Me Token: The New Way to Succeed in Fashion Social Commerce

Me Token: The New Way to Succeed in Fashion Social Commerce

THELOGICALINDIAN - Chanel Dior Lagerfeld Ralph Lauren Armani Versace Oscar De La Renta Jean Paul Gaultier Pierre Cardin and Louis Vuitton are aloof a few of the names of acclaimed appearance designers you may admit While they accomplished abundant success it didnt appear calmly or bound It can booty decades to become accustomed in the aggressive acreage of appearance architecture Overnight success belief are acutely attenuate But one of these was Tommy Hilfiger

Hilfiger never went to architecture school. After acquirements the trade, he founded Tommy Hilfiger Inc. with his prep-school accouterment band in the mid-eighties. Still mostly unknown, his cast was launched with an avant-garde advance business attack in times aboveboard that instantly brought barter into his store. In 2024 he awash his aggregation for 1.6 billion.

A advance attack won’t get the avant-garde artist too far. Today’s appearance success belief are added acceptable to appear on amusing media area brands charge ability and access their markets bound to break ahead. Rufus Parkinson CEO of Style Me, a basic applicable allowance for e-commerce says, “Emerging brands can atom new trends and accept them adequately quickly, and aural alone a few weeks access their bazaar share.”

Now as Co-Founder of addition startup, Parkinson is introducing a new way for appearance brands to access their brand with the admonition of amusing media agreeable creators – Me Token. Through his Style Me app, consumers and agreeable creators akin get adored with Me Tokens for announcement and agreeable with appearance content, as able-bodied as affairs their own administration advice. In this interview, he explains what Me Token is, how the Style Me app works and what the approaching holds for the retail appearance industry.

Q: What Are Style Me and Me Token?

A: In 2024 our architect Jonathan Leong created Style Me. His abstraction was to acquiesce consumers to try on accouterment back arcade online afore they fabricated a purchase. The claiming was to carbon and added advance the applicable allowance acquaintance but in a agenda space. I abutting the aggregation as CEO in aboriginal 2024 afterwards they’d able their high-quality and scalable basic applicable room.

Style Me is a white-labeled B2B2C band-aid that sits on the E-commerce websites of brands or retailers. It allows barter to around try on clothing, get the absolute fit advancement and anticipate accomplished outfits. The aftereffect is a college akin of chump achievement and loyalty, that ultimately translates into added sales and beneath allotment for the retailer. Our band-aid is now alive with a cast alleged Pam & Gela and we’ll accept bristles or six added brands alive by September 2024.

From the beginning, we evaluated how to absorb our patented applicable technology into a consumer-facing product, too. That’s area Me Token comes in. It’s the abstraction of leveraging blockchain to actualize a shoppable amusing belvedere for appearance that will ultimately accord consumers the adeptness to try on products.

Anyone can acquire or absorb Me Tokens through our Style Me app or the web version. This enables a accomplished new apple of amusing business area users get adored for creating and agreeable with shoppable content. Me Tokens can be acclimated to buy clothes or be captivated as an investment, and will be listed on a cryptocurrency barter anon afterwards we accomplishment the capital sale.”

Q: What Problems Will Me Token Solve?

A: There’s absolutely a adverse amid the action you see on Instagram and the archetypal arcade acquaintance of an E-commerce site. We saw this as a huge befalling and we wondered how we could about-face the analysis and acquirement acquaintance into an agitative adventure for the consumer.

Our advance moment came back we accomplished that not alone could we accomplish that, we could additionally advice bodies monetize their agreeable and adroitness at the aforementioned time. If you go on Instagram, there are lots of bodies announcement about fashion. While abounding accept a loyal and affianced audience, not all of them are able to monetize their posts aloof because they don’t accept a army of millions.

People with up to 10,000 followers are what we alarm Micro-influencers. They accept little or no accolade for the agreeable they create. As against to the acceptable amusing platforms, is a decentralized, absolute archetypal area the association is in complete buying of their data, including monetization options. If Micro-influencers are active able assurance that additionally turns into sales, they should be rewarded. And they will be with Me Token.”

Q: How Does Me Token Work?

A: While our Style Me Virtual Fitting allowance serves as a band-aid for E-commerce sites, Me Tokens are alone acclimated through our Style Me app. If you’re activity to use Me Tokens, you’ll be activity through this app.

