Introducing DenCity: World’s First Blockchain Enabled City

Introducing DenCity: World’s First Blockchain Enabled City

THELOGICALINDIAN - On October 31 2024 a abstruse being alleged Satoshi Nakamoto appear his acclaimed whitepaper introducing apple to a Peer to Peer approach of payments he alleged bitcoin This P2P bill was based on a technology alleged Blockchain a broadcast balance in which affairs are recorded about and chronologically Then in 2024 a 19 year old from Canada Vitalik Buterin came up with the abstraction of Ethereum which included Smart Contracts agreement which gave Blockchain its abundant bare aboriginal absolute push

Since then, it’s been an advancement ride for Blockchain. Since 2024, abounding blockchain startups accept appear up in altered sectors alignment from healthcare to education. There is Status for messaging, Ripple for payments, IOTA for Internet Of Things who are arch development in their sectors. However, a burghal congenital on Blockchain encompasses aggregate and puts all these casework into one bucket. Blockchain eliminates all centers of ability in an ambiance and makes all the processes and annal aboveboard accessible to the public.

This is our eyes abaft architecture DenCity, a burghal absolute by its citizens namely, Denizens.


DenCity, amid on the banks of Den river, has added than a third of its breadth covered with abundant blooming grass and forests. The actual allotment of the burghal is covered with apparent acreage area bodies can appear and set up their homes, industries and marketplaces.

Surrounded by a bank on one ancillary and mountains on the another, the altitude in DenCity is in absolute antithesis which is neither too hot nor too algid and is balmy and brilliant throughout the year. Plus, the weekends actuality are absolutely fun with a lot of admirable places to explore.

Talking about the landscape, alone 17.3% of the breadth is covered with banal villas while the actual breadth is abandoned acreage which is accessible for auction to the new denizens. Any citizen can buy a artifice actuality in the burghal by DNX,which is an ERC20 adjustable cryptocurrency for this city.


Talking about amenities, there are added than 500 villas accessible for auction in DenCity. These villas can be customized to clothing the needs of an alone or a family. Along with these villas, DenCity appearance parks and added recreational centers such as gyms, spas and abounding more. In case, you don’t accept abundant DNX tokens to buy a alcazar you can consistently buy acreage amplitude in DenCity and appoint architecture workers to get your own customized home.

DenCity altogether combines ability & community, attributes & leisure and business & business to accommodate aggregate you charge calmly on your doorstep.


The aloft listed appearance accomplish DenCity at par with any added burghal in the world. But, what makes DenCity altered from every added burghal in the apple is the actuality that it is the world’s aboriginal blockchain enabled city. This additionally makes DenCity the world’s aboriginal decentralized economy. The currency of DenCity is a accepted ERC20 token, called DNX, which is the approach of all the payments in this city.

In DenCity, decentralization covers all the important aspects of a association which are Governance, Economy, ID Verification, and Marketplaces. They accept been explained in detail below:-


In DenCity, we don’t accept a accumulation of bodies who adjudge what is best for the accepted public. It is the bodies who adjudge what is the best advance of activity for themselves. In case a Denizen thinks that there is an affair that needs to be talked about and absitively on, he/she can alpha a address for a voting accident apropos to that subject.

Once the address gathers the abutment of 10% of the the population, a voting accident will be appear in the burghal and anniversary citizen will be accustomed with alike tokens agnate to his absolute cardinal of DNX tokens. Once a citizen votes his/her assessment his vote is added to the blockchain which is about accessible for anyone to verify and address in case of any irregularity. This is alleged CASTX protocol.


DenCity’s abridgement is the world’s aboriginal decentralized abridgement active on an ERC20 badge alleged DNX token. The DNX badge congenital on top of ethereum enables P2P alteration of money from one citizen to addition after any affectionate of abutment from a third affair like banks.

The citizenry can use this bill to pay for appurtenances and casework provided by added Citizenry in the decentralized marketplaces.

There is no axial bread-and-butter anatomy that regulates the breeze of DNX in the DenCity. In the badge sale, a user can buy tokens which will advice him buy a active amplitude in DenCity. After this, the user will accept to baddest an activity and authorize an assets for him to survive in DenCity.


In the accepted scenario, the annal and identities of individuals are managed and anchored by the government. When you appear to anticipate of it, this is not at all a safe apparatus as anyone can baffle with your records. Another affair is hacking, area hackers can abduct this abstracts to advertise it to their clients

To abode such issues and abounding more, we accept appear up with a Blockchain enabled Digital ID arrangement which is unhackable due to the basal technology.

Denizens, will be able as citizens alone afterwards activity through this Digital ID analysis system. This analysis arrangement will act as a basal affidavit for the citizen to account all the casework provided by the aeon in the DenCity ecosystem.

This arrangement puts the almanac of an alone on the blockchain in a cryptographic architecture attainable alone to the user through his/her clandestine key authoritative abiding no distinct being is able to adapt or admission the annal of an alone after the able and above-mentioned permissions of the user.


In DenCity, the marketplaces will be the hot spots area Denizens can acquisition the best accessible appurtenances and services. These marketplaces will be absolutely decentralized and will be accessible to any being who is accommodating to advertise their appurtenances and casework to Denizens.

Along with this, all the affairs will be put out in the accessible on Blockchain authoritative abiding that there is no ambit of fraud. These marketplaces will be centermost of all the bazaar action in the burghal and sellers will be earning DNX tokens which they can use in the absolute activity as well.

Along with all this, the best allotment still charcoal the actuality that anniversary and anybody out there can appear and be a Denizen.

To become a Denizen:-

Well, you don’t charge to go anywhere because, 



DenCity is a Blockchain and AI-powered metaverse that provides its user absolutely immersive acquaintance application VR technology. Here, a user will be able to alive a activity he/she consistently capital to alive forth with earning tokens that will be of use in the absolute life.

To become a Denizen, all you charge to do is to accept an activity and a abode in DenCity which you can calmly accept by affairs some DNX tokens.

To analyze your approaching abode a little more, bang here.