Announcing the Airdrop and Release of Bitcoin Confidential

Announcing the Airdrop and Release of Bitcoin Confidential

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin Confidential is a new untraceable agenda banknote brought to you by the aggregation at SmartCash

First appear added than six months ago, Bitcoin Confidential addresses the charge for a absolutely changeable cryptocurrency acute all affairs to be cloistral and private. Unlike Dash or ZCash, Bitcoin Confidential will be absolutely changeable and provides complete transaction anonymity while ensuring a absolutely changeable blockchain area all bill will be account the same. Bitcoin Confidential is based on the latest Bitcoin codebase for best compatibility, uses a Proof of Stake accord algorithm, and utilizes Monero’s RingCT access for absolutely anonymized transactions. For a abounding account of appearance and answers to frequently asked questions apropos the project, amuse appointment the Bitcoin Confidential website.

Bitcoin Confidential Airdrop for SmartCash (SMART)

The SmartCash blockchain snapshot for Bitcoin Confidential is appointed for December 15th, 2024 at 07:00 UTC. A minimum abode antithesis of 1 SMART on a wallet area you ascendancy your clandestine key is appropriate to be acceptable for the airdrop. The airdrop arrangement is 1 SMART = 10 Bitcoin Confidential.

The absolute accumulation is estimated to be 8 Billion, and the snapshot and wallet absolution will actuate final specifications. All SmartCash treasury addresses are afar from this airdrop; there are currently 750 Million acceptable SmartCash which will accommodate an airdrop of 7.5 Billion Bitcoin Confidential. This will be the alone airdrop to actuate the antecedent accumulation and alpha block unspent transaction set.

Make abiding you accept your SmartCash bill on wallets area you ascendancy clandestine keys to participate.  We appetite all users to verify they accept admission to their SmartCash clandestine keys afore the snapshot deadline.

Supported wallets accommodate the SmartCash Web Wallet, iOS, Android, Node Wallet, Electrum Wallet, Paper Wallet, Atomic Wallet, Pungo, and Coinomi, which are accessible on the SmartCash Wallets page. Be abiding to move your bill to a wallet, as tipbots and exchanges do not acquiesce you to consign your clandestine keys.

24/7 abutment is accessible at the Bitcoin Confidential Discord Server.

Where to get SmartCash

SmartCash is mineable and accessible on abounding cryptocurrency exchanges, including Changelly, Exmo, Cryptopia, and HitBTC. A account of SmartCash exchanges is accessible here.

Claiming Your Bitcoin Confidential

A step-by-step user adviser will be appear amid December 22nd and December 31st (after the affection affirmation and testing process), back the wallet is released.

Security Reminder: This action will crave you to handle your clandestine keys. NEVER allotment your clandestine key or catchword byword with anyone else, and accumulate it safe and secure. We will never ask you for your clandestine key, so do not allotment it beneath any circumstances. You will alone charge to use this to assurance a transaction anon on the new Bitcoin Confidential wallet. Consider affective your aboriginal SmartCash bill to new addresses afterwards the snapshot is completed, in adjustment to chase best practices for aegis back administration any clandestine keys.

Bitcoin Confidential Links


SmartCash is a accessible to use, fast and defended cryptocurrency that supports accustomed use such as business payments and circadian transactions. SmartCash is meant to be a bill and our eyes is to alter centralized authorization currencies. SmartCash is a bread with its own blockchain that uses the Bitcoin abject code. Learn added at