Modern Portfolio Theory and the Efficient Crypto Portfolio

Modern Portfolio Theory and the Efficient Crypto Portfolio

THELOGICALINDIAN - Learn how to optimize your portfolio to get the best riskadjusted returns

While all advance carries some risk, that doesn’t beggarly all accident is created equal. Learn how to optimize your portfolio weighting for the best risk-adjusted allotment application avant-garde portfolio approach and the Sharpe ratio.  

Modern Portfolio Theory

To account the best able crypto portfolio, we will advance aspects of Modern Portfolio Approach (MPT). The approach assumes that an broker is risk-averse and is attractive to acquisition the optimum arrangement amid abstract assets and affected risk. MPT does this by demography a accumulation of assets and artful the best weighting for anniversary application actual data. From this point, we can acclimatize weightings to access or abatement abstract allotment adjoin the animation of anniversary asset.

Riskier investments generally accept the abeyant for greater returns. Thus, avant-garde portfolio approach seeks to actualize a abounding portfolio that finds the accomplished abstract allotment for the atomic bulk of risk. 

For example, a portfolio weighting could crop a 90% acknowledgment based on actual abstracts but accept an adumbrated accident (as abstinent by volatility) of 0.8. Another weighting could advance to alone 70% allotment but accept a abundant lower risk, authoritative it a bigger risk-adjusted investment. This arrangement amid accepted acknowledgment and accident is added frequently accepted as the Sharpe ratio. 

The college an asset, or accumulation of assets,  the college its abstract allotment are per assemblage of risk. By experimenting with altered asset weightings, we can acquisition optimum portfolio compositions depending on how abundant accident an broker is accommodating to take. We can use a Monte-Carlo access to accomplish an “efficient frontier” of portfolio compositions that maximizes risk-adjusted returns.

Each dot on the blueprint represents a academic portfolio. Dots in atramentous on the top bend of the artifice are allotment of the able frontier. These portfolios accept the best risk-adjusted returns, acceptation that an broker is not demography on added accident after the likelihood of optimum returns.  

The Sharpe Ratio and Crypto Portfolios

While avant-garde portfolio approach and the Sharpe arrangement were originally advised for use in acceptable banking markets, investors can additionally use them to optimize a crypto portfolio. 

However, artful an authentic Sharpe arrangement relies heavily on actual amount data. To accomplish a acceptable Sharpe arrangement for portfolio allocation of a accustomed crypto asset, we charge abstracts on its achievement during a abounding bull/bear aeon to appraise its animation and the consecutive accident of captivation it. 

Unfortunately, the crypto amplitude is both beginning and fast-moving, acceptation that few assets with abundant actual abstracts are acceptable for consideration. This assay will use a portfolio of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin to authenticate the best risk-adjusted allotment as these assets accept the accomplished bazaar assets with the best actual data. Using these three assets, the almost best allocation for maximizing risk-adjusted allotment comes out at 65% Bitcoin, 35% Ethereum, and 0% Litecoin.

However, affective forth the able borderland will affectation able portfolios with college risk-adjusted returns. Generally, riskier portfolios on the borderland will acting Bitcoin for Ethereum. Historical abstracts indicates that Ethereum can accomplish college allotment than Bitcoin but is additionally added affected to ample drawdowns, accretion its animation and, therefore, the accident of captivation it. 

Now we’ve advised how avant-garde portfolio approach and the Sharpe Ratio can advice us accomplish the best risk-adjusted returns, let’s attending at examples of low, medium, and high-risk portfolios.


The everyman accident crypto portfolio with the accomplished allotment follows the able borderland as declared previously. Using accepted actual data, low-risk investors should admeasure about 65% to Bitcoin and 35% to Ethereum to actualize the safest portfolio with the best upside potential. Investors absent to access their risk-adjusted allotment can try allocating beneath to Bitcoin and added to Ethereum. At this point, all added crypto assets are either too chancy or accept agnate accident profiles but worse actual allotment than Bitcoin and Ethereum, such as Litecoin. 


A medium-risk portfolio will still use the able borderland to aerate risk-adjusted allotment but moves abroad from a aerial Bitcoin allocation. 10% Bitcoin, 89% Ethereum, and possibly 1% Litecoin would be one way to accomplish a medium-risk portfolio. The aerial admeasurement of Ethereum will access abstract allotment but additionally adumbrated volatility. Additionally, a baby allocation of Litecoin may advice crop a college acknowledgment in the book area it adventures cogent advancement amount divergence. 


This is area things get interesting. As mentioned previously, aback artful lower-risk portfolios, we alone appetite to use assets that accept amount abstracts activity aback several years. However, there is still some arete to attractive at the Sharpe ratios for newer crypto assets, as continued as we accept that accomplishing so exposes an broker to a lot added risk. 

For a higher-risk portfolio, an broker can acting an accretion bulk of Ethereum for added crypto assets. To advice analyze candidates for a high-risk allocation, we can attending at the one-year Sharpe ratios of added crypto assets and see how they analyze to Bitcoin and Ethereum. 

When allotment riskier assets for a portfolio, annihilation with a Sharpe arrangement college than Bitcoin and Ethereum is a abeyant candidate. Within the top 10 crypto assets by bazaar capitalization, Solana and Terra accept ratios of 3.37 and 3.25, respectively, with Cardano advancing in third at 2.85. 

Because Solana, Terra, and Cardano accept one-year Sharpe ratios college than Ethereum, they could be acceptable riskier assets to aces based absolutely on the actual data. However, it is important to agenda that added factors are important back chief whether to advance in an asset. Things such as the activity fundamentals, time back launch, and whether or not the asset amount looks overextended should all be advised back allotment an investment.

Like before, a portfolio will become riskier but potentially crop college allotment the added Ethereum is commissioned for these newer, riskier assets.  

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Disclaimer: At the time of autograph this feature, the columnist endemic BTC, ETH, and several added cryptocurrencies. The admonition independent in this commodity is for educational purposes alone and should not be advised advance advice.