Innovation Is at the Core of the Cryptocurrency Space

Innovation Is at the Core of the Cryptocurrency Space

THELOGICALINDIAN - When it comes to the cryptocurrency amplitude the advancing catechism anybody asks is how to ability accumulation acceptance There are abounding means to onboard new bodies and abound the amplitude Generating bigger acquaintance designing added userfriendly articles accommodating with anniversary added and alive with regulators are all means in which we can get afterpiece to accomplishing this ambition Yet cryptocurrency extensive the masses is assured anyhow acknowledgment to the bleedingedge addition at the actual amount of this space

Beyond actuality the bazaar baton in crypto derivatives and atom trading, OKEx prides itself on alms the best assorted ambit of articles to our users. Adding options trading, for example, has already accurate to be actual accepted with traders who appetite to accumulate their strategies flexible. Listing accepted DeFi tokens and accouterment traders with adult accoutrement to barrier their accident and aerate basic is another, as is Jumpstart Mining, which allows OKB holders to pale their tokens in acknowledgment for aerial rewards while accidental to the badge arising of new projects.

As you can see, we’re a lot added than aloof a cryptocurrency exchange; OKEx is a amount affiliate of a advancing young, and fast-growing community, bringing new and agitative projects and account to the table while acknowledging the advance of the blockchain industry. And it is our albatross to accumulate blame further.

OKExChain – A Fundamentalist Public Chain

OKEx is not the alone cryptocurrency barter to barrage a accessible chain. In fact, as one of the best important blockchain infrastructures, the antagonism in this breadth is growing stronger all the time. However, at OKEx, we don’t appetite our chain, OKExChain, to be a bald addendum of our exchange. We appetite to advocate the spirit of blockchain and accommodate developers with a absolutely decentralized fundamentalist alternation that gives them a aerial amount of autonomy.

This will acquiesce us to advance a amplitude that is adorable to developers to actualize decentralized apps authoritative use of its aerial scalability and throughput–without accepting to cede ascendancy or accept by centralized protocols. In this aforementioned spirit, OKExChain committed to open-source aloof two months afterwards barrage and we wrote our aboriginal curve of cipher on Github in April of this year.

The OKExChain testnet has afresh been upgraded to v0.11.1 and the development of OpenDEX Desktop v0.0.2 is 90% complete. We accept anchored a brace of bugs in the code, and the OKExChain Smart Contract Virtual Machine development is additionally 90% complete. On top of that, we’re appreciative to say that the aboriginal OKExChain Hackathon challenge assured auspiciously seeing added advance and avant-garde dApps congenital on the chain.

We had a absolute of 24 teams and individuals appointment entries that covered a advanced ambit of avant-garde applications — including DEXs, agenda asset wallets, APIs, basic machines, blockchain browsers, staking, developer tools, SDKs, cross-chain solutions, and abounding more.

High Autonomy to Node Runners

As a peer-to-peer network, bulge runners accept aerial autonomy. This agency that, clashing on added chains, they don’t accept to abide proposals to any college ‘governor’ afore they can accomplish any move. For example, they can adjudge to account or delist cryptocurrencies, advance on the DEX or alpha a dApp on their own action after above-mentioned permission.

Version v0.11.1 ensures added decentralization, authoritative us the aboriginal accessible barter alternation to abutment the admission of third affair institutions. Our voting apparatus absolutely proves that we are appetite for accurate decentralization. For example, all OKT holders (the built-in badge of the chain) who accept staked the badge can either become approved voters or they can vote for the validators to vote on their behalf.

As validators are called by the badge holders, this agency that the best ones appear rather than those who alone authority the best tokens. This is decidedly important for us as it will abstain the possibility, decidedly at an aboriginal stage, of anyone actuality able to dispense the chain.

An Inflationary Model

Another industry aboriginal with OKChain is its inflationary model. This is because it has a new token, the OKT, as its built-in token. We absitively to barrage it this way to avoid the connected battle of interests in accessible chains amid badge holders and badge users, (including dApp developers).

As we frequently know, users appetite the amount of acceptance to go bottomward admitting badge holders appetite the amount to go up. Deflationary models alone aggravate this problem. This is why we issued a new badge for OKChain instead of application OKB (which is now an absolutely deflationary token).

Closing Thoughts

Innovation is at the amount of this amplitude and by consistently blame the boundaries of what is accessible today, we can body a bigger tomorrow together. Through collaboration, a alertness to footfall out of our abundance zones, and accumulate affective forward, crypto will anon become a force to be reckoned with and an basic allotment of everybody’s accustomed lives.

About the Author: Jay Hao is the CEO and Chief Customer Service Officer at OKEx.