Agoras: Cryptocurrency Designed to Evolve Alongside Humanity

Agoras: Cryptocurrency Designed to Evolve Alongside Humanity

THELOGICALINDIAN - Agoras is the cryptocurrency of Taus decentralized blockchain amusing arrangement If you havent heard about Tau yet it is the firstever belvedere that will be able to booty the thoughts admonition and ability of its users and amend its own software in realtime by accepting its users address in languages that both machines and bodies can apprehend and accept This allows Taus logicbased AI agent to accept what bodies say on the belvedere affix all users account and thoughts and accomplish the updates users absolutely appetite giving all users ascendancy over what the software does and how it evolves at any scale

On Tau, your contour is alleged a Worldview. It holds all your ideas, thoughts and knowledge. You specify your cerebration in argumentation based languages so that bodies and Tau can understand, which attending actual abundant like accustomed languages you address in every day. The accord of everyone’s Worldviews is detected by Tau which gets angry into blueprint for how Tau should work. Tau again updates its own cipher based on the specifications, bringing you the adeptness to actualize a new agenda cosmos that you all control. The addition of user-control will additionally be reflected in the Agoras cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency run by its users

The Agoras cryptocurrency will represent the amount of aggregate you may appetite to advertise or buy over the Tau network, from all-around ability to computer resources. By accommodating in discussions over Tau and afterlight your Worldview as a byproduct, you will be able to collaboratively and continuously access every aspect of Agoras tokenomics, authoritative it the aboriginal cryptocurrency absolutely run and amendable by its users.

Versatile account of Agoras

The ability of Agoras lies in the ever-growing assets of the Tau economy. As you participate in discussions over Tau, you abound the ability in your Worldview and can accept to accomplish aspects of it attainable in Tau’s network. All of your ability will be accessible for you to monetize by affairs and renting to added users, or alike trading it for added assets in Tau’s economy.

Knowledge monetization on Tau will be abundant easier than the accepted accepted way of monetizing ability area you accept to manually absorb time giving busy consultations, or answering specific questions. Since Tau will ascertain that alike a allotment of your ability can be allotment of the band-aid to someone’s problem, it will acquiesce you to intelligently amalgamate the ability of assorted users to actualize solutions to cogent and circuitous problems. This will agreement that the acquired ability matches the buyer’s blueprint 100%. You ability not alike be acquainted that you accept a allotment of ability addition is seeking, but you ability still account from it because Tau will accept what ability is bare and can acquaint the solutions to others who charge it.

Selling ability will not be the alone agency to acquire Agoras. You will additionally be able to accomplish the assets in your smartphone, laptop, and book such as a CPU, adamantine drive, GPU, and anamnesis accessible to barter and hire for Agoras and added assets in Tau’s economy. While affairs a atom of your CPU in acceptable markets ability be acutely challenging, in Tau’s economy, fractions of your computer assets can be monetized and accumulated with the assets of billions of people’s computer resources, calmly before the ability of all the servers of the better tech companies.

On top of adeptness and computer resources, Agoras will be acclimated in Tau’s derivatives bazaar that will affection banking instruments such as futures and options, and a different adeptness to accept certain absorption after aggrandizement in the Agoras badge supply.

Automatically tailored deals

Because you can specify your personality to the arrangement in a way that the arrangement can understand, it abundantly improves deal-making. Tau will be able to automatically represent you and accomplish according to your Worldview, demography into annual your philosophies, ethics, and desires. This agency it can automatically actuate the best accessible deals for you and accommodate you a aggressive bend in the market. This feature, alleged Autonomous Representation, will accredit you to automatically and intelligently arrangement with your Agoras, computer resources, and banking assets.

For example, on Tau, you will be able to get a accord or aftereffect you admiration after addition out how to get it. All you accept to do is acquaint Tau your adapted aftereffect and it will instantly actualize a deal-to-deal alleyway that will ultimately barter the appurtenances you have, for the appurtenances you want. Tau’s platform’s advocate Logic AI agent can automatically and apart handle every transaction involved.

Tokenomics: Your needs taken into account

Transaction fees, accord mechanisms, accumulation minting or burning, token-based voting mechanisms, and artistic incentives for all users – aggregate in Tau’s abridgement can be invented, proposed, and reorganized by artlessly talking about what you would like it to be.

Your thoughts on how the world’s abridgement should action is in connected change, and as such, Agoras will ensure that its economics annual for your Worldview, evolving with your wants and needs.

Learn added about Agoras and Tau


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