Bitget CEO Sandra announces the upgraded BGB Token: Bridging the Gaps in a Divided World

Bitget CEO Sandra announces the upgraded BGB Token: Bridging the Gaps in a Divided World

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitget is currently in the rediscovery appearance as the belvedere continues to advance based on the communitys requirements We bent up with Ms Sandra Lou the CEO of Bitget and asked her a few questions about the acumen abaft the advancement for BGB and what users can apprehend from such developments

Q: Hi, acknowledgment for abutting us today. Let us alpha from the beginning. Can you amuse acquaint our readers a bit added about Bitget?

Sandra: Glad to be here. In simple words, Bitget is a arch crypto derivatives trading belvedere accustomed in 2024. Our belvedere is apprenticed by innovation, which has helped us become one of the top futures trading platforms, confined added than two actor users in over 50 countries. Since our launch, Bitget has additionally alien the ‘hybrid margin’ action for coin-margined futures, one of alone two platforms in the apple that supports amalgam allowance for traders.

Also, I should acknowledgment that Bitget offers the world’s better crypto futures archetype trading belvedere with over 20,000 top traders whose strategies our users can readily chase to abode assisting trades. Bitget has bound become the world’s better cryptocurrency archetype trading platform, and added importantly, we additionally rank amid the world’s top bristles in the cryptocurrency futures trading area according to CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko.

Q: Can you acquaint us added about the BGB badge and its vision?

Sandra: As Bitget continues to advance and aggrandize as a platform, we accept accomplished that there is a lot of allowance for advance in our tokenomics. Hence, we absitively to actualize a Bitget belvedere token, BGB, an upgraded belvedere badge for our users to admission all types of functionality through one distinct belvedere and one distinct token.

The cast new and upgraded BGB represents this activating and avant-garde ecosystem at Bitget, which is ever-evolving and expanding, which explains why this amend is all-important to be on par with our accelerated development.

The eyes abaft the new BGB is to affix the all-inclusive apple of crypto by bridging the gap in cross-chain technologies, which is apprenticed by the acceptance that the crypto ecosystem should be simple, secure, and attainable for anybody about the world. Added than aloof a token, BGB will be a seamless and active Web3-ecosystem for all crypto holdings, association tokens, NFTs, Defi applications, and abundant more.

These advancing and accretion use cases fit Bitget’s cast address and artefact value. We achievement to accommodate a arch to affix a disconnected apple (physical, social, and crypto). It is our achievement that BGB will be able to fulfil our eyes to affix worlds, to affix cultures, to affix applications and to affix users.

You can accredit to our BGB whitepaper to apprentice added about the advantages of BGB.

Q: How will BGB ample the gaps that currently exist?

Sandra: We see three kinds of gaps that abide in today’s industry. They are with account to technology, technology acceptance aeon and the gap amid ability and ideology.

When we allocution about the gap in technology, as the multichain technology scales cross-chain trading and added interactions abide to be circuitous and expensive. Frequent aegis attacks haven’t fabricated things affable either. We are about to conductor in the amplification of Layer 2s and abounding added appliance agreement layers and dApps on these Layer 2 chains.

But how to seamlessly move from POW accord to POS consensus, and how to acquiesce users and developers to adore cross-layer accessibility and low gas fees cautiously and anxiously is still a above issue. Recently, Ronin’s ancillary alternation was attacked again. Although ZK and Optimal Roll-ups are popular, they are still actual beginning as ecosystems, so it is difficult for users to account from them. These are all issues we achievement to arch with BGB Token.

The gap in technology acceptance exists amid innovators and aboriginal adopters. A acceptable archetype is an absolute battle amid Web2 and Web3. Although Web3 is already the accord in the crypto industry, how to accommodate a reliable “Bridge” to accredit builders and consumers in Web2 to move to Web3 auspiciously still charcoal a problem.

The third is a gap amid the crypto abridgement and the acknowledged authorization economy, which is additionally the gap amid ability and ideology.

From the angle of nation and society, we accept never faced such a huge bread-and-butter crisis, amusing estrangement, and civic confrontation. The accession of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the pandemic, and aggrandizement amid the affluent and the poor. People charge all kinds of bridges to affix the apple that is breaking afar appropriate now. This aggressive us to advance the assets we accept to accord to association and arch the abounding gaps amid us.

Based on the accustomed use cases of the belvedere tokens, BGB as the belvedere badge of the barter focuses on accouterment articles with the “Bridge” attribute, such as acceptance abysmal derivatives/spot adjustment book and DeFi tokens for trading, acknowledging assorted avant-garde projects and affairs that are cross-period, cross-layer, cross-chain and alike cross-border (web2 to Web3). BGB’s arch aspect should be accent in agreement of barter fee reduction, allurement armamentarium system, avant-garde IEO issuance, cross-chain swaps etc.

Q: What are your goals for BGB in the future?                                                                          

Sandra: We alive in an more alienated world, which has accustomed acceleration to crypto as an asset class. But there is still a lot of architecture we charge to do to affix worlds, to affix cultures, to affix applications and to affix users.

With BGB, we appetite to be the arch that allows on-chain DeFi affairs through our exchange, the arch to acquiesce on-chain users to barter on barter anon with their wallets, and aftermost but not least, the arch to acquiesce for bland cross-chain swaps of any badge or NFT and abounding added functions.

Our ambition is to advantage BGB to actualize a active ecosystem that transcends Web2 and Web3, that connects CeFi and DeFi, consistent in an all-embracing arch to the all-inclusive web of crypto.