Digmus: Fighting Counterfeit Goods with Blockchain Technology

Digmus: Fighting Counterfeit Goods with Blockchain Technology

THELOGICALINDIAN - According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development all-embracing barter in affected and pirated appurtenances was account 250 billion in 2024 On the added duke the All-embracing AntiCounterfeiting Coalition letters that the affected bazaar today generates revenues of up to 600 billion annually if you accommodate online piracy or counterfeits that are awash in the aforementioned country they are fabricated in That is 600 billion losses for businesses from beyond the world

Counterfeit articles put the bloom and assurance of consumers at accident worldwide, while annexation the bounded governments, businesses, and communities as a accomplished of tax revenues, profits, and employment. Today, counterfeiters are able of breeding aliment and beverages, medicine, electronics, domiciliary products, amid others.

Counterfeit appurtenances annual for up to 2.5% of apple trade. This agency that the methods acclimated to anticipate such barter are not actual effective. After all-encompassing analysis and appointment with manufacturers and suppliers of afflicted products, developers came up with a arrangement for autumn and acceptance advice apropos the actuality of assorted products. Digmus is a belvedere that is actuality developed to advice abate this scourge, win aback the profits for the businesses, and aid the customer in purchasing accurate brands. The platform, in an accomplishment to adapt the abridgement by accepting rid of affected and pirated appurtenances is captivation a Pre-ICO attack on October 12, 2017.

The Digmus systems accommodate two components, area the aboriginal basic is a blockchain that acts as the accumulator of different articles keys and history of artefact alteration amid suppliers.  In adjustment to ensure the genuinity of products, the platform’s affidavit centermost will analysis the cast actuality and affair cyberbanking signature certificates. A blockchain based database will again abundance the artefact advice and added abstracts to verify authenticity. The added basic is a adaptable app which will be acclimated to verify the artefact keys and accommodate analysis for added signs of authenticity. The acceptance center, which is controlled by Digmus, will analysis the buying of the trademark, anticipate agnate copycat trademarks, and abjure any compromised certificates.

For the Pre-ICO, Digmus is alms its tokens at the bulk of 300/1 ETH with 300,000 tokens accessible for the Pre-ICO Sale. Once the ICO has launched, investors who acquirement from the aboriginal accumulation of tokens will get 200 tokens per ETH contribution. On the second, third and fourth batches, investors will get 185, 170, and 155 tokens appropriately for the aforementioned price. The badge accumulation for the ICO is set at 1,500,000 for the first, additional and third batches, with 1,900,000 tokens for the fourth batch. According to their banking plan, by the year 2024, the absolute bulk of profits broadcast amid all associates of the ICO is accepted to ability $4million a year.

More advice about Digmus and its accessible crowdsale is accessible on the platform’s website. Also, the aggregation is accessible on Telegram at – https://t.me/Digmus