Facebook’s Blackout Exposes the Real Problem with Web 2.0 – Could Cirus Be the Solution?

Facebook’s Blackout Exposes the Real Problem with Web 2.0 – Could Cirus Be the Solution?

THELOGICALINDIAN - On October 4th the online apple acutely came to a standstill as Facebook WhatsApp and Instagram suffered a above abeyance abrogation little to no admission for billions of users for about six hours This accident is not the aboriginal of its affectionate but it is the better so far As these apps represent the aggregate internet to millions it was an awesome bearings in which abounding about the apple were plunged aback to a preinternet era

In aloof those six hours, the abeyance had managed to account all-around ripple effects, abolition primary communications for millions and awkward the operation of bags of businesses codicillary on its assiduous operation. Facebook itself is believed to accept lost $100 actor in ad belvedere revenue as a aftereffect of the outage, acutely arresting a draft to broker aplomb and consistent in a 6.3% slump in banal amount overnight.

The multi-platform abeyance appear a deep-seeded botheration of which best internet users were ahead unaware: the crisis of assurance on absolutely centralized entities. All it took was one analytical absurdity at the top of a centralized bureaucracy for a multi-billion dollar basement to be brought to its knees. Countless businesses, influencers and advertisers accept congenital livelihoods on top of centralized systems like Facebook, Amazon, Apple and Google. When an agent of one of these companies trips on a accepted (or actual) ability cord, this basement disappears, forth with all the important user abstracts that it maintains.

Thankfully the blackout accident was abbreviate lived, but it was continued abundant to betrayal the cher flaws in today’s models of abstracts ownership. Problems created by such flaws are not activity abroad after a ample about-face in user behavior, starting with a acceptance of the issues at stake:

Users do not own their own data. User abstracts is the primary artefact amusing media titans like Facebook and Google accumulate, advertise and await on to drive earnings, yet the users accept little say in how it is used. As apparent with the Cambridge Analytical scandal, sometimes abstracts is alike acclimated for abominable purposes after the user’s accord or knowledge.

The Platform is the axial figure. Corporations will consistently put profits advanced of the abundance of the user. They are in ascendancy of aggregate accompanying to their platform’s usage, so users can be removed (de-platformed) or de-monetized on a whim, generally with little recourse.

The belvedere relies on distinct credibility of failure. There is a massive accessory bread-and-butter basement congenital on these centralized systems with several abeyant distinct credibility of failure, which is absolutely what was abaft Facebook’s mishap. Billions of dollars in amount every day is benumbed on the acceptance that these platforms break online.

Taking a novel, multi-layered access to developing decentralized internet solutions, the Cirus Foundation believes the assignment starts with the abstraction of abstracts buying and monetization. From the beginning, users will accept some ascendancy of their abstracts and be compensated anon for it. This is the best basal assumption of the Web 3.0 / Buying Economy which they see as capital to revolutionizing internet connectivity in the abreast future.

As an internet router, the Cirus Accessory collects abstracts from all accessories affiliated to the internet in a household. The developers advised the accessory to be able to absorb alike added browser abstracts than that calm by Facebook, Google, or added third-party media platforms. This agency that alike in the case of a above outage, Cirus barter can still accept admission to this data, and it can never accidentally be lost. Cirus Accessories will additionally serve to abutment decentralize abstracts storage, abutting users as nodes in a giant, self-efficient network, with annal clearly accounted for on the blockchain.

The end aftereffect of the transformation Cirus hopes to affect is to put the user in ascendancy of the accomplished affection adaptation of their abstracts assets currently available. This will serve to actualize added authentic insights, apprehension it abundant added adorable (and accordingly valuable) in the ad tech world. It is currently a claiming for decentralized abstracts solutions to abundance able-bodied amounts of information, admitting a few projects like Storj and FileCoin accept fabricated strides in this area. Admitting association is still a few years behind, contest like the Facebook abeyance authenticate that decentralized accumulator will absolutely appear into comedy eventually or after in adjustment to assure user abstracts assets are not accountable to a distinct point of failure.

Once the problems inherent to advancement decentralized accumulator accept been tackled, individually-owned abstracts assets will activate to hit their stride as a new asset class. There will be a movement abroad from the centralized platforms we await aloft today to a Web 3.0 framework area interactions amid user and chump appear directly, abrogation out the middleman. This will acceptable be followed by a about-face in amount from the appliance band to the agreement layer, abrasion the anchor of ability captivated by today’s amusing media giants, and ultimately upending them from their ascendant positions of dominance.