracts to accumulate in mind. While they may not accept fabricated abundant of an appulse so far, things are still improving. The all-embracing futures trading aggregate is acrimonious up,  confirming the growing absorption in Bitcoin by institutional investors. It seems Kenneth Rogoff has not taken those factors into annual back authoritative his prediction.

Kenneth Rogoff additionally considers Bitcoin as a money laundering apparatus aboriginal and foremost It is axiomatic there is a lot of misinformation in that statement. Bitcoin is not aqueous abundant to facilitate all-embracing money laundering. Additionally, Bitcoin lacks aloofness and anonymity in every way imaginable.  There is no acumen to use it for crime, as you artlessly cannot adumbrate your tracks. Financial experts such as Kenneth Rogoff should apperceive bigger than advertence half-truths in this regard.