BlockCDN Announces ICO After Signing Youku to Try its Platform

BlockCDN Announces ICO After Signing Youku to Try its Platform

THELOGICALINDIAN - Content is King a wellknown adduce apparently by Bill Gates holds acceptable on todays internet The added charge for agreeable has created a appeal for huge amounts of accretion ability for agreeable distributors While there is a lot of money to be fabricated through announcement revenues and subscriptions agreeable administration networks are consistently aggravating to aggrandize their basement to accommodated their everincreasing bandwidth requirements

BlockCDN, a Chinese blockchain-based belvedere has appear up with a different band-aid that can potentially accomplish all the CDN industry’s problems go away. With billions of accretion accessories absorbed to the internet, a majority of them accomplish able-bodied beneath their best capacity. BlockCDN allows users to basin in their bare processing ability and bandwidth on a blockchain-powered trading platform. This crowdsourced basin of assets can be bought by the CDN providers at costs way below what they contrarily acquire to set up the accomplished infrastructure.

With BlockCDN, agreeable administration platforms will accept admission to a connected beck of bandwidth at economical rates, after accepting to aggrandize their arrangement infrastructure. Similarly, the contributors of bandwidth — alleged Sharers in BlockCDN’s terms — receive rewards for their contributions to the network. BlockCDN, like added blockchain based platforms is set out to agitate a $6 billion CDN industry. The use of blockchain technology opens up BlockCDN bandwidth trading belvedere to anyone with a accretion device, including smartphones, tablets, computers and alike TV boxes.

Currently beneath development, BlockCDN has launched its ICO. The BlockCDN ICO which started on November 28, 2016, will acquiesce the belvedere to accession much-needed funds to get the belvedere up and running.  With the CDN industry set to blow $23.2 billion by 2021, the ICO offers a abundant befalling for investors to be allotment of the new internet revolution.

BlockCDN has already entered into a affiliation with Youku — the China’s top online agreeable provider to alpha testing its services. The actuality that the founding aggregation of BlockCDN has ahead formed with Youku and their compassionate of the industry has helped a bit in accepting the deal.

Individuals can calmly acquire acquiescent assets by administration the bare bandwidth on BlockCDN. The belvedere shares 95 percent of the acquirement with Sharers afterwards deducting 5 percent as transaction fees. Those absorbed in capitalizing on this different befalling can do so by accommodating in the advancing ICO.