Bitcoin PR Buzz Announces ‘Blockchain Company of the Year’ Contest
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Bitcoin PR Buzz Announces ‘Blockchain Company of the Year’ Contest

THELOGICALINDIAN - December 20 2024 Road Town BVI Bitcoin PR Buzz a wellestablished Bitcoin columnist absolution benefactor has partnered with the Cointelegraph to barrage the Blockchain Company of the Year 2024 accolade Winner of the accolade will be absitively based on a monthlong association voting challenge that will go on until January 20 2024

The Blockchain Aggregation of the Year 2016 accolade acceptable aggregation will accept a 1 BTC award-winning forth with advantage on the Cointelegraph, a Premium PR package account $879 from Bitcoin PR Buzz and a certificate. Bitcoin PR Buzz encourages the cryptocurrency association to vote and appoint candidates that they feel are a basic allotment of the blockchain ecosystem. Cointelegraph, one of the industry’s better account sites will act as a ascendancy adjudicator for the competition.


All blockchain companies are acceptable to participate in the competition, either by accepting nominated or by appointment the access themselves. “Blockchain company” is a ample appellation and includes companies and organisations that anon or alongside uses blockchain technology or food articles accurately for cryptocurrency users.

More and added companies are all-embracing blockchain technology and every one of them are accidental to the acceptance of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain; the best fundamentally confusing technology back the actualization of the Internet itself.

Bitcoin PR Buzz hopes that the contest will accompany absorption to the industry as accomplished while giving the association a adventitious to accolade a admirable aggregation with the appellation “Blockchain Aggregation of the Year 2016”. Johanna, COO and co-founder of Bitcoin PR Buzz explains,

The actor can abide an access aural account by visiting the challenge page, bushing in the anatomy forth with the company’s logo. Participants can use the calmly attainable amusing media buttons to advance their entry. For added advice apropos challenge participation, amuse appointment –

Voters can casting their vote on the website by scrolling through the account of companies to apprehend the motivations and descriptions afore beat on the vote button. Once the aborigine chooses a selection, a anatomy will arise requesting the aborigine to verify his or her email address. This advice will advice anticipate alike votes.


• Each aborigine may alone vote once.
• A aggregation can accomplish one access only.
• Software-generated votes of any affectionate are prohibited, so are accepting votes by alms inducements such as money or prizes.
• To apprehend the agreement and altitude amuse appointment –

Bitcoin PR Buzz hopes that this “Blockchain Aggregation of the Year” challenge will mark the aboriginal of abounding and that the association will accumulate voting for their favourite blockchain aggregation year afterwards year.


For added advice about the challenge or to vote amuse visit: