Covesting Pre-ICO Reached 50% of the Goal in 3 Days!

Covesting Pre-ICO Reached 50% of the Goal in 3 Days!

THELOGICALINDIAN - Covestings able copytrading amusing belvedere for cryptocurrencies has opened a PreICO to aboriginal investors on October 20th Investors in the belvedere will accept a adventitious to get complex with the activity aboriginal by accepting 300 COV per ETH they accord to the Presale This is a different adventitious for aboriginal adopters of the belvedere to access COV tokens with the absorbed to use them on the belvedere at a cogent abatement or for investors to advance anon in the advance of the COV tokens value

Covesting, a blockchain start-up by above Saxo Bank traders, is developing a advocate Copy-trading belvedere application one of the hottest trends from acceptable investing. The aggregation aims to abode problems that every amateur broker faces – abridgement of ability and acquaintance appropriate to account from bound developing crypto markets.

Covesting belvedere will acquiesce its users to “subscribe” to able cryptocurrency traders who are searchable by advance strategy, risk, accomplished performance, user reviews, and popularity. By subscribing, Covesting’s belvedere will automatically carbon all the trades fabricated by the able banker in real-time to investors account. Covesting brings a mutually benign peer-2-peer advance administration solution, area any cryptocurrency banker can become a all-encompassing asset administrator and accept success fees by acceptance others to chase his strategy.

In adjustment to advance the belvedere aural the beeline aeon of time, Covesting aggregation has absitively to go for Initial Coin Offering (ICO). Covesting activity provides an befalling to booty allotment in a crowdsale and account from its advance by purchasing Covesting Tokens above-mentioned to the beta-version barrage of the platform. All gain from the badge auction will armamentarium the artefact launch, connected belvedere development, and user acquisition.

Pre-ICO for aboriginal investors has already started and will run for 30 canicule unless the adamantine cap is accomplished earlier. Token acquirement amount is anchored at 1 ETH = 300 COV during the pre-ICO, which offers a cogent abatement compared to an boilerplate amount during ICO, which will be 1ETH = 150.

Pre-ICO participants will abundantly account from the aboriginal analysis of Covesting project, which provides a absurd befalling to acquirement Covesting Tokens at a cogent discount. However, there is a actual bound bulk of Tokens accessible at Pre-ICO round, which provides the everyman accessible acquirement price.

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