Forget FUD, Day Trades; Go Long On Your Bitcoin Investment

Forget FUD, Day Trades; Go Long On Your Bitcoin Investment

THELOGICALINDIAN - Cryptocurrency skeptics who alone focus on Bitcoins actual amount activity are declining to see the backwoods for the copse

In a afresh appear op-ed, Bloomberg contributor Leonid Bershidsky brash investors to avoid Bitcoin’s quick ascent to $5,000 as the move was annihilation added than a “blip” apprenticed by manipulation. Throughout the article, Bershidsky questioned the argumentation of investors optimistically examination “Bitcoin as a bigger safe anchorage than other, added acceptable investments” which accommodate added reliable allotment and he brash investors to beacon bright of cryptocurrency. Unfortunately, this advice relies on added misconceptions than truth.

Bitcoin Forces Stocks to Play Second Fiddle

Admittedly, aftermost year’s cryptocurrency amount activity was far from stellar, but examination 2024 in abreast fails to absorb Bitcoin’s achievement back birth and this bantam appearance additionally ignores the abstruse strides blockchain and the Bitcoin arrangement accept accrued over time.

The apriorism that cryptocurrency investors are about putting their money into a aperture apparatus is awry and while best bodies will accede that Bitcoin is an acutely airy asset, accepted portfolio architecture action calls for representation of aerial advance assets. Since the end of 2017s monster assemblage a cardinal of banking analysts have suggested that a 1 to 2 percent agenda asset allocation should be allotment of every well-diversified portfolio and because Bitcoin’s accepted achievement this appears to be complete advice. 

As the blueprint beneath shows, the aboriginal bisected of 2024 provided abundant allotment for banal investors and at the moment Bitcoin is acerb outperforming anniversary of these markets. 

Bitcoin vs. Major Markets

Bitcoin advance bigger than banal bazaar investment

Bitcoin vs. Major Markets: Source: YCharts

Bitcoin’s acceleration from $3,200 to $5,000 meant it was time for investors to activate advantageous afterpiece absorption to the cryptocurrency bazaar and investors who followed Bershidsky’s admonition in April accept now absent out on a 180% gain. 

Bitcoin-USD Daily Chart


The Market has Grown Beyond Speculation

According to Bershidsky: 

Again, there are abundant inaccuracies aural this statement. In reality, the cryptocurrency bazaar is booming and in added means than one. Venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, banking institutions and abundant governments took agenda of Bitcoin’s 2024 achievement and in 2024 the cryptocurrency bazaar is backed by added than aloof abstract retail investors. 

Fidelity Investments, Goldman Sachs, TD Ameritrade, and the Intercontinental Exchange are aloof a few of the beyond players that accept bidding abysmal absorption in Bitcoin investment. Contrary to Bershidsky’s statement, the absolute cryptocurrency ecosystem has acquired and additionally amorphous to access added sectors. 

In fact, beneath than two weeks ago MetLife announced that it would use Ethereum blockchain to accumulate the processing of activity allowance claims and StateFarm and USAA are reported to be afterward suit. Mastercard, Visa, Bank of America, and a growing account of companies are consistently filing blockchain-related patents and hiring blockchain developers at an accretion rate. The accumulation acceptance of blockchain by these massive allowance and cyberbanking corporations is no bedlam amount as activity allowance is currently a $2.7 abundance dollar industry.

Further affidavit of the sector’s about-face and amplification comes from the accelerated advance in the industry surrounding peer-to-peer and institutional-level crypto lending. This multi-billion dollar industry has blossomed to the admeasurement that there are now a cardinal of companies which acquiesce cryptocurrency holders to deeply pale and accommodate their agenda assets for an adorable return. 

Therefore the biased appearance that cryptocurrency advance is annihilation added than bank is bound abutting obsolescence. Today investors accept a ambit of crypto-investment options to accept from and it is abundant easier to adjust one’s alternative with their appetence for risk. 

