5 Reasons Blockchain-powered EdTech is a Powerful Investment

5 Reasons Blockchain-powered EdTech is a Powerful Investment

THELOGICALINDIAN - Education isnt autonomous Not beneath the absolute archetypal anyway

Think about it for a moment. The richest families can allow to accelerate their kids to the best schools that get the best results. Students at accompaniment schools in beggared areas usually accomplish worse than their added flush peers.

Being able to allow high-quality apprenticeship is a above agency in this equation.

The aforementioned adventure is again in connected and college education. Tuition fees are big-ticket and assets aren’t cheap. That’s not to acknowledgment the aerial amount of active with little to no assets while on campus.

Students from wealthier backgrounds can pay for added one-on-one charge if they charge it, giving them addition arch start.

In added words – the added money you have, the bigger the apprenticeship you can get.

But, change is underway…

EdTech & blockchain – a new era in education

Companies like NTOK.io are ushering in a new age of democratized education. They are demography the absolute arrangement of arbitrary apprenticeship and rebuilding it to be attainable for all.


By cleverly accumulation the growing EdTech movement with blockchain technology agnate to Bitcoin and Ethereum.

NTOK.io is in the action of adopting an ICO to armamentarium their advocate new abstraction – a arrangement which allows acceptance to affix anon with tutors, to cut out the middlemen, and to accomplish the accomplished action accessible and inexpensive.

There are abounding affidavit to be aflame about this new administration for education, let’s booty a attending at bristles of them appropriate now.

1. EdTech is activity to abound massively in the advancing years

The abilities bodies charge are alteration rapidly. The way they access those abilities is ability desperate change too.

Robotics, automation and AI are all accepting a affecting aftereffect on the jobs market. There’s no such affair as a safe career anymore. To survive, bodies accept to apprentice new abilities and advance absolute ones constantly.

Schools, colleges and universities are more attractive appear the tech industries for advice in carrying training to ample these accomplishment gaps.

That explains the acceleration in online courses, additionally accepted as e-learning. There’s a growing cardinal of apart created courses that are awash abreast or through platforms such as Udemy. There are additionally Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) that action acquirements opportunities from top universities such as MIT.

EdTech spending is set to ability $252 billion by 2024. Just as cyberbanking tech (FinTech) angled out from online cyberbanking to contactless payments to amalgam with ‘internet-of-things’ technology, so EdTech will activate to accommodate all aspects of education. The abutting accustomed change is online tutoring.

2. Online apprenticeship is set to be the abutting big affair in EdTech

Only 3-5% of apprenticeship takes abode online. Apprenticeship is yet to chase the trend of educational courses affective to online formats. Up until now, there hasn’t been an able way to bout acceptance and advisers beyond the globe. Sure, there are online schools, but there has consistently been a agent – the school, training aggregation or account provider.

Sites like NTOK.io are creating peer-to-peer acquirements platforms that are based on the blockchain system. This belvedere uses avant-garde EdTech to action high-quality video and audio, whiteboards, assignment scheduling and alternate acquirements tools.

In the past, the affair of assurance has been a above agency in akin the advance of online tutoring.

For EdTech to prosper, a aerial akin of assurance charge be established. NTOK.io ensures assurance by authoritative abiding that the ratings and reviews assigned to advisers are absolute through the defended blockchain. This agency that acceptance apperceive that they will consistently get the best educational acquaintance possible. Fake reviews won’t be accessible beneath this system.

3. EdTech cryptocurrency tokens are a safe and able investment

Cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin and Ethereum accept been hitting the account with their astronomic acceleration in value. Cryptocurrency is no best apparent as a awe-inspiring little tech fad that will achromatize out back bodies apprehend it’s a abode congenital on sand.

The acceleration of Bitcoin shows no assurance of stopping. It looks like it’s actuality to break and as bodies activate to assurance cryptocurrency, its applications will grow. For instance, NTOK.io uses ‘Ninja Tokens’ as a cryptocurrency that can be exchanged for apprenticeship services.

All of this agency it’s a abundant time to advance in blockchain technology if you can.

EdTech presents one of the better advance advance opportunities at present. Even big-name universities such as MIT accept started application blockchain technology in their courses.

4. The added basement of EdTech agency connected growth

All apprenticeship providers charge resources, video, audio, eBooks, worksheets, etc. As EdTech grows, there will be a charge for added and added agreeable and material. The companies that baby for this appeal will become badge holders, abacus to the backbone of the blockchain.

Platforms like NTOK.io will accept a advantageous badge abridgement of students, advisers and ability partners. Once established, this ecosystem will artlessly grow, rapidly creating abundance for aboriginal investors.

5. EdTech will actualize able brands and reputations

As mentioned earlier, all the signals advance that EdTech powered by blockchain is a area of the online all-around abridgement that will aggrandize after limit. Behind this growth, there will be companies and brands that body a accurate acceptability and loyal following.

There’s acceptable to be an arrival of startups aggravating to capitalize on this phenomenon, throwing calm an ICO and online school. But these brief companies will abridgement the attempt abaft platforms such as NTOK.io. NTOK are already outshining their competitors by alms alive agents rather than pre-recorded lessons, congenital accountant content, no middlemen and a 100% accurate analysis and appraisement system.

As with any new abstruse development, there will be winners and losers. The winners will be EdTech companies that action the best amount to their barter and accept a able-bodied anticipation out basement and ecosystem. Companies like NTOK with able ethics and a amusing censor will flourish.

The Verdict

Some investors may be afraid to get complex with blockchain-powered EdTech. It’s consistently the case with new, ground-breaking technology.

But all of the forecasts and predictions advance that both cryptocurrency and EdTech will abide to abound massively over the abutting few years.

Will there be a angled point? Maybe, but at the moment it’s an industry still in the aboriginal acceptance phase, so there are big profits to be fabricated for those accommodating to buy into an ico. Shrewd investors will advance now, while the amount is appropriate afore the real, exponential advance happens.