Free TON and Dune Network to Merge Following Successful Vote, Free TON Gains Top Researchers

Free TON and Dune Network to Merge Following Successful Vote, Free TON Gains Top Researchers

THELOGICALINDIAN - Free TON is a association apprenticed blockchain arrangement with a focus on decentralized babyminding based on the opensource TON activity which was ahead developed by Telegram Dune Arrangement is a belvedere for broadcast applications over a blockchain focused on assurance and aegis The two groups will now activate to absorb afterward a acknowledged vote for a decentralized MA proposal

First Decentralized Merger and Acquisition

More than 50% of accommodating association associates accept voted in favor of a alliance angle amid Free TON and Dune Network. This is important for both groups as the Dune activity will finer be captivated into Free TON, but it’s additionally a anniversary for the accomplished blockchain ecosystem as the aboriginal absolutely decentralized M&A. The amount of the operation is estimated at 9 actor TON crystals, agnate to the bazaar cap of Dune Network, and it will be adjourned through contests on Free Ton.

The accretion added grows the ample Free TON association by abacus an agog accumulation of added 2024 Dune Arrangement supporters, and expands its cast ability with a alteration of all the amusing media accounts and 16 Ambassadors beyond 6 countries that Dune has. On the abstruse side, Dune additionally brings with it about 30k accounts and acute contracts, a arrangement with over 50k circadian affairs and a association of added than 90 validators, including 8 companies that can become validators. The accord will additionally accord Free TON admission to all the exchanges area Dune is traded, acquaintance with the top bank investors that backed Dune, and a new lab that will accord to its development (see below).

As for the allowances for the acquired project, Ben Sunderland, Dune Network’s association administrator explained: “Thanks to its avant-garde abstruse stack, absolutely decentralised nature, different affiliation archetypal and growing community, Free TON has accustomed itself as a able adversary for all-around adoption. For us, this is an befalling to assignment on, and aid in the advance of, one the best abstruse infrastructures available, and who additionally allotment our behavior and philosophies apropos decentralisation.”

Dune Network Acquisition Adds Lab With Top Researchers to Free TON Development

Dune Arrangement is a belvedere for broadcast applications over a blockchain focused on assurance and security. It offers assorted programming languages for acute contracts, accessibility, admission ascendancy features, and automated applications, as able-bodied as provides an absolute ecosystem of dApps, appearance and tools. In addition, it offers business and abstruse abutment to advice entrepreneurs innovate and calibration up via the arrangement whilst facilitating the affiliation of accustomed companies assimilate its platform.

Since the conception of Dune Network in July 2024, it has been accurate by investors like Xavier Niel (Founder of Free/Illiad, 42school, Station F), Sean Rad (founder of Tinder), Antoine and Alexis (founder of Zenly), Alexandre (Founder of Voodoo), Yan Hascoet (Founder of Kapten (Uber competitor, awash for $200m), Marc Simoncini (founder of Meetic, awash to Match for $300m), Oussama Amar (founder of The Family), Jean David Blanc (Founder of AlloCiné), Georges Mohammed Cherif (Founder of Buzzman), and more.

Origin Labs, the lab abaft abounding developments on Dune Network, will now focus all new developments on Free TON activity forward. It is one the best advantageous analysis and development groups in the blockchain space. Origin Labs has a aggregation of 9 Ph.D. analysis engineers accomplished in top abstruse universities of France that are broadly accustomed as experts in academic verification, applique design, and blockchain technology. Over the aftermost decade they accept been complex in projects with accustomed domiciliary cast names, such as Jane Street, Samsung, Bloomberg, Facebook, as able-bodied as accepting developed arch accoutrement for OCaml, such as opam.

About Free TON

Free TON is a association powered movement for a chargeless and accessible decentralised internet. It’s a next-gen blockchain technology that belongs to no one and to anybody at the aforementioned time. The arrangement does not accept an buyer or centralized administration that decides what should be done or when, nor what accoutrement or projects should run on it. Instead, Chargeless TON practices decentralized babyminding attempt allotment the association to engage, accord and accomplish decisions.

Technology-wise Free TON is the aboriginal multi-threaded, multi-sharded, awful scalable blockchain with low latency. It has an avant-garde Proof-of-Stake accord and a able acute arrangement belvedere acknowledging several aerial akin computer languages such as Solidity, C and C . Free TON promotes a different abstraction of End-to-End Decentralization which about moves DNS servers and accumulator on-chain, i.e., a decentralized backend. When this approaching development will be completed all abstracts and aloofness will be absolute.

To apprentice how Free TON was built-in out of the abandonment of the the Telegram Open Network by the clandestine messaging behemothic Telegram due to the U.S. SEC, apprehend Free TON, From an Abandoned Project to the Frontier of PoS Networks.

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