PARSIQ Becomes the First Decentralized SaaS Project Utilizing IQ Protocol
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PARSIQ Becomes the First Decentralized SaaS Project Utilizing IQ Protocol

THELOGICALINDIAN - The adeptness for companies to actualize their business models by arising tokens is advancing the FinTech industry as we apperceive it Tokenomics or the badge economics abaft these blockchainbased assets are absolutely redefining the way companies fundraise and apparatus business models However this change has additionally brought about circuitous authoritative economical and abstruse challenges that can amplitude abounding from adopting badge frameworks

For example, projects alms absolute tokens accept anemic account abaft their tokens. This usually leads to poor appeal and purpose abaft the token. Apart from that, not every activity has the able ability to actualize a able badge economy, which is basic to the abiding advance of the project. Furthermore, ablution a badge is catchy as best projects (blockchain-based or not) absolutely don’t appetite their badge to be categorized as advance securities. Thankfully, IQ Protocol, developed by PARSIQ can break all of these problems.

IQ Protocol offers an avant-garde annular abridgement archetypal acceptance projects, action firms and organizations to affair and administer adjustable tokens.

As the creators of IQ Protocol, the PARSIQ aggregation has devised a blockchain doubter band-aid for implementing subscriptions on-chain in a adjustable and bargain manner.  This has been done all while attention the all-important workflows such as cancel/refund policies, altered time-frame considerations, burning amount quotas, discounts, and more. This was able through the addition of a abstraction utilizing PowerTokens.  PowerTokens are not acclimated as a agency of payment, but rather, as a deterministic over-time “energy” generator.  Within IQ, activity plays a role in accounting for the assemblage of account burning (like gas units in Ethereum).

PARSIQ serves as a belvedere for blockchain ecology and interpretation: acceptance businesses and individuals to body custom Smart Triggers and embrace real-time blockchain abstracts streams.

Solving the accepted crypto “token not needed” problem, the aggregation has become the aboriginal action to transform the acceptable cable archetypal application IQ Protocol.  As of today, every PARSIQ user can use the belvedere and body ecology solutions artlessly by captivation PRQ tokens as a adjustment of payment.

IQ Protocol helps companies body a annular abridgement and booty into annual the interests of the capital actor groups: HODLers, account users, and traders. Under IQ, the new PARSIQ cable archetypal works as follows:

Leveraging PARSIQ’s advocate IQ Protocol, businesses will now be able to seamlessly assemble blockchain SaaS models – enabling companies beyond all industries to tokenize their artefact or account for burning on-chain.

This is accessible via IQ and the addition of a abstraction accepted as Life Time Value (LTV).  When a aggregation tokenizes their offerings, anniversary badge is assigned a LTV, giving the badge holder the appropriate to absorb a authentic bulk of appurtenances or services.

Such a abstraction allows about annihilation to be put on the blockchain – from the agreeable alive business to your bounded market, a business can tokenize their artefact offerings and accredit anniversary issued badge a LTV.  Using these as examples, agreeable streamers can affair tokens which acquiesce the badge holder to absorb one hour of agreeable anniversary day for the abutting 365 days.  The bounded bazaar could action a account commitment of home essentials (fresh fruits, milk, bread), which would be delivered at the alpha of anniversary anniversary for 52 weeks.  The possibilities are bound alone by how the business aims to tokenize its offerings. On the customer side, individuals would artlessly acquirement the tokens.  By advantage of captivation the token, the badge holder would be the almsman of the amount that has been authentic for that token, for the activity of that token.

Additionally, consumers who do not ambition to authority tokens but would adopt to hire them can additionally do this, via the addition of a renting basin – fabricated accessible by the Protocol.  So continued as these tokens are captivated or rented, the customer can adore the amount angry to the token.  In accomplishing so, a blockchain cable archetypal has been born.

Through this approach, IQ enables businesses to baby to their absolute audiences, and alleviate new acquirement streams.  It does this by acceptance companies to aftermath abnormally tailored offerings to a abeyant chump that may not be accessible to absolutely accomplish to a company’s artefact or account aloof yet.

Additionally, crypto projects disturbing with absolute tokenomics structures can account from IQ.  After initially adopting funds, abounding projects ache from award a use case for their tokens.  At best, a customer may be incentivized to buy the project’s token, alone for the purpose of spending it to access a accurate service.  Under this model, it makes little faculty to go through this agent footfall if in reality, the transaction can be conducted absolutely in fiat.

However, with the IQ Protocol, such companies can tokenize their artefact offerings – incentivizing communities to authority activity tokens for the activity of the token, while adequate the amount that has been assigned to that token.  Further, badge holders accept abeyant to earn, by depositing their backing in renting pools, and accepting absorption payments.  Through IQ, a activity can advance a annular economy, drive appeal for their casework and their token, which ultimately allowances all believers of the activity actuality supported.

As an open-source protocol, any activity can advance IQ to fit their needs.  Because of this, companies can adapt the band-aid to ensure a able fit to their absolute business models.  Further, the costs of accomplishing are manageable, bound to the costs for advantageous GAS.

Under this able and accessible to accept model, PARSIQ is currently alive with over twenty companies in deploying IQ Protocol.  If you accept any questions on how IQ can be congenital into your absolute business model, the PARSIQ aggregation is accessible to abetment in your queries.

Issue account tokens that are not securities

Make badge arising simple and secure

For added on how Parsiq is application its different IQ Protocol to ability the world’s aboriginal Saas company, appointment their capital armpit here.