Blockchain Production 21 Million Production Roadmap: 23rd June 2024

Blockchain Production 21 Million Production Roadmap: 23rd June 2024

THELOGICALINDIAN - The 21Million Project offers a bastard examination of the planned Production Roadmap with Casting in the UK Europe and Russia accepted to alpha as aboriginal as July The startups investors ETH enthusiasts and admirers of Action Drama TV are already allowance to pave the way for this aerial octane appearance about the Bitcoin Revolution which is actuality fabricated application a new consensusbased archetypal that bypasses the acquisitive careless and inefficient Hollywood system

“The authoritative of 21Million will chase a altered path. Our focus is on creating what we alarm ‘Quantum Quality’ authoritative use of the latest technology and techniques – and the Ethereum association is allowance us.” explains Creative Director & Co-Founder David Lofts. “We not alone accept a actual collapsed and autonomous structure, we are already starting to assignment with our admirers as contributors, who are accouterment ideas, area & casting suggestions and allowance us to body out and advance the adventure line.” 

Nick Ayton, CEO & Co-Founder continues; “The adventure follows a ashamed CIA analyst as he campaign about the world, aggravating to balk abduction and abstain assassination as he fights to bright his name by accumulating accidental strings of cipher from the Satoshi algorithm. We’ve had a lot of ascribe from the ETH association already. There accept been suggestions that he should bare the accurate character of Satoshi Nakamoto, and alike a appeal to comedy Satoshi from a Moscow night club buyer –  but of advance that accommodation will alone be accustomed at by consensus.”

The 21Million Project ICO ends on June 28 and accepting hit minimum allotment aural six hours the aggregation is already is alive on the assembly agenda and has hinted that casting will alpha in July with a appearance to carrying the aboriginal bivouac for absolution after in 2024. Another contempo Blockchain ball start-up, Singular DTV’s Ethervision is the team’s administration belvedere of choice.

“21 Million is the aboriginal TV & Film Production Company that sits on the Ethereum Blockchain. We are absorbed on cogent the ultimate Libertarian story; a adventure of cyber-punk, claimed freedoms and the attempt for accurate alternative from the 1% that controls us. The adventure is actual absolute and is developing in advanced of our eyes. It will accomplish for an acute ride as the world’s aboriginal decentralised TV series.” explains Lofts.

Ayton continues; “Our activity is accepting a lot of absorption from the apple of film, music and entertainment, abnormally from bodies who are additionally disillusioned with the way the industry operates. We alike had a admirable admiring Tweet from Imogen Heap this week!

Supported by ICO Platform, 21 Million has some austere weight and drive abaft it, generated by association absorption in the 21 Million archetypal in which Token holders accept a ambit of allowances from the Token including admission to a cogent rewards amalgamation in which 100% of the gain from alliance and licensing are alternate to bread holders. There is additionally no barrier to access –  admirers can get complex for as little as $1.00 – payable in Finney naturally!

For added advice and capacity of how to accord acquaintance our Marketing Team: [email protected]

Twitter: @real21Million 
