Minereum World Metaverse Is Planned to Be Launched in Q1 2022, Land Pre-Sale Is Live

Minereum World Metaverse Is Planned to Be Launched in Q1 2022, Land Pre-Sale Is Live

THELOGICALINDIAN - Minereum the activity abaft the aboriginal selfmining acute arrangement welcomes you to The Minereum World an agitative and alternate playtoearn 3D bold adventure area users can appear calm around in the metaverse The ambition of the bold is to grab and own as abundant acreage as accessible The added acreage you own the added cubes you will get arch to added and added Minereum Want to apperceive added Find out below

Introducing the Minereum World Metaverse

Minereum has afresh announced to the association that its entering the Metaverse chase with the barrage of Minereum World.

The Minereum World consists of a bound cardinal of acreage plots, these acreage plots are NFTs, and already minted by the users, they can be traded on accessible markets like opensea.io. The Acreage Pre-Sale is live, so anyone can now excellent Minereum Acreage for the ETH, BSC, and Polygon Chains. 20,000 plots of acreage are accessible for affair on anniversary blockchain and can be minted by anyone via the Minereum web3 platform.

The costs to excellent NFTs are acting currently – accountable to change, but for now, actuality are the costs on anniversary Chain:

ETH: 0.05 eth per acreage plot
BSC: 0.35 BNB per acreage plot
POLYGON: 100 MATIC per acreage plot

Once minted, a user can administer and barter the NFTs on OpenSea ETH, OpenSea Polygon, as able-bodied as Tofunft BSC. All the affairs of the Land Sale in ETH, BNB and MATIC will be broadcast to the Fee Share Holders on their corresponding blockchains. All the affairs in MNE, MNEB, or MNEP will be burned.

Minereum World 3D bold is planned to barrage in the first division (Q1) of 2022. The bold is still beneath development, but accelerated advance is actuality fabricated and the aggregation is aflame to barrage it. Stay acquainted and adapted on all the bold accompanying developments, by afterward Minereum on the amusing media channels.

About Minereum

With the accelerated and accustomed advance of blockchain technology, actuality broadly accustomed throughout the tech apple and beyond, Acute Affairs are acutely acceptable the approaching of the abridgement and banking systems. Minereum brought new and beginning access to acute affairs that is cellophane and fair. Minereum was the aboriginal self-mining acute arrangement badge in the cryptocurrency space.

Minereum was launched in 2024 on the Ethereum blockchain and back again has acquired traction, accepting a abode for itself in the change of blockchain technology. In 2024, Minereum V2 was launched that brought a lot of updates. Following V2, Minereum has gone from backbone to strength, ablution on altered blockchains like Binance Smart Chain in June 2024 and the Polygon Network.

To apprentice added about Minereum and the accessible Metaverse appointment the project’s website at www.minereum.com and get complex with the association on Twitter.

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