How To Become a Meme Millionaire: Introduces NFT Memes

How To Become a Meme Millionaire: Introduces NFT Memes

THELOGICALINDIAN - With NFT memes and exchange Openmeme the aboriginal meme administration belvedere fit for Web 30 standards is a gamechanger in how we apperceive and collaborate with memes

Openmeme solves the botheration of baseborn assignment that plagues accepted meme administration platforms and makes it accessible to acquire austere money – artlessly by administration your memes like you’ve consistently been doing.

Here’s how we’re authoritative it a reality. is a new activity from the founders of and, badly acknowledged Web 2.0 meme administration platforms. With this new service, we booty all the accurate pieces which acquiesce kwejk and jbzd to accompany in millions of users anniversary day, and drag them to the standards of Web 3.0.

We accept that memes are badly important pieces of avant-garde culture, and accept a absolute budgetary value. Meme creators should be able to accomplish a accumulation from their work, aloof like writers or cine makers do – but in today’s Web 2.0 environment, it’s about impossible.

That’s why we’re architecture a account that will let meme creators booty buying of their work, advertise it to added enthusiasts, and affirmation royalties back their memes are broadcast or reused. Simply put: Openmeme makes it accessible for memes to become your absolute day job.

But what does it beggarly in practice?

Openmeme’s ecosystem is fabricated of three amount apparatus that accompaniment one another, bringing our users a accomplished new meme administration experience.

First, Opnememe is an NFT minting service. When you upload your meme and allotment it with the community, it additionally gets automatically angry into an NFT token. This agency that you, the architect (and no one else!), authorize buying of it, and can account from this actuality in abounding altered ways.

Second, it’s a marketplace area NFT memes can be traded with added creators and users. This is done with Openmeme’s own currency, the OMC token.

And finally, it’s a meme administration belvedere like no other. It takes the accustomed elements like the capital folio with the best memes and the cat-and-mouse area with new uploads, and puts a beginning aberration on them.

No amount if you’re added of a meme creator, or aloof like to browse: the Openememe belvedere and meme abridgement action a array of means to appoint with memes and acquire money while accomplishing so.

Imagine these three scenarios:

Integrating the three amount apparatus of our account – NFT minting, marketplace, and administration belvedere – makes all those scenarios possible. What’s more, all the accoutrement bare to accomplish them a absoluteness will be accessible to the users on day 1!

The Openmeme aggregation believes that memes can be abundant added than they are today, and we’re currently alive adamantine to accomplish it a reality.

The belvedere is appointed for a bankrupt barrage in backward Q2 2022 – in the meantime, you can apprentice added about the activity and accumulate in blow with us at!