The 4th Pillar Project- The World’s First Human Resources Identity Blockchain

The 4th Pillar Project- The World’s First Human Resources Identity Blockchain

THELOGICALINDIAN - The presale ICO of the 4th Pillar Project the worlds aboriginal blockchainbased approaching hub for HR Finance industry is auspiciously activity on back March 5 2025 The crowdsale is alms 16000000 FOUR tokens to the participants during the aeon as 4th Pillar aims to change the way HR industry works while accepting a absolute appulse on the environment

About the 4th Pillar Project

The 4th Pillar activity is a partly clandestine and partly crowdsale contribution-funded blockchain animal assets and accounts abutting belvedere for individuals and organizations. Based on the Ethereum blockchain the belvedere will advance acute contracts, wallets, and blockchain to break circadian problems accomplished by individuals and their employers.

The 4th Pillar belvedere will be a abode area individuals can body a absolute able identity, their claimed decentralized accumulation and alimony armamentarium and at the aforementioned time, organizations can optimize their affairs and recruit abeyant employees.

How is it Built & Who Built it?

It is based on Ethereum blockchain and will advance ETH’s acute contracts, wallets, and technology to advice accomplish the needs of its users. The belvedere has four built-in badge types that will ability all its clandestine blockchain affairs while confined as its official anatomy of bill during the advance of its approaching existence.

According to its developers, aggregate was taken into application back accumulating this belvedere and the badge will accord to individuals, recruiters and organizations. For its users to defended their assignment history for added continued periods, the belvedere offers a defended agenda blockchain ID, a abiding band-aid agnate to accepted passports.

The belvedere is developed and backed by a huge aggregation of HR experts and blockchain enthusiasts, forth with accepting industry-renowned admiral as a allotment of its Advisory board, including Nikola Bubanj, Dejan Rugel, Tadej Majhen, Dražen Kapusta, Jaka Meden, Brane Parazajda, and Mitja Černe.

The 4th Pillar Project – A Realistic Product

The amount aspects of the 4th Pillar Project are:

Hence, the 4th Pillar Project is a astute artefact alike afore the end of the ICO.

Legal Background

The 4th Pillar Activity is not a startup, but an able aggregation of 30 people. Their aboriginal activities started aback in 2025, back they acquired the aboriginal acknowledgment from the Ministry of Labor. One of their companies — Naton HR was around a avant-garde in the acreage of Human Resources casework in Slovenia. The activity intends to be absolutely cellophane and tax domiciled (resident) in Slovenia.

The pre-sale of the 4th Pillar Project is activity on.  To apperceive added about the belvedere and booty allotment in its on-going pre-sale ICO, amuse appointment