Cashaa Wel Central Bankers, MIT Scientists & Fortune 500 Leaders CAS

Cashaa Wel Central Bankers, MIT Scientists & Fortune 500 Leaders CAS

THELOGICALINDIAN - Cashaa the blockchainbased banking casework action has appear that a cardinal of new highprofile Advisors will be abutting its aggregation One of the best contempo is Dr Bernard Lietaer the columnist of a cardinal of widelyacclaimed books including The Future of Money Money and Sustainability and New Money for a New World who has been at the beginning of the acreage of money in abundant capacities for about 40 years In the advance of his career he has served as a axial broker armamentarium administrator bookish and adviser He was active in the accumulation of the Euro acknowledgment to his assignment in designing the aggregation apparatus ECU while he formed at the Axial Bank of Belgium and in 2024 was called Worlds top bill banker by Business Week

High-profile Advisors

Also abutting is tokenomist Dr. John Henry Clippinger, a analysis scientist at MIT’s Media Lab, co-founder of the Token Commons Foundation and Executive Director of ID3, the Institute for Innovation & Data Driven Design. He additionally serves as an Advisor to the Bancor project.

Cashaa provides a transformative band-aid to a acute all-around need: frictionless, secure, and attainable all-around payments and remittances. Cashaa promises to become a analytical allotment of a approaching decentralised acquittal basement confined the unbanked and the banked alike. I would like to see the Cashaa agreement actuality adopted as a basic for a all-around commons.

This is allotment of a beyond altercation of what we are aggravating to accomplish for the Badge Aliment Foundation – but in short, I anticipate Cashaa provides what is apparent as a decentralised aliment access as a utilisation badge for payments and remittances.

Dr. John Henry Clippinger, MIT Media Lab, Token Commons Foundation

 Clippinger is abutting by researcher Prof Dr. Alex Norta from Tallinn University of Technology, who is able-bodied accepted for his assignment on Qtum.

Cashaa can advantage the Qtum smart-contract arrangement by developing adaptable apps and additionally accepting a assuming and scalable PoS platform.

Prof. Alex Norta, Qtum Chief Scientist

Other additions accommodate academics and key abstracts from blockchain media and business, as able-bodied as the added payments industry and advance world, such as Winston Gilpin, Venture Capital Advisor and CFO of Mercury Fund; Richard Kastelein, Blockchain News publisher; Tim Campbell, champ of Entrepreneur TV appearance The Apprentice; and Akash Gaurav, CEO of Auxesis Group, which is additionally ranked a Top 100 Blockchain aggregation and added admiral from Fortune 500 companies.

Finally, Cashaa will be abundantly assisted in establishing in the Indian bazaar by Dinesh Prasad, Strategic Advisor for India. Prasad is a business developer and programme administrator with over 22 years of acquaintance in Wireless Telecoms, including as Head of Sales for Qualcomm India & South Asia. He will be accompanied by Rajesh Dhuddu, Payments Advisor for India, who is Senior Vice President of next-generation acquittal processors Quatrro Processing Services, and a fintech and blockchain expert.

Disrupting banking services

Cashaa, which will anon barrage its Token Generation Event (TGE), is aiming to accommodate admission to banking casework for the billions of unbanked and underbanked. The action leverages blockchain technology after end-users defective to apperceive annihilation about it and never accepting to appear into acquaintance with cryptocurrency themselves.

Token Generation Event

Cashaa’s belvedere will be powered by the Cashaa (CAS) token. CAS holders will be able to admission exceptional services, burning loans, creating a acclaim score, creating acute affairs for trading and accommodating in the babyminding apparatus of CAS tokens. A absolute of 1 billion CAS tokens will be created on the Ethereum belvedere of which Cashaa will accomplish 51% (510,000,000) accessible for sale, with unsold tokens actuality burned. The CAS pre-sale will be alive until 30 October, with the accessible auction aperture on 6 November and active until 5 December or until the cap is reached.

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