Georgia, The Tech-Hub of Tomorrow
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Georgia, The Tech-Hub of Tomorrow

THELOGICALINDIAN - The presale for Keplerteks awful advancing antecedent bread alms ICO started on Monday May 29 and out of the four actor KEP tokens accessible during this date about 15 actor tokens accept already been sold

KEP Tokens are admired at $1.25 anniversary and there is a minimum addition of about 0.2 ETH, depending on accepted bazaar altitude and about-face rates. For now, there is no best advance amount, aperture up the achievability of demography a able position in the best agitative activity around.

The actual 2,500,000 tokens can be bought until June 19, abrogation investors from all countries about two added weeks to participate in this advocate event. However, it has to be acclaimed that tokens are accepted to advertise out absolutely a bit eventually than that – so don’t absence your adventitious and booty advantage of the 30 percent bonus!

Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and the Blockchain are humanity’s best avant-garde contempo discoveries and will, after a doubt, appearance our approaching in means we cannot yet imagine.

Kepler Universe, the centerpiece of Kepler Technologies’ antecedent bread offering, is a belvedere that will acquiesce advancing geniuses from all about the apple to affix and coact — ambience the date for hundreds of able start-ups to absolutely accomplish their bottomless potential.

Connecting investors, inventors, innovators, distributors, and barter will accomplish it accessible for anybody to absolutely assignment on their alarming projects, instead of accepting to go through the aching bullwork of fundraising and award competent business ally with acquaintance — as able-bodied as accepting advice with all the acknowledged assignment and patents.

Keplertek is based in Georgia because it is one of the best start-up and tech-friendly countries in the apple — as can be apparent by the astronomic bulk of miners and mining companies set up in the country. Its bounded adjacency to both Europe and Asia is one of the best important and absolute factors in agreement of all-embracing trade, which is added adequate by a actual all-around tax policy.

The aggregation of over 50 advisers in Keplertek’s Tbilisi appointment is alive ceaseless to ensure the bland development and barrage of KEP and Kepler Universe, while the big affairs for the 550,000 aboveboard anxiety of acreage offered by the Georgian government are affective advanced in a bent manner.

Kepler City, an R&D laboratory, a mega-factory, and alike Kepler’s own educational campus will all be congenital on this admirable acreage while actuality able to accumulation from high-profile partnerships with Tech Park Georgia and GITA, Georgias Innovation and Technology Agency.

With a absolute tax amount of 16.4 percent (percentage of profits), tax levies are analogously low and Tbilisi is not alone actual admirable but additionally one of the safest cities in the apple (according to abomination statistics).

The 30 percent account on all purchases during Keplertek’s Pre-Sale makes this the absolute befalling to participate and assuredly accompany the ranks of Keplertek — and if you allotment this able activity with your accompany you are additionally able to account from an added 5 percent associate bonus.

Join the Telegram group (over 86,000 strong) and adore absorbing discussions about the activity and crypto as a whole. Take your approaching into your own easily and amusement yourself to some KEP now, allowance the development of world-changing technology on the ancillary – you won’t affliction it!

For added advice appointment

What do you anticipate about Keplertek and its affiance to accommodate our life? Be abiding to let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of Keplertek