Promising Cardano-based DEX Joins the Race: Do.Exchange (DOEX) to hold a Public sale on KICK.IO

Promising Cardano-based DEX Joins the Race: Do.Exchange (DOEX) to hold a Public sale on KICK.IO

THELOGICALINDIAN - Cardano is the blockchain of the approaching theres no agnosticism about it Nevertheless to advance that approaching we accept to body the basement about it Cardanoexclusive decentralized exchanges DEXs are appropriately analytical for the approaching of decentralized finance

That’s why we’re badly appreciative that Do.Exchange (DOEX), a Cardano-based DEX with an Automatic Bazaar Authoritative protocol, has called KICK.IO launchpad for its accessible sale. By authoritative use of self-enforcing acute contracts, DOEX will facilitate arguable and able banking affairs amid bazaar participants, and accommodate the much-needed clamminess aural the Cardano ecosystem. The DOEX Team said the afterward about the project:

“Our eyes is to become the aboriginal Cardano-based DEX, ensuring interoperability beyond chains and acceptance for the seamless bandy of tokens both on the Cardano blockchain and added ones like Ethereum via a fool-proof arch or converter. This is allotment of our continued eyes of laying a solid accomplishments for continued business and amplification opportunities. Our abiding cold is to be the one-stop boutique for DeFi casework on the Cardano blockchain, including, but not bound to, staking and asset management.”

Unlike best DEXs, DOEX’s aim is to actualize a absolutely decentralized, community-driven protocol, area all badge holders accept voting rights, are able to adviser the belvedere changes, and area users are empowered to absolutely utilise the immense account of the DOEX token.

After an awfully acknowledged antecedent allotment round, DOEX is planning a abundant amplification in the abreast approaching and is gluttonous cardinal partnerships with key institutional stakeholders, accustomed blockchain projects to facilitate accumulation adoption, and attractive for abiding investors.

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For a bound time, Do.Exchange welcomes inquiries from institutional investors who ambition to booty allotment in the antecedent clandestine sale. For a adventitious to participate in the clandestine sale, amuse acquaintance [email protected].

The DOEX accessible auction on the KICK.IO Launchpad is appointed to activate on December 6, 12:00 pm, GMT 02:00. From basic projections, it is advancing to be broadly oversubscribed.

Available Supply: 23,800,000 DOEX (17% of Total Supply)

Price: $0.11 USD


KICK.IO is a Cardano-based fundraising belvedere and activity accelerator, advised to accommodate transparent, efficient, and absolutely decentralized crowdfunding services. KICK.IO is set to complete into a cornerstone of the new Cardano-dominated DeFi landscape, acceptable the abode area Cardano’s all-encompassing association can appear calm to armamentarium projects characterised by the immense abeyant for approaching success.

Our next-generation decentralized launchpad will be congenital according to the best DeFi industry practices, ensuring real-time settlement, best security, interoperability, accurate decentralization, aught counterparty risk, while additionally actuality absolutely scalable to accommodated the needs of institutional investors. Unlike our competitors, we action abounding abutment of Cardano built-in tokens and a apartment of avant-garde DeFi accoutrement that accessible projects charge to advance and prosper.

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