Could You Build a Better Way to Wiki? Free TON Launches Contest With Over $80,000 in Crypto

Could You Build a Better Way to Wiki? Free TON Launches Contest With Over $80,000 in Crypto

THELOGICALINDIAN - Free TON a decentralized all-embracing association of developers and enthusiasts accept launched a brandnew challenge to rework the Wikipedia Governance archetypal and there are bags of dollars account of rewards on offer


Wikipedia currently boasts over twenty-one actor alone articles, and while abounding aftermost minute appointment letters may accept been adored by the arenaceous halls of these anointed association chastened forums, the way in which we verify advice is evolving. As a cornerstone of internet advice databases, it is basic that the way in which Wikipedia works, stays advanced of the curve. The key to this could appear from a arrangement accustomed to blockchain babyminding specialists, Byzantine Fault Tolerance.

Since May 2020, the Free TON association accept been tinkering with the mechanics of babyminding models in their aggressive amusing agreement to decentralize the internet. Now, as they access their additional year of being, the association accept launched a wiki-lutionary new contest, to redefine the archetypal of online album indexing.

The contest, titled, Freecyclopedia, pulls no punches in its appraisal of the accepted advice breeze on the world’s arch resource. It states issues such as grandfathering (legacy associates with asymmetric power), asperous development, and low-quality of accessories can be overcome. So, to kick-start this new age of decentralized information, the aboriginal date of the challenge is alms over $80,000 account of TON Crystal rewards to those accommodating to footfall up to the challenge!

Think you could airing abroad with the top prize? Check out all the requirements, and capacity of entering this, and added agitative Free TON contests, here.

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Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons