POP TOKEN (POP) Is Now Available for Trading on LBank Exchange
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POP TOKEN (POP) Is Now Available for Trading on LBank Exchange

THELOGICALINDIAN - INTERNET CITY DUBAI Feb 11 2022 LBank Exchange a all-around agenda asset trading belvedere has listed POP TOKEN POP on February 11 2022 For all users of LBank Exchange the POPUSDT trading brace is now clearly accessible for trading

Play-to-Earn amateur accept bent boundless absorption beyond the apple in contempo years. As Polygon chain’s aboriginal Play-to-Earn accidental bold amphitheater of mini bold collection, Popop Apple allows players to accept their admired mini amateur to comedy alone, or attempt with added accidental bold lovers about the world, while absolution them win rewards including deficient and admired Popman NFTs. Its built-in badge POP has been listed on LBank Exchange at 21:00 (UTC 8) on February 11, 2022, to added aggrandize its all-around ability and advice it accomplish its vision.

Popop Apple is a leisure amphitheater with 20 mini games, including assorted bold types of card, strategy, role-play, addle and abounding more. Players may accept one to comedy abandoned or adjoin added leisure bold lovers about the world, so as to win EXP and deficient Popman NFTs through abilities and strategies. With Popop World, anybody can comedy to acquire on anytime and anywhere.

Players of Popop World can win Play-to-Earn rewards in the afterward ways:

Popman is a player’s access canyon to Popop World, and agnate to anniversary accidental game. Popman NFTs are disconnected into bristles levels: B, A, S, SS, and SSS. College akin agency rarer NFT and college bold addition amount bonus. Players can access Popman NFT through missions, invitations, or acquirement NFT dark boxes with POP tokens in the bold mall.

Popop World’s eyes is to analyze an evolutionary way of transforming accepted Play-to-Earn GameFi mode, into a all-around accidental bold agreeable administration association belvedere (SocialFi), area gamers, developers, art creators can participate in freedom and allotment benefits. It combines the advantages of NFT and DAO governance, creating a new bread-and-butter and business archetypal for accidental bold chip dApp, and accretion accidental bold agreeable creating and governance, abacus amount to the accomplished basic apple and blockchain economy.

POP badge is an ERC20 badge on the Polygon chain. Players can comedy amateur to acquire EXP to barter for POP. With POP tokens, they can boutique in the bold mall, buy NFTs, access Popop DAO babyminding rights by staking POP tokens, and participate in bold babyminding and allotment bold revenue.

The absolute accumulation of POP is 1 billion (i.e. 1,000,000,000) tokens. 5% of it is provided for berry round, 10% is provided for clandestine round, and 1% is provided for accessible round. 8% of it is allocated to ally and advisors, 30% is provided for ecosystem and play-to-earn (farming), 20% is provided for staking, 3% is for liquidity, 15% is allocated to the team, and the blow 8% will be acclimated for marketing.

The POP badge has been listed on LBank Exchange at 21:00 (UTC 8) on February 11, 2022, investors who are absorbed in Popop World advance can calmly buy and advertise POP on LBank Exchange appropriate now. The advertisement of POP on LBank Exchange will assuredly advice it added aggrandize its business and draw added absorption in the market.

Learn More about POP Token:

Official Website: https://www.popop.world
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/GIPrAMra4Lc5NWRh
Discord: https://discord.gg/y7UCGWWM3v
Twitter: https://twitter.com/popop_world

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