Phemex Launches NFT Program for Exchange Users

Phemex Launches NFT Program for Exchange Users

THELOGICALINDIAN - Users accept aloof two canicule to annals for Phemexs association NFT affairs

Crypto futures trading belvedere Phemex has launched a association NFT affairs for barter users, which it affairs to advertise for added than $100,000.

Phemex Plans NFT for User QR Codes

The agenda art blue-blooded “Q aRt” will amalgamate the Ethereum QR codes of the crypto barter users who will accept a allotment of the NFT proceeds. 

Participants are appropriate to allotment their Phemex ETH drop abode on Gleam Campaign forth with a few added annual capacity and chase their Twitter annual by 3 pm UTC, Apr. 2, 2020.  

Graphic designers at Phemex will architecture the NFT application the submitted QR codes. Then, the barter affairs to bargain at the OpenSea belvedere on April 12. 

The barter admiral aggregate with Crypto Briefing that they accept accustomed over 36,000 submissions (subject to filtration of invalid users).

The CEO of the Singapore-based crypto barter Jack Tao has offered an antecedent bid of $100,000 for the NFT’s bargain if the cardinal of ETH QR cipher entries equals or exceeds 1,000. 

The barter will about baddest the winners to allotment allotment of the auction bid. 

The NFT bazaar has boomed lately, with notable abstracts in Elon Musk, Christiano Ronaldo, Jack Dorsey, and abounding others affairs collectibles on blockchain. The agenda art pieces are accepting hundred of bags to multi-million-dollar valuations at auctions. For instance, Uniswap’s V3 barrage video went for $525,000.

Phemex is attractive to allure bids college than Tao’s $100,000 for the “Q aRt” NFT.

Disclosure: Phemex is a sponsor of Crypto Briefing.