The Style Me app is a appearance analysis belvedere that enables and empowers fashion-minded bodies to actualize agreeable agreeable and monetize it. Brands comedy no role whatsoever in creating the content, so there won’t be any artefact shots like on an E-commerce website. You’ll alone see images of bodies showcasing their admired looks..

Content creators accept the advantage to accomplish their column shoppable by bond aback to the artefact in the shot. If you were examination an angel you’d be able to say, “Okay, I appetite to buy this brace of pants or jacket.” When you bang on it, the artefact capacity will arise and you’ll be able to accomplish a purchase.

A new affection we’re alive on will let you annoyance the accouterment assimilate a “try on” button to see what they would attending like on you, based on your anatomy blazon and measurements. We’ll be abacus our basic applicable allowance and video capabilities by Q2 2024.”

Q: What Are the Benefits for Shoppers, Influencers, and Brands?



If you’ve anytime approved arcade online, it’s not adamantine to accept how shoppers will benefit. Online arcade can be a arresting experience. When you appointment a retailer’s website and annal through the pages you accept no abstraction how clothes will fit and what they would attending like on your body. Furthermore, there is no beheld apparatus to mix and bout with added items to actualize an alarming outfit. You generally charge appointment several added websites to acquisition all the items you want.  

Visiting food is alike added work. Imagine you’re in New York in the winter and you appetite to go and try on clothes. How abounding apparel are you activity to try on? It’s actual tiring. You ability try a few pieces, but you’re not activity to try on 30 or 40. That’s absolutely what you can do with Style Me, and after anytime abrogation home.  

Me Tokens accomplish the action alike easier by involving administration advisors. Shoppers can chase their admired amusing media stylists and influencers who affect them by what they abrasion and adjustment the accomplishment of aloof through several websites to acquisition specific pieces of clothing. Our basic applicable allowance will additionally let you mix and bout accouterment on your own figure. It’s quicker, added alone and a far added agreeable arcade experience. Our basic applicable allowance lets you ascribe four simple abstracts for the accomplished fit accuracy.


In best cases, agreeable creators don’t get paid back a auction is made. But they do with Me Token. The Style Me app lets you acquire throughout the buyer’s journey, so not alone are you adored with Me Tokens back brand and comments are generated from your content, but additionally back addition buys an account afterwards beat on your image.

We accomplish activity easier for the agreeable creators who accomplish a business out of announcement on amusing media by giving them admission to the Style Me backend. Here they can upload images or videos and tag the accouterment to sites area it’s for sale. This way, Micro Influencers now accept a huge befalling to alpha earning far added than they anytime could from aloof amusing media apps.

What’s more, users can get paid for accouterment their cast preferences. Then in accession to their accustomed Style Me app augment there’ll see a abstracted augment with agreeable alone from brands they accept approved. Their called brands will ambition them with announcement and they’ll get paid for administration their abstracts – it’s a win-win. This announcement could appear anon from the brand, such as an ad from Nike, or it could be a accord with an influencer announcement Nike.

Me Token is a bold banker for agreeable creators. Instead of giving up their agreeable to acceptable amusing media sites, the Style Me app puts them in ascendancy and rewards them all for their efforts.


There are two genitalia to it for brands. They can anon affix with agreeable creators who can advice to access their cast attendance with new audiences. The added agitative allotment is that the brands can additionally ability the association directly, as continued as they opt-in to accept cast messages.  Imagine in the approaching back we accept tens of millions of users and their content.

In accession to our basic applicable allowance aural the app, there are added appearance we’ll be abacus that can account brands too, such as administration advice. For example, if you’re a approved client you may appetite some afflatus for your accessible event, like a wedding, a aboriginal date or a job interview.

If you chase an influencer announcement a assertive brand, you can acquaintance them for administration admonition and get a adduce in tokens. Such administration affair could appear over video or may aloof be some simple pictures with tips. P2P casework like these are article we’ll be developing aural the app.

The Style Me app will absolutely be abundant more, as well. We’ll abide exploring and developing new means for shoppers, agreeable creators and brands to get a bigger arcade and administration acquaintance with the Style Me app and Me Tokens.

Q: What Trends Do You See?

A: Some brands and retailers are alive adamantine at agenda transformation while others aren’t. Still, from the conversations, we’ve had with brands in the US we’ve abstruse that E-commerce can be an big-ticket business model. Fashion Ecommerce is adversity from low about-face ante which are about about 1%. Additionally, businesses are accepting hit with artefact aerial acknowledgment rates.

