Budbo – The Blockchain Solution For The Cannabis Industry
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Budbo – The Blockchain Solution For The Cannabis Industry

THELOGICALINDIAN - Budbo the aggregation whose badly accepted app has been dubbed the Tinder of edger is now absorption on leveraging the ability of the blockchain to advice certificate accumulation chains and aid analysis by accouterment all-encompassing cellophane abstracts Their badge auction is now live

The accepted legalized marijuana industry is burst and marginalized, article that has led Budbo to analyze a acute charge for some anatomy of analytical alignment that additionally incorporates a accuracy of operations. Enter the blockchain. Budbo aims to accumulate the processes, accumulation chain, and acumen of the marijuana industry, bringing accuracy to the ecosystem with the advice of the Ethereum Blockchain.

By creating a abstracts courage for the cannabis industry, Budbo will be able to advice stakeholders in the industry, government authorities, researchers, and all added absorbed parties accretion advantageous industry insights.

Budbo Meets Big Data

Stakeholders in the cannabis industry, such as growers, manufacturers, and dispensaries, will all be able to accord their abstracts to the Budbo ecosystem stored on the blockchain. All abstracts apropos the absolute lifecycle of the product, from berry to smoke, will be recorded in an abiding ledger.

Among Budbo’s advocate ambit of articles is Budbo Trax, a able acumen apparatus which allows for real-time GPS-enabled tracking of marijuana articles – from agriculturalist to end-user, accurate with absolute bill of lading, affidavit of auto and affidavit of delivery, all facilitating the able ecology of the marijuana industry’s accumulation chain.

Benefits of a Blockchain Based System

With admission to a database of acute advice about the cannabis industry, businesses can aerate their sales while government authorities can beam and appraise the operations of the industry conveniently. Researchers and scientists will accept a aboveboard antecedent of all-encompassing abstracts to draw aloft for approaching analysis on marijuana.

With the advice of blockchain technology, Budbo will booty accomplish to ensure that businesses which are on lath will accede with all bounded and accompaniment laws.

Budbo’s eyes is one of a free association of activists, patients, physicians, developers, artists, and enthusiasts all alive appear the accepted ambition of convalescent the cannabis industry through accidental votes, time, engineering and ability to the decentralized applications and arrangement of Budbo.

The Budbo Token Crowdsale and BUBO Tokens

Following Budbo’s acknowledged pre-sale, during which 20 actor BUBO tokens were sold, Budbo has now amorphous their badge sale. The auction is currently in its Bank 1 stage, with anniversary bank active until a set bulk of tokens are sold. There are 5 tiers, with badge prices alignment from $0.25 in Bank 1, bound to 15 actor tokens, all the way to Bank 5 area tokens are admired at $0.35. What this agency is that the eventually you advance the cheaper you can buy tokens. You can assurance up to buy tokens here: https://portal.budbo.io/.

Budbo Crowdsale Token Distribution

Budbo was originally founded by Luke and Jacob Patterson, Budbo set out to bigger brainwash barter about the cannabis industry.  With actual little marketing, they were able to abound their arrangement to three thousand dispensaries and over 75,000 users.

As blockchain connected to accommodate the way businesses operate, Budbo pivoted to accompany it into their business model, amalgamation with Rick Burnett’s LaneAxis. LaneAxis, a basic bales administration network, allows shippers and carriers to added finer and calmly transact all the intricate business capacity in affective freight.

Budbo positioned itself to become an action band-aid for the cannabis industry, enabling accumulated from supply-chain administration to acquiescence and regulation. In deploying BUBO tokens that serve as API keys to accumulated admired data, Budbo can now accommodate actionable insights to growers, dispensaries, and consumers.

With their pre-sale complete, Budbo is bound accepting momentum, already causing a absolute activity in the legalized marijuana industry.

Do you use Budbo’s app? Have you invested in their Token Crowdsale? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of Budbo, AdobeStock