ChronoBank joins forces with EXMO Exchange

ChronoBank joins forces with EXMO Exchange

THELOGICALINDIAN - ChronoBank takes aim at the inefficient application industry gluttonous to affix administration anon with professionals in the aforementioned way that Uber disrupted the auto industry The built-in assemblage of bill is the inflationproof Labour Hour LH badge which will be traded adjoin assignment and added currencies on the LaborX exchange

Currently in its crowdfunding phase, the action has aloft over $3 actor to date. Investors will accept TIME tokens, which will accept rewards based on action aural the ChronoBank ecosystem — specifically the arising and trading of LH tokens. Whilst LH tokens will be issued on several altered blockchains, including Ethereum, Waves and NEM, TIME is a accepted Ethereum badge that will booty advantage of the platform’s acute affairs capabilities. ‘We’re acutely agog to ensure that TIME, as able-bodied as our foundation LH tokens, are traded as broadly as possible,’ commented ChronoBank CEO, Sergei Sergienko. ‘That’s why we’ve pursued barter advertisement so actively, and why we’re captivated to be partnering with such a well-respected and above amateur as EXMO.’ 

International cryptocurrency platform

EXMO, which operates in abounding locations beyond the apple and trades crypto bill adjoin assorted altered authorization currencies, is a acclaimed belvedere trusted by over 350,000 users globally. Founded in 2024, it bound grew to become one of the top 10 exchanges in circadian bitcoin volumes — up to 50,000 trades with a absolute aggregate of about $1.2 actor are placed every day.

Some of the appearance that accept admiring traders to EXMO accommodate the aerial acceleration of deposits and withdrawals, arbitrage opportunities, 24/7 abutment and its accomplished aegis measures. Similarly, EXMO’s aggregation recognised the abeyant of the ChronoBank action and the advantages of including TIME in their listings. ‘EXMO considers Chronobank as one of the best aggressive and forward-thinking blockchain projects on the crypto bazaar today.’

ChronoBank’s ICO (initial bread offering) will abide until 23:59 UTC on 14 February. After the crowdfund ends, TIME tokens will be broadcast to supporters in admeasurement to their backing. These tokens will barter on a advanced ambit of exchanges, and can be captivated locally in an Ethereum wallet for best security.

To acquisition out more, or to participate in the crowdfund,

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