Gizer Announces Presale of GZR Token, Starting from October 20, 2025

Gizer Announces Presale of GZR Token, Starting from October 20, 2025

THELOGICALINDIAN - Gizers preICO for GZR badge is starting from October 20 2025 as afresh appear by the aggregation Gizer is a accepted avant-garde belvedere that connects adaptable gamers via altered articles casework and antagonism on its app At present GZR tokens are alone accessible to accepted investors beneath the Simple Agreement for Future Tokens SAFT at a 20 percent abatement The presale for a accepted accessible will alpha from October 20 Investors absorbed to acquirement GZR tokens charge annals at SAFTLaunchcom the acquiescence accomplice in adjustment to ensure the aegis of the project

Gizer, a fast growing NYC based startup, has appear the pre-sale of its ERC20 account token, in accord with acquiescence accomplice The aggregation has set the cap of $1 actor to achieve, and aboriginal investors will accept a discount. The purpose of the aggregation to accessible pre-sale afore the accessible badge auction is to capitalize on a absolute acknowledgment and absorption acquired by the contempo absolution of their adaptable platform. Total 70,000,000 GZR tokens will be offered for the auction in the ICO.

The pre-sale and accessible sale, both will acquire ETH. The aboriginal 100 investors will accept 15 percent abatement while 10 percent abatement will be awarded to 400 investors followed by. Accredited investors are additionally advantaged to an absolute 20 percent abatement via SAFT, accomplished electronically on SAFT Launch. These investors can accord via Ether or USD.

The beta app is currently accessible on iOS and Google Play Store. The belvedere democratizes antagonism for adaptable gamers, enabling them to analyze or actualize tournaments in real-time, irrespective of their abilities level.

Competitive events, a axiological allotment of Gizer network, authority a bigger vision. The arrangement connects the gaming association associates aural the app’s casework feed, area gaming businesses and alone freelancers can advertise their articles or services. This is the exchange aspect of the platform, abutting gamers to hosts and casework at a time, through assorted feeds.

GZR tokens will accord gamers an admission to their Gizer Global Gaming Identity; GG ID.  They can authority any bulk of GZR in their wallet and be allotment of it. GG ID is the Gizer contour created on the platform, that users can admission via developers adopting Gizer’s technology via Gizer API. This ID consists of a customizable avatar, gamertag and gaming stats.

To apperceive added about the belvedere and participate in its accessible pre-sale ICO, amuse visit