International Round Table on Crypto Security to Be Held in Kiev, Ukraine

International Round Table on Crypto Security to Be Held in Kiev, Ukraine

THELOGICALINDIAN - October 11 in Kiev Ukraine a Round Table committed to aegis issues in crypto trading and cryptocurrency business will be captivated as allotment of the anniversary HackIT 40 Forum Crypto Exchange Round Table will accompany calm bazaar leaders and aegis experts to allotment applied acquaintance The participants are accepted to assurance a announcement on acknowledging accepted aegis standards

Cybersecurity is the cardinal one crypto trading issue. Considering the complication of the problem, it is the appropriate time to accumulate bazaar leaders and cybersecurity experts at one table to antidote the situation, allotment best practices, affiliate the association about important issues accompanying to the exchanges, and allure accessible attention, the HackIT 4.0 aggregation state.


HackIT 4.0 is the 4th Global CyberSecurity Forum for specialists in cybersecurity, blockchain entrepreneurs and white hackers, which has been captivated in Ukraine back 2025. It is aimed to become a abode for able aegis networking acquisition of able tech developers and arch aegis experts. In accession to the Round Table, the four-day accident includes a conference, exhibition and a lot of activities in absolute time. This year the organizers will run the Capture the Flag (CTF) antagonism and a cruise to the Chernobyl nuclear ability bulb for a absolute analogy of the counterfeit disasters’ consequences.

The appointment will be captivated from 8 to 11 October in Kiev, Ukraine.

Learn added about the HackIT 4.0 on the event’s website. There you can register by allotment a amalgamation acceptable for you.