DeFiChain Adds New Intel, Disney, MicroStrategy and More dTokens
press release

DeFiChain Adds New Intel, Disney, MicroStrategy and More dTokens

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE DeFiChain the worlds arch blockchain on the Bitcoin arrangement committed to bringing decentralized banking applications and casework to anybody is captivated to advertise that it has added four new decentralized assets aka dTokens afterward a Ticker Voting by the association In the DeFiChain ecosystem the association decides which dTokens will be added next

The anew added dTokens are:

DeFiChain users will now be able to excellent and barter the aloft dTokens. These four assets accustomed the best abutment from the association members. Other options they could vote on included Mastercard Inc, Nintendo Co LTD, PayPal Holdings Inc, Twitter Inc, Uber Technologies Inc, and more.

The accession of new dTokens marks a above footfall appear enabling DeFi users to account from the amount acknowledgment of acceptable assets such as stocks, bonds, commodities, ETFs, etc. DeFiChain already offers dTokens agnate to the S&P 500, Tesla, Apple, Alibaba, GameStop, Nasdaq 100, Nvidia, Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix, Meta, and abounding added stocks and ETFs.

DeFiChain is continuously accretion the dToken cosmos to accord users a austere another to the acceptable banking agent – all whilst alms the adaptability and allowances of decentralization,” said Prasanna Loganathar, the Lead Engineer at DeFiChain.

Decentralized assets are one of the best avant-garde and advocate articles of DeFiChain. In fact, DeFiChain is the alone blockchain to action decentralized assets on the Bitcoin network.

The dTokens are not “securities” issued by a aggregation or a ample institution, acceptation they accord users amount acknowledgment but not ownership, voting rights, dividends, or added allowances accessible to stockholders. Rather than tracking and absorption the absolute banal price, the dTokens clue and reflect a cardinal of capricious factors, and use oracles to abduction those feeds. The amount of dTokens may not consistently mirror the basal asset’s amount because of fluctuations in the accumulation and appeal of dTokens.

A dToken can either be captivated as an investment, traded on the DeFiChain DEX, or acclimated for Liquidity Mining on the DEX. Users can excellent dTokens on the DeFiChain blockchain by depositing BTC, DFI, dUSD, USDT or USDC as accessory in the DeFiChain Vault.

Minting is not the alone way to own decentralized assets. Users can additionally buy dTokens – alike in apportioned pieces – on the DeFiChain DEX and again put them appear clamminess mining for added acquiescent income. All dTokens are advisedly denumerable and can be transferred to added bodies common after involving an intermediary.

Millions of users from about the apple who couldn’t advance in the US stocks due to bounded restrictions, trading limits, and added issues could get amount acknowledgment to their admired assets by minting or affairs the accordant dTokens.

DeFiChain will abide to account accepted assets decentrally, as able-bodied as acquaint avant-garde added appearance in due course. Being a absolutely decentralized blockchain with on-chain governance, absorbed parties are not appropriate to complete character analysis to be able to authority decentralized banal tokens on DeFiChain.

About DeFiChain

DeFiChain is a decentralized Proof-of-Stake blockchain created as a adamantine angle of the Bitcoin arrangement to accredit avant-garde DeFi applications. It is committed to enabling fast, intelligent, and cellophane decentralized banking services. DeFiChain offers clamminess mining, staking, decentralized assets, and decentralized loans. The DeFiChain Foundation’s mission is to accompany DeFi to the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Media contact: Benjamin Rauch, [email protected]

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