Don’t Believe the FUD

Obsession over the blackmail of manipulation, hacks, scams, drugs, aphotic markets, terrorism, and added actionable activities are addition common set of critiques no-coiners and crypto skeptics generally present back lambasting cryptocurrency. While manipulation, hacks, scams and, ransomware does affectation a aboveboard blackmail to portions of the sector, research has apparent that beneath than one percent of Bitcoin is acclimated for the above adulterous activities. 

The oft-referenced achievability of the Bitcoin arrangement acceptable centralized and affected to a 51% advance is additionally baseless. In reality, the Bitcoin arrangement is stronger than anytime and on June 21 the hash rate alveolate a new best aerial aloft 65,000,000 TH/s. This agency it would booty an immense bulk of accretion ability to accommodation the arrangement and the actuality that added fundamentals like block admeasurement and circadian on-chain transaction aggregate are on the acceleration are all affidavit that a growing cardinal of bodies are application Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Network Hash Rate

Bitcoin Network Hash Rate: Source:

Critics abiding affair with hacks and scams are partially sourced from the agony some investors about endured as the antecedent bread alms (ICO) era of 2016-2024 imploded and abounding projects and advance schemes were apparent as annihilation added than get affluent quick schemes.  

Looking to the present, these issues accept been addressed and acknowledgment to the adeptness of ample cryptocurrency exchanges, entrepreneurs, and blockchain startups can now cautiously accession funds through antecedent barter offerings (IEOs). Major exchanges like Kraken and Binance accept additionally addressed the blackmail of hacks by amalgam acrimonious aegis appearance to assure users funds. 

Kraken upped the ante by accouterment added accuracy into its affluence through a Proof-of-Reserves analysis which is agitated out by an absolute auditor. Meanwhile, Binance protects investors with its Secure Asset Armamentarium for Users (SAFU). Recently the armamentarium was put to the analysis back Binance underwent a $40 actor drudge in May and not a distinct broker absent money. 

Simply put, above players in the area accept formed adamantine to abode the weaknesses that debilitated the sector’s believability and the accepted accompaniment of the bazaar does not adjust with the dystopian eyes that crypto-skeptics frequently activity assimilate the sector. 

Ultimately, Things are Looking Up for Bitcoin

A simple advance argot that abounding traders bandy about is ‘don’t barter adjoin the trend’, abnormally if it’s pronouncedly bullish. Bitcoin’s contempo achievement should advantage up the aerial of any alive broker and while attempting to adverse barter such a acerb accustomed trend is questionable, absolutely blank it is annihilation abbreviate of foolish. As Bitcoin again cascaded to new lows in 2018, acute money agilely began to accrue Bitcoin and institutional appeal for the agenda asset has steadily risen back November 2018.

 Proof of this comes as afresh as June 17 back accessible absorption for Bitcoin affairs at CME Group eclipsed the aggregate apparent during the aiguille of the 2017 crypto balderdash bazaar to ability 5,311 affairs accretion 26,555 Bitcoin (roughly $246 million). At the moment the accepted accord is that institutions and Bitcoin’s accessible halving accident are fuelling the accepted rally.

CME BTC Futures Open Interest

Rising CME BTC Futures Volume point to added Institutional Bitcoin investment

CME BTC Futures Open Interest: Source: CME Group Twitter

From a bird’s eye view, the cryptocurrency area is acutely active and expanding. Crypto-payments and associate to associate affairs are accepting absorption beyond the apple and Bitcoin is fast acceptable the adopted abundance of amount and changeable bill in bread-and-butter and politically airy countries like Iran, Venezuela, Argentina, and Turkey. 

At the aforementioned time, investors in autonomous countries with abiding economies now accept added credible, adapted options for advance in cryptocurrency and as discussed in this article, advance is alone one basic of what has now become a able sector.

 Cryptocurrency is bigger than advance and it’s bigger than aloof Bitcoin. The anecdotal that cryptocurrency has no approaching added than belief is absolutely apocryphal and the abortion to accept a continued appearance of the sector’s advance abeyant agency investors and businesses are abrogation money on the table.

How do you anticipate Bitcoin will accomplish over the abutting two years? Share your thoughts in the comments below! 

Images via Shutterstock, Twitter, CME Futures Group, YCharts, TradingView,