Provocative advertisement of Universa Blockchain at Times Square

Provocative advertisement of Universa Blockchain at Times Square

THELOGICALINDIAN - On November 30 Times Square saw a annoying advance video depicting a wellknown computer bold appearance PacMan bistro up the row of dollar Bitcoin and Etherium signs The apparent video symbolizes the alteration to the so alleged New Money Order which Universa is appetite to accomplish The video has been uploaded to the Universa official YouTube approach on the 1 of December httpsyoutubeSImff8RPCFI

Universa is a new-age blockchain belvedere introducing a new technology advised to fix the weaknesses of Bitcoin and Ethereum. According to the activity WP, this will be accomplished by convalescent acute affairs and the action of tokenization. As the developers claim, Universa is accouterment an accessible scalable blockchain technology and interface acceptable for creating acute affairs and applications based on its blockchain.

The appliance of technology includes such fields as acumen and burden tracking, AI banking predictions, agriculture, aliment and medical food ascendancy and abounding more. The belvedere is advised to amuse the needs of accustomed users as well, for it has such applications as acute home automation, airbnb, carsharing, etc. accouterment a arrangement for tokenization of aggregate that requires decentralization and transformation to the blockchain.

On October 28, the day of the Token Sale launch, the activity admiring added than $ 10 actor during the aboriginal three hours. The company’s ambition is to accession $100 million. According to the project’s whitepaper, the calm funds are to be spent on the agreement development, the conception of the Universa armamentarium for advance in the blockchain based businesses, marketing, acknowledged issues and added purposes.

The arch of the activity is Alexander Borodich, Russia’s acclaimed angel broker with the history