NAGA Coin (NGC) Gets Listed on Bittrex

NAGA Coin (NGC) Gets Listed on Bittrex

THELOGICALINDIAN - Earlier this anniversary NAGA Coin acquired a highprofile advertisement on the accepted USbased cryptocurrency barter Bittrex

NAGA Coin (NGC) accomplished new listings on the accepted cryptocurrency exchanges Bittrex and UpBit.

Following NGC’s advertisement on the US-based exchange, Bittrex, the token’s amount acicular from almost $0.60 to as aerial as $1.05 — afore accepted profit-taking and a abiding market-wide declivity pushed the badge aback bottomward to what some may accede a actual buyable $0.54.

Immediately afterwards actuality listed on Bittrex, the barter garnered added than 30 percent of NGC trading aggregate — with the blow actuality aggregate by Upbit and OKEx. The Asian cryptocurrency bazaar has appropriately far apparent cogent abutment for the European-based fintech company.

For those unaware, NAGA is a assorted yet unified cryptocurrency ecosystem which offers the world’s aboriginal crypto-gateway to barter any array of banking apparatus and basic acceptable in a defended and cellophane way.

NAGA currently has a cardinal of big projects in operation, including its NAGA WALLET, NAGA TRADER, NAGA CARD, NAGA COIN (NGC), and several others. The ecosystem is already one of the better and best fully-realized in the cryptocurrency space. The accession of trading abutment on Bittrex will alone added advance the activity added into the alertness of boilerplate cryptocurrency investors.

NAGA Coin’s advertisement on Bittrex follows addition above advertisement from the all-embracing bread beforehand this month.

On May 3, NAGA appear a high-profile partnership with Ontology — addition one of the best agitative projects in the cryptocurrency bazaar today.

The abutting of armament is a abiding cardinal affiliation which aims to aftereffect “significant and able change” in the way business is conducted. Together, the two projects plan to accompany high-performance accessible blockchains to the gigantic financial-technology (fintech) market, forth with a alternation of complete broadcast ledgers and acute arrangement systems.