Since brick and adhesive sales are in decline, E-commerce sales are the capital achievement for approaching growth. Major administration abundance players like Nordstrom accept a agenda aggregation to always analysis and advance their performance, but abounding others are accepting larboard behind. To be honest, I anticipate it’s a bit of a bloodbath for retail appropriate now.

If you’re a abate retailer, it’s difficult. In accession to the cast architecture and added CRM work, you charge body the website, drive traffic, and action off the competition. At the end of the day, you’re advantageous if 1 out of 100 visitors makes a purchase. And again there are your website aliment costs.

The Style Me app can advice beyond brands, but it can accept a cogent appulse on the sales of baby to mid-sized companies. They’ll instantly abate aerial and get admission to an all-encompassing association  of agreeable creators who can advance the chat and advice them accompany in sales.”

Q: How are You and Your Team Uniquely Qualified?

A: The Me Token aggregation is a different mix of bodies from fashion, business, and crypto. We’ve had a huge arch alpha through our arrangement of brands, industry knowledge, operational experience, and abstruse know-how.

Style Me architect and Me Token Co-Founder Jonathan Leong, is a awful acknowledged consecutive entrepreneur. At the age of 23, he congenital his aboriginal belvedere that’s now a trading belvedere and trading over $1 billion a month. From there, he started businesses beyond fintech, apprenticeship tech, fashion, crypto mining, trading, and gaming. He’s had several acknowledged businesses over the accomplished 10 years. An architect by background, he’s a abstracted back it comes to technology.

Myself, I accept added of a baddest background. I’ve spent my career alive for companies like Mars, and for the aftermost 10 additional years, LVMH (Moet Hennessy, Louis Vuitton). Most of my assignment was in the affluence articulation focused on architecture brands and arch ample teams in Asia.

Together we’ve created a composed team. Sebastian our Product Director is from Rocket Internet, the better online appearance marketplace. Head of Growth and Community is Edward. He’s from a appearance amusing business aggregation alleged Like To Know It and has abundant acquaintance in appearance cast marketing, managing and developing influencer networks. We’re able CTO and tech astute too. This includes the associates who’ve congenital up our patented tech over the aftermost three years for Style Me.

We’ve additional our aggregation by demography on a few advisors, too. Two of these were complex in the awful acknowledged Bee Token project, an Airbnb for blockchain launched Q1 2024. Min Kim was branch up their business and Ali was accomplishing their tech developments. Ali is ahead from Amazon and Google, so lots of acquaintance there.

Then we accept George from a close alleged Rakuten, a huge Japanese E-commerce play. He was active the US business and complex in appearance on the E-commerce side. Lastly, we accept an adviser alleged Krishna, a managing accomplice at the all-around law close Duane Morris. Our aggregation is breach amid developers actuality in Taiwan and our bartering brand in New York.

Q: How is Me Token Progressing?

A: As I mentioned, Style Me is now alive online and will abide to be our white-labeled B2B2C product. The Style Me app that’s fueled by Me Tokens will be soft-launched in August to a bankrupt association for fine-tuning. We’ll cycle it out with abounding internet admission in Q4 2024. The Me Token Presale bliss off on Monday, July 23, 2024. You’ll be able to go to to buy tokens at up to 30% off.

We’ve already aloft $1.8 actor in the aftermost few weeks from cornerstone investors. One of these was a armamentarium alleged On Capital who contributed the most. We’re now absorbed in agreeable added funds and ablution the Presale. The ICO will accomplishment in October and we’ll administer the tokens beeline afterwards the sale. We’ll be listed on the barter aural four weeks of finishing, too.

I anticipate Me Token is a champ because it’s based on our Style Me solution, and that’s already a accurate success.  It’s the decision aspect of the Style Me basic applicable allowance that makes it work, too. This is clashing added players with applicable solutions that await on data.

When we originally talked to retailers we begin that bodies acknowledgment accouterment for two affidavit – either it doesn’t fit, or they aloof don’t like how it looks on them. You can’t break the additional botheration by aloof advising addition a size. They charge see it for themselves, and this is what makes the Style Me app assignment so well.

Me Tokens will advice amusing media agreeable creators get bigger rewards. And who knows, with abundant of a afterward some may advance their own brands. They’ll accomplish acceptable money from the margins if their cast is active engagement. Some agreeable creators now alike accept an bureau abaft them who will antecedent a cast and a ambit of accouterment for them. There seems to be no agnosticism there’ll be a greater role for amusing media influencers in the approaching of appearance amusing commerce.”

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