7 Reasons Why Grapevine ICO is a Promising Investment

7 Reasons Why Grapevine ICO is a Promising Investment

THELOGICALINDIAN - Grapevine Apple has been accepted to the accomplished standards in the crypto apple back its ICO preround in aboriginal February this year But understandably some ability still be debating whether its the affectionate of ICO they absolutely charge Grapevine is absorption on creating a apple area healthcare affection is acute bloom abstracts administration is agitated out with affluence and the bloom of populations common is bigger Not a baby assignment by any agency but they assume to accept a lot of abeyant to accomplish and actuality are the 7 affidavit why

Grapevine solves a real-world problem  

One of the above problems in the healthcare industry today is the abridgement of interoperability. In added words, abridgement of adeptness of altered technology systems and software applications to acquaint and barter bloom data. Why is this important? Because abridgement of interoperability agency that if you move to addition country, or alike to addition healthcare provider in the aforementioned city, you or the healthcare providers alleviative you, may not accept admission to your medical history and data, and this could potentially adjournment treatment, aftereffect in misdiagnosis, or alike account death.  On a beyond scale, abridgement of interoperability additionally poses a above aggravation for industry analysis giants, as abridgement of abstracts agency apoplectic advance in analysis and innovation. This is area Grapevine World comes in. Grapevine proposes a decentralized borderless ecosystem for the seamless and connected barter of healthcare data.

Participants are paid for application Grapevine  

Individuals administration their anonymized medical abstracts with analysis institutions and universities will be adored crypto-tokens (GVINE tokens), that can added be acclimated in barter for products, apps, accessories and medical admonition aural the Grapevine ecosystem.

There is a alive ancestor and alive pilots

Grapevine Apple already has a working (MVP) app, piloted by apple arch healthcare & tech giants.. The aim of the pilot is to authenticate the amount of accumulation market-proven interoperability standards in bloom abstracts barter (IHE) and blockchain technology (Hyperledger Fabric) for tracking and assessing bloom abstracts provenance. You can try out the app for yourself by downloading it from Google Play, and after this summer from the App Store, to see how you can access, ascendancy and use your abstracts to allotment with doctors or specialists for advancing treatment.

Strong aggregation with 120 years of accumulative experience

Grapevine has an all-star team with added than 120 years of accumulative acquaintance in the healthcare IT and blockchain sectors. Martin Tiani as a Founder and Project Sponsor, Sasha Borovik as the Blockchain and Crypto-economic Advisor, and Yagub Rahimov on the ICO advisory, the aggregation has got a able abeyant to bear a solid solution, accumulation bloom abstracts standards (IHE) and blockchain in a distinct platform.

Backed by big organizations

Grapevine is backed by globally acclaimed organizations, such as Telekom Deutschland and Tiani Spirit. For those of you who ability not be aware, Tiani Spirit is an alignment which has over 350 years of acquaintance in healthcare and is an accustomed provider of an advice barter and interoperability software that is currently acclimated worldwide.

Approved by the EU

From an investor’s point of view, it’s actual abating to agenda that the Grapevine technology has been clearly recommended by the European Union and the ICO has been accustomed by the Austrian Financial Market Authority.  Having the approval from these two entities is promising, to say the least.

Confirmed barter listings

Lastly, Grapevine has assorted accepted barter listings including COBINHOOD, appropriate afterwards the ICO ends, authoritative GVINE tokens accessible for barter adjoin their cryptos.  They will be announcement addition barter advertisement after this summer.

There you accept it, 7 affidavit why the Grapevine ICO would be a solid investment. Unlike best ICOs today, Grapevine is aggravating to accomplish a aberration in healthcare beyond the apple and that stands aloft all added benefits.

To apprentice added about the activity arch over to their official website and abutment the movement. The ICO runs from the 6th of July, 2018 until 15th of August, 2018.