Democratizing the New Data Economy: How Big Tech Is Taking Our Data and How We’re Going to Take It Back
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Democratizing the New Data Economy: How Big Tech Is Taking Our Data and How We’re Going to Take It Back

THELOGICALINDIAN - Exploring the Current State of Data and Its Future With Perspectives From Finis Conner

by Jeremy Hillpot

A few abbreviate years ago, the Economist fabricated a rather adventurous account – that the world’s best admired ability is data, not oil. At the time, few accomplished how accurate this account was, but Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, and Oracle accept acutely accepted about the amazing amount of abstracts for decades.

In the aftermost 20 years, these companies accept been alive in the caliginosity to collect, harness, and ascendancy the near-limitless ability of data. Today, they boss the all-around agenda announcement market, which is accepted to ability $179.77 billion in amount by the end of 2021. But it’s not aloof about announcement – about every distinct industry in the apple depends on the advice technology systems these companies provide.

Gone are the canicule back sheiks and oil barons wielded the greatest access and bread-and-butter might. Now, a shortlist of tech entrepreneurs and “data barons” – like Jeff Bezos, Sergey Brin, Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk – accept become the best able and affecting bodies in the world.

But will their administration aftermost forever?

Finis Conner is no drifter to the apple of data. He’s apparent deejay drives abound from the antecedent 5-megabyte adamantine drive he brought to bazaar in 1980 to the 20-terabyte drives that businesses crave today. From Conner’s 10,000-foot appearance of the abstracts landscape, a sea change is on the border of abolition the absolute abstracts economy. But this time, the trend doesn’t centermost about the “data barons.” Instead, it has aggregate to do with the ascent ability of accustomed bodies to balance and monetize the amount of the abstracts that’s appropriately theirs.

It’s no accompaniment that the best admired companies in the world – except for Saudi Arabian Oil Company (#3) – are the technology firms that own the best data. It’s no accompaniment that Apple (#1), Microsoft (#2), Alphabet/Google (#4), Amazon (#5), Tesla (#6), and Facebook (#7) are aggressively acquiring, analyzing, leveraging, and affairs the abstracts they aggregate from billions of all-around users.

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Like oil barons gluttonous to abound their petroleum reserves, these companies are always advancing strategies to access their reservoirs of data. Last year, the absolute bulk of all-around abstracts accomplished 64 zettabytes (64 abundance gigabytes), and Seagate projects that all-around abstracts will reach 175 zettabytes (175 abundance gigabytes) by 2025.

Most of this abstracts is stored in ample abstracts centers – like the “Hive” ability area Facebook adds 4 petabytes (4,000 terabytes) of user abstracts per day, and Google’s millions of servers that advance an estimated 10 to 15 exabytes (10 to 15 actor terabytes) of data. Even Tesla collects massive amounts of data to alternation adult AI systems for its self-driving cars and arguably sources best of its success from abstracts analysis.

 Image Source: Pixabay

As the co-founder of the world’s arch adamantine drive architect – Seagate – Finis Conner has played a key allotment in allotment the advantages that data-driven companies now enjoy. Conner credibility out, “Even companies that don’t accept a acceptability for abstracts are application it to acceleration aloft the competition. Tesla is an archetype of the complete charge to abduction abstracts from abounding credibility to attempt in today’s marketplace. They’re now a trillion-dollar aggregation due to the acquisition and burning of abstracts from Tesla drivers. This abstracts feeds the AI systems that are allowance to consistently absolute their product.”

Of course, best companies don’t accept the assets to abundance and defended assorted petabytes of data. This has triggered massive advance in the billow abstracts accumulator market, which is estimated to reach $222.25 billion in admeasurement by 2027.

According to Conner, “From my angle as a adamantine drive guy, I’ve apparent the charge for accumulator accommodation advance due to the massive access in abstracts created by individuals and companies. We’ve gone from the aboriginal 5-megabyte deejay drive that Apple adopted, to markets that now crave 20-terabyte drives. Drive makers don’t access accumulator accommodation because they can. They’re accomplishing it because of the charge to store

growing amounts of data. The actuality that they’re bulging a $222 billion billow abstracts accumulator bazaar is the calibration of the consequence and the amount of data.”

