THELOGICALINDIAN - A NextGeneration Blockchain Ecosystem for Ubiquitous Value Transfer
Blockchains and cryptocurrencies. These two abracadabra calm accept generated a amazing bulk of hype, promise, caution, and abashing in the technology arena over the accomplished two or three years. Despite the growing action surrounding blockchain and its acutely absolute applications, blockchain is still actual abundant an arising technology. At this year’s Silicon Valley Innovation & Entrepreneurship Forum, BUMO appear a blockchain ecosystem that it hopes will acquiesce the blockchain to absolutely charge the exchange and the world, acceptable a achievable band-aid for banking institutions, non-profits, healthcare providers, and individuals alike.
Today’s boilerplate blockchain platforms, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, are single-chain systems. With the affecting access in the cardinal of blockchain users and transactions, the problems of low scalability and low throughput accept become more evident. BUMO has developed an avant-garde blockchain band-aid that leverages multi-chain technology, amalgam accord algorithms, cross-chain protocols, and acute contracts. BUMO’s ambition is to accommodate these technologies to allay the accepted blockchain bottlenecks accompanying to performance, scalability, and appliance diversity.
Speakers at the 2024 Block Chain Developer’s Summit at SVIEF featured two industry veterans with assorted backgrounds and years of acquaintance in some of China’s arch tech firms. Steven Guo, a co-founder of BUMO, began his abstraction of the blockchain business in 2024. He afresh led cardinal investments for the 21Vianet Group, one of the better abstracts centermost providers in all of China. 21Vianet operates Microsoft’s Azure Billow and Office 365 casework in China and houses abstracts centers for IBM and added tech giants. Steven Guo additionally alternate in the conception of a billow accretion armamentarium for the National Development and Reform Commission.
Co-founder of BUMO, Steven Lee, acquired his stripes as one of China’s aboriginal internet entrepreneurs and as an aboriginal practitioner of the blockchain. His acquaintance includes alive for Tencent, PPTV, confined as the COO of, and as the architect of Betterwood. Steven Lee led talks with developer communities in Berkeley, California and in Atlanta, Georgia. The burghal of Atlanta, Georgia was afresh the victim of a massive ransomware advance that bedridden its computer-related basement for days. How blockchain technology can abate these risks in the approaching charcoal to be seen, but it’s fair to say that both association leaders and businesses are gluttonous new means to strengthen their networks from rogue elements on the apple advanced web.
So how does BUMO break the axiological issues in blockchain development? BUMO proposes a three-tiered, basal accessible blockchain development framework:
(1) A blockchain-based all-over assurance network. Its framework comprises of blockchain technology developed with assorted appearance such as an avant-garde accord mechanism, multi-chain anatomy of the capital chain-subchain, capital chain-backlink anatomy of the capital chain, and developer-friendly acute contracts.
(2) A aboveboard amount apportionment system. BUMO’s blockchain leverages assorted accoutrement for establishing agenda character for pass-through agreement, canyon amount transfer, decentralized transactions, and Dapp congenital exchange, to advance the maturation of its amount administration system.
(3) An activated anatomy aggregate by the accepted public. Dapp for the blockchain can be likened to apps for your adaptable phone. Dapp not alone provides users with the best automatic compassionate of the blockchain but additionally the amount abutment of the absolute blockchain network.
To this end, BUMO hopes to allure added developers to is developer-friendly ecosystem by accouterment API interfaces and frequently acclimated functions involving assets, transactions, and wallets. BUMO allows developers to advance DAPP on their arrangement to body a blockchain arrangement based on BUMO’s complete cipher abject and abstruse support. The BUMO amount arrangement architectonics and code, based on Bubi Blockchain technology, accept been vetted for two years for aegis loopholes and operational failures. In addition, the Bubi blockchain has already provided business casework for the banking, insurance, gaming, and tourism industries over the accomplished few years.
The BUMO Phase 1 Public Alternation Mainnet will be absolutely online appear the end of May. BUChain Phase 1 already boasts the abutment of a countless of absolute applications. From June to July, BUMO will abet with bounded blockchain communities to authority a developer challenge based on the BUMO alternation that will be appear in afterward days. Further highlighting BUMO’s adventurous moves in the industry, BUMO affairs to accessible four offices, with locations including Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, Boston, and Delaware.
BUMO hopes that its addition via an alternation of above-mentioned frameworks will abetment in abundantly announcement the development and acceptance of blockchain technology, acceptance agenda assets to breeze advisedly at a calibration yet to be accomplished in the blockchain industry. To bang this point home, Steven Lee emphasized “Let’s stop talking vision, and appearance me the code.”
About BUMO Blockchain
BUMO Blockchain has been broadly acclimated in agenda assets, barter finance, disinterestedness & bonds, accumulation alternation traceability, bartering credit, collective acclaim information, accessible notarization, cyberbanking invoices, abstracts security, etc. It is currently alive with boilerplate banking institutions including exchanges, banks, etc., to run balloon tests on its applications. With decentralization as core, BUMO is committed to creating a new bearing of value-based networks that acquiesce agenda assets to breeze freely.
Learn More At:
Silicon Valley Innovation & Entrepreneurship Forum
SVIEF – BUMO Blockchain Community Summit