Evan Luthra Joins Soldex as Lead Investor

Evan Luthra Joins Soldex as Lead Investor

THELOGICALINDIAN - Evan Luthra is a abounding angel broker accepting been in crypto back 2024 and aboriginal discoverer in Eazecom Fastest growing ondemand Tech aggregation in 2024 and Wheelys Cafe over 1000 coffee shops in 40 countries added afresh advance in the berry annular of Hashgraphcom The billion dollar Crypto Currency Admixin Biggest Gaming AD Publisher JoshTalks FTcash and more

The arch administrator aggressive abounding back he exited his aboriginal aggregation and accompanying took over the TedX date at the age of 17. Evan is a acknowledged keynote apostle with hundreds of speeches about the apple for organizations like United Nations, Nielsen, Google, Blockchain Life, and abounding more.

Evan additionally has over 2 Million followers on Instagram (Instagram.com/evanluthra) area he shares circadian tips about advance in crypto markets. There will be able synergies amid Evan’s portfolio companies, industry arrangement and the Soldex.ai ecosystem.


About Soldex.ai

Soldex.ai is one of the aboriginal basal decentralized exchanges (DEX) congenital on Solana. Soldex.ai allows users to conduct peer-to-peer affairs in a safe and reliable manner, with clamminess provided by users. Third-generation cryptocurrency barter tat aims to use avant-garde apparatus acquirements and neural arrangement algorithms to break the accepted problems faced by decentralized exchanges in adjustment matching, centralized exchanges, and arguable custody.

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