The best way to accept the amount of abstracts is to attending at the billions of dollars in anniversary acquirement that the best able technology companies are earning from it. Alphabet (Google’s ancestor company) acclimated its Search, Gmail, Maps, Youtube, and added platforms – forth with the chargeless abstracts from its users – to accomplish acquirement of $65 billion in Q3 2021. About $53 billion of that acquirement came from Google’s agenda announcement sales, which skyrocketed by 43% during the pandemic.

Meanwhile, Facebook acclimated its amusing media platforms – and the chargeless abstracts from its users – to accomplish acquirement of $29 billion in Q3 2021. That agency the amusing media behemothic is accession about $40 in anniversary acquirement from anniversary of its 2.91 billion account alive users. Approximately 97% of that acquirement comes from agenda announcement alone.

Facebook has leveraged its users and their abstracts to bend about 16% of the $180 billion agenda announcement market. Alphabet (Google) has done the aforementioned to ascendancy about 29% of that market.

To accept what’s absolutely activity on, Conner suggests, “We should attending at the bulk of abstracts actuality created, and the acquirement actuality generated from it. I don’t anticipate bodies accept advised what their abstracts is account and what they are accidental to this massive market. Just in agreement of agenda advertising, $180 billion is actuality fabricated from agriculture added people’s abstracts assets, but none of that acquirement is actuality aggregate with the bodies and businesses that are absolutely creating it.”

Considering the amazing abundance and ability that these firms are accepting through our data, you ability anticipate it costs them a lot to access it. But in fact, they’re accepting all of this abstracts for FREE!

Technology companies access abstracts by accouterment chargeless and bargain agenda platforms for individuals and businesses. As we use and actualize agreeable on these platforms, these firms abduction abstracts accompanying to aggregate we do. They apprentice about our likes, dislikes, conversations, desires, calendared plans, business objectives, customers, identities, bounded locations, amusing relationships, political perspectives, and so abundant more.

Even back the belvedere users are acquainted of what’s happening, they rarely accept the amount of the abstracts actuality extracted. Moreover, back best users accept no way to monetize their abstracts anyway, they aloof let the belvedere accept it in barter for a chargeless service.

In an abrupt video, tech abstracted Jaron Lanier offers a affecting wake-up alarm on how amusing media and added platforms accomplish us abased on their chargeless casework to abduction added data. Lanier additionally shows how users are actuality short-changed.

Gradually, the accessible is alive up to what’s happening. A contempo poll from Pew Research Center showed that “some 81% of the accessible say that the abeyant risks they face because of abstracts accumulating by companies outweigh the benefits.” Pew additionally begin that “a majority of Americans (79%) address actuality anxious about the way their abstracts is actuality acclimated by companies […] and feel they accept little or no ascendancy over how these entities use their claimed information.”

According to Conner, “People are allurement what happens to their data. Where is it stored? Who allowances from it? And they’re acumen how admired their abstracts is. Soon, they’re activity to appetite accoutrement and platforms that advice them booty ascendancy and accumulation from it. Why can’t the creators of abstracts account from the auction of it? I see a big befalling in that.”

Image Source: Pixabay

A cardinal of technology startups are already architecture platforms that will advice bodies and businesses defended and monetize their data. CIRUS Foundation, a activity that Conner is currently advising through Conner Group, is a abundant archetype of a band-aid like this. Their ambition is to acknowledgment the ascendancy and monetization of abstracts to the user.

CIRUS co-founder Daniel Bland had the afterward to say about the project: “Today, alone the better technology companies in the apple accept the accoutrement and accommodation to alleviate the inherent amount of their data, but this is alteration fast. CIRUS is leveraging anew accessible tools, such as blockchain technology, NFTs, and Web 3.0-based platforms, to advice individuals and businesses authorize accurate buying of their abstracts and alpha earning money from it.”

According to Conner, “CIRUS Foundation is democratizing the new abstracts abridgement by affective against decentralized networks that acquiesce users to absolutely ascendancy their abstracts and accomplish assets from it.”

We’ll leave you with this final ascertainment from Conner apropos the approaching of data:

“I don’t anticipate bodies accept anticipation about the amount of what they are accidental to this massive market. As added bodies deathwatch up to the amount of their data, confusing solutions will be evolving to abode this opportunity. In fact, technology is already accessible to accommodate an actual aisle for anybody to balance buying and monetize their data. It’s time to alpha application it.”



Fascinated by arising technologies, Jeremy Hillpot’s accomplishments in customer litigation and technology offers a different angle on the latest developments in blockchain tech, data, app development, and the law. Contact Jeremy at or follow him on Quora.