THELOGICALINDIAN - We are appreciative to advertise that on August 21st 2025 at about 200 pm CEST the Lisk Mainnet v2 auspiciously completed the clearing to Lisk Mainnet v3 This comprises the better agreement change to anytime action on the Lisk blockchain and marks the alpha of a accomplished new era for the Lisk arrangement as it eliminates all weaknesses of the Lisk Mainnet v2 accompanying to fees accord algorithm and accounts and additionally prepares and improves the Lisk blockchain for the accessible interoperability absolution in abounding regards
What does this beggarly for me?
New Account System
Dynamic Fee System
Revamped DPoS
Total Immutability with Lisk BFT
Significant Performance Improvements
New Modular Architecture
Lisk Mainnet Party Recap
Outlook: What’s advancing next
Development Focus: Lisk Interoperability
Research Focus: Blockchain Interoperability
This area provides an overview of the new and adapted appearance which are now accessible on the new Lisk Mainnet v3.
Did you apperceive that with Lisk v3 you accept an acutely defended new annual abode system, with congenital absurdity apprehension for typos? No charge for annual initialization anymore! We accord our association complete security.
The old abode and ID arrangement has been replaced and all absolute accounts accept been automatically migrated to the new system. This introduces a best address, abbreviating user adventures of abode collisions and ensuring that such addresses are aggressive to preimage attacks. In addition, this additionally eliminates the charge to initialize a new account, as was appropriate in the old Mainnet v2, ensuring that every new annual in the Lisk arrangement is absolutely defended appropriate from the start.
The afterward accreditation of your annual accept not changed:
Hence, you can still use your old passphrase to log in to Lisk Desktop as before.
The afterward accreditation of your annual accept changed:
The new abode is created from the accessible key as declared in the analogy apparent below. Please agenda that we now adjoin a checksum of the abode at the end of the address, which provides abutment for audition typos in the annual addresses.
Thanks to the checksum depicted in the aloft illustration, a user can mistype up to 4 characters in the address, and it is affirmed that the appliance will ascertain it. It does not amount if the errors are alien in the checksum part, and/or the allotment that represents the 160-bits address.
All important advice about the new abode and ID arrangement can be begin in the blog post: The new Lisk ID System.
Did you apperceive that with Lisk v3 affairs are up to 98,64% cheaper? Instead of 0.1 LSK the new minimum fee is now alone 0.00136 LSK. We accord our association aggressive fees.
Our new activating fee arrangement has replaced the changeless fees, authoritative affairs decidedly cheaper to execute. This additionally enables users to overwrite their affairs in the transaction basin (i.e. affairs which are not included in the block yet), by ambience a college fee and the aforementioned nonce as the transaction they ambition to overwrite. The minimum fee of anniversary transaction is consistently austere to defended the arrangement adjoin assorted game-theoretic advance scenarios.
More advice about activating fees can be begin in the afterward blog posts: Lisk’s Activating Fee System and Static vs Activating Fee System: A Comparison of Both.
Did you apperceive that with Lisk v3 the DPoS accord algorithm accustomed an absolute revamp? A fair network, new validators, and no added cartels. We accord our association fair decentralization.
The DPoS accord algorithm has been absolutely redesigned to advance the decentralization and aegis of the validator alternative algorithm. This includes a absolutely new voting mechanism, two added about called assembly per accomplishment round, and a new backbreaking apparatus for awful delegates.
Please agenda that all antecedent votes for assembly accept not been migrated to the new Lisk Mainnet v3, and every annual needs to adapt their votes for their admired delegates.
More advice can be begin in the afterward blog post: Actions Required for the Upcoming Mainnet Migration.
A account of the best important appearance in the DPoS new accord algorithm can be beheld in the analogy below:
More advice about the new DPoS can be begin in the blog post: 3 New DPoS LIPs: Changing the Voting System for Lisk.
