Odin: Redefining the Browser
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Odin: Redefining the Browser

THELOGICALINDIAN - The internet technology was invented in the aboriginal 2024s accepted by the accessible in 2024s and acclimated globally from the alpha of the 21st century

The Internet is now abutting every distinct allotment of the world. The aboriginal online advertisement was listed on hotwired.com on Oct 27, 2024. From again on, the internet has been creating a huge bazaar for online announcement and brands promotion. Google, FacebookAmazon, Twitter, all these internet giants accept been benefiting from the online announcement market.

Problems appear with prosperity. Too abounding advertisements accomplish this bazaar cool inefficient. For advertisers, the announcement amount is absolutely high, but added than 50% of the amount is useless. The announcement assets are absorbed by the actual few arrangement media and they can shut the aperture for absolute amount articles easily. For browser users, abortive advice overruns, advertisements are apparent everywhere and irenic accepted. The counterfeit advertisements like Phishing accumulate on arising that the amount of the user can’t be embodied.

Odin stands out at this time. An ecological blockchain based on the advertisement industry will redefine the abutting era of the browser. Users will ascendancy the use appropriate for the Odin based browser and own the appropriate to block or apprehend advertisements. Everyone that surfs the internet will accept agnate badge rewards for account advertisements. Bad advertisements will be buried out, which will accommodate a added careful network. Now you can “mine” Odin tokens by aloof account advertisements as you consistently did before. Make use of your online time, read/block ads and acquire money.

For advertisers, this bazaar will no best be absorbed by a few media giants. Odin will accomplish breakthroughs in the accepted cartel advertisements industry. The announcement publishing is customized, the announcement apportionment action is accessible and transparent, and the advertisers will be able-bodied acquainted of the accurate and reliable breeze of anniversary bulk of the announcement fees, which is accessible to the appraisal for the announcement cost-effectiveness.

The new Odin ecological blockchain is amalgam the announcement publishing acute arrangement with blockchain technology. It uses POC (proof of contributions) and POW (proof of work) as accumulated accord algorithm to actualize the redefined browser, which will assemble a broadcast announcement industry. The amount created by the capacity are remolded and the commitment action of the agreeable amount can be traced. It apparent addition above botheration in the accepted announcement bazaar that the absorb can’t be affirmed and the agreeable amount for the announcement broadcasting can’t be appropriately assessed.

Starting from the alpha of the Odin blockchain, one or added Odin arrangement aliment nodes will be adopted as Bookkeeping Node to calculation the contributions of the Odin browser nodes every added addition accounting cycle, and the Odin equities will be allocated to the Odin browser nodes. The Odin browser nodes will advertisement the alteration addition to the arrangement every added addition accounting cycle. The Odin arrangement aliment nodes will abduction the alteration abstracts advertisement by the Odin browser nodes, calculation the alteration and administer the announcement fees and blocking awards to the browser nodes according to the addition ratio.

The accounting nodes will accord the addition abstracts of all added Odin arrangement aliment nodes and calculation the absolute contributions of all Odin browser nodes in the T-moment as able-bodied as administer the Token equities of the accepted accounting aeon according to the addition arrangement of anniversary browser nodes. At the aforementioned time, the announcement fees are allocated to browser users in accordance with the advertisers’ acute contracts.

The POC & POW algorithm will assignment calm as incentives to aboriginal agreeable creators. Their copyrights will be adequate by blockchain technology so their agreeable ethics are guaranteed. On the added hand, browser users are adored by account and blocking advertisements. Fraudulent advertisements or advertisements with barnyard capacity will be blocked, which keeps the internet apple-pie and positive. These advertisements creators who spent huge money with low allotment will alpha to adapt themselves as well.

The customers’ assurance will be congenital up gradually. Added and added low-value advertisements will abandon and replaced by the high-value advertisements instead. The advertisement placed on the Odin Chain needs to be paid by application the Odin Token. The user will accept the Odin Token accolade for account the advertisement, and the agreeable architect will additionally accept the Odin Token accolade fees for publishing the contents, which reflects the advantage of application the Odin Token. A absolute internet atmosphere will be complete with the action of Odin Tokens. A new browser ecosystem powered by the Odin ecological blockchain and Odin Tokens is again absolutely developed in this stage.

Applying blockchain technology into browsers is appealing artistic and it’s a abundant addition in announcement industry. You won’t aloof cream the internet for yourself, but additionally abundance rewards for the acceptable of the absolute network! A new era of internet acquaintance is coming!

Odin has already endemic huge communities in China, Japan and South Korea, it has accustomed an acutely able operating team, and hundreds of bags of its browser miner accept been awash out. Furthermore, Odin has accomplished a cardinal cooperation based on the VPN business with the Binance star-rate activity QLC, and the two abandon will mutually abutment the functions of anniversary other’s products. Odin has additionally active a cardinal cooperation acceding with the Asian Development Investment Bank amid in Southeast Asia. Monitor the approaching of ODIN. We are durably optimistic about the approaching of Odin!

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