Did you apperceive that with Lisk v3 you can accelerate a transaction and be assertive it never gets changed again? This is the way advanced for approaching cross-blockchain affairs on our blockchain appliance platform. We accord our association absolute immutability.
With sidechains and interoperability advancing into the Lisk ecosystem in the abutting above absolution of Lisk Core v4, blockchain applications will be able to facilitate affairs beyond assorted blockchains. To accomplish this, it is all-important to agreement that a beatific transaction can never be changed again. That is absolutely what our anew implemented Lisk BFT accord algorithm is doing.
A block will become final on boilerplate afterwards 155 blocks or about 26 account afterwards it was included in the blockchain. If you appetite to be abiding a block is finalized, analyze its block acme and the accomplished acme of the blockchain (e.g. analysis the accomplished acme with Lisk Desktop or the community-maintained campaign Lisk Observer and Lisk Scan). If the block acme of the block is lower than the accomplished height, it is 100% ensured that this block and all its independent affairs are final and cannot be afflicted or afflicted again.
All important advice about the new Lisk BFT accord can be begin in the afterward blog posts: Introducing Byzantine Fault Tolerance Accord for Lisk and Exploring Pre-Votes and Pre-Commits.
Did you apperceive that with Lisk v3 over 1,000,000 affairs can be candy every day? That is a all-inclusive access of 5 times added than with the antecedent version. We accord our association greater scalability.
The achievement of Lisk Core has been bigger in assorted ways. The capital improvements are listed below:
Further capacity about the achievement improvements of Lisk Core v3 can be begin in the blog column Benchmarking Lisk Core v3.0.0 adjoin Lisk Core v2.1.6.
Besides the all-encompassing agreement improvements, there accept additionally been ample improvements in the cipher abject of the Lisk SDK, which is additionally activated in adaptation 3 of Lisk Core.
The all-embracing development acquaintance has bigger abundantly by creating a absolutely modular architectonics of the blockchain application, whereby all altered apparatus of the appliance can be changed, extended, or replaced by the developer.
The Lisk Commander has become a able CLI tool, which abundantly simplifies the conception of blockchain applications. For example, it is now accessible to bootstrap a absolutely new blockchain appliance with one distinct command, or to accomplish skeletons for new modules, plugins, or assets for a blockchain application.
For added advice about the new architecture, and how to advance blockchain applications with the Lisk SDK, analysis out the Lisk SDK documentation.
In adjustment to bless the better amend to the Lisk Mainnet in its history, as able-bodied as to advertise an overview of all the better agreement changes on the Lisk blockchain and to accommodate our association with insights into the abutting accomplish for Lisk, we organized a Lisk Mainnet Party, a fun and activating absolute online event, which was alive streamed on YouTube and Crowdcast.
The Lisk Mainnet Party was hosted on August 21st alive from the date in the Lisk Center Berlin, as a anniversary of Lisk’s greatest accomplishment to date. The accident started with an all-encompassing all-embracing presentation of the Lisk Mainnet clearing action by Max Kordek, CEO and Co-Founder of Lisk, which covered the capital changes and improvements brought by Lisk Core v3. This activating accident was a abundant befalling for the Lisk association to collaborate with Lisk’s Research, Development, and Marketing teams.
Once the clearing block acme was assuredly reached, Max captivated an advisory altercation with Mona Bärenfänger (Technical Writer), Iker Alustiza (Research Scientist), Ishan Tiwari (Backend Developer), and Mitsuaki Uchimoto (Backend Developer), absorption on the project’s above achievements, exchanging behind-the-scenes stories, and discussing accordant insights into their alone journeys.
After the cat-and-mouse aeon for the 201 blocks was over, the snapshot was auspiciously taken, and the Lisk Mainnet was migrated; again Monica Tartau, Business Lead, was arrive on date to altercate this outstanding accomplishment for Lisk. Monica answered questions from the association apropos the accessible business affairs and appear the 10 meme contests winners.
The Lisk Mainnet Party was assured afterwards Max’s alive AMA accoutrement the acknowledged Lisk Mainnet migration, the approaching of Lisk, and the affairs for the accessible months.
The acknowledged clearing of the Lisk Mainnet v2 marks the end of the “Emerald” phase, and the alpha of the “Sapphire” appearance on our Roadmap.
With all the above-mentioned improvements in the agreement and codebase, the new Lisk Mainnet v3 is altogether able to accommodate Lisk’s interoperability solution, which was presented to the accessible for the aboriginal time at Lisk.js this summer. The interoperability is the final key affection missing, which will acquiesce blockchain applications to annals as a sidechain. This enables them to collaborate with the Lisk ecosystem, consisting of the Lisk Mainchain and all added affiliated sidechains.
The planning and development of the abutting above absolution of the Lisk SDK (v6) and after of Lisk Core (v4) is already advanced at abounding speed. The absolution of Lisk Core v4 will accompany Lisk’s interoperability band-aid to the Lisk Mainnet. The accepted advance can be beheld in absolute time by afterward the agnate projects in our GitHub repositories:
So far, 40 LIPs accept been appear in total. An overview of all absolute LIPs can be begin in the LIPs repository on GitHub. Apart from the development advance appear interoperability, there are several new analysis objectives accompanying to interoperability in the pipeline.
The afterward 10 analysis objectives are about accomplished and will complete the analysis appearance “Lisk Interoperability”:
The afterward acknowledging analysis objectives are already planned and are allotment of the analysis appearance “Interoperability Improvements”:
After commutual the Sapphire appearance which includes the “Lisk Interoperability” and “Interoperability Improvements” milestones, the analysis aggregation will apply on the Diamond appearance with its analysis anniversary “Blockchain Interoperability”, which will focus on interoperability of the Lisk ecosystem with added blockchain ecosystems such as Ethereum, Cosmos, Cardano, or Polkadot. This will aftereffect in a huge bound forward, as Lisk sidechains will again be able to acquaint to blockchain applications in added ecosystems and carnality versa. Blockchain interoperability is the abutting big evolutionary footfall for the Lisk ecosystem and will massively accord to cooperation amid a array of projects amid on altered blockchain platforms. Finally, this is of key accent to beforehand the all-embracing acceptance of blockchain applications as a whole.
To summarize, we are captivated to assuredly present the new Lisk Mainnet v3 and all of its above-mentioned appearance and improvements, which we accept been alive agilely on for the aftermost three years. It has been a massive and circuitous task, which auspiciously resulted in the acme and admittance of all these new appearance into one above and absolute clearing of the Lisk Mainchain, to abate the cardinal of hardforks appropriate in the network. Now, it is accessible to booty advantage of all the next-generation appearance that you accept been cat-and-mouse for.
However, blow assured this is aloof the beginning. The Lisk SDK can already be classed as a beaming gem, nevertheless, it will abide to be bigger and enhanced. With Lisk Interoperability coming, we are aloof one footfall abroad from accepting one of the best avant-garde and scalable blockchain interoperability solutions that abide today.
We appetite to acknowledge anybody who accompanied us during this agitative adventure to accompany Lisk to the abutting level. Firstly, our committed Lisk community, which is consistently admiring and accessible and continues to affect us to advance further. Without your support, this would not accept been possible. It has been acutely affective to see how association associates accept activated the Lisk SDK to apprehend a array of avant-garde projects and ideas, including the architecture of websites with advantageous casework for the community; and the around-the-clock assurance in the, calm with alms abutment to added association members. Finally, we additionally appetite to acknowledge our association moderators and the association band for accouterment us with outstanding abutment and effective feedback. We are always beholden to accept such an alive and admiring association and attending advanced to continuing to accommodate abutment as the association expands and grows further.
Enjoy the new Lisk Mainnet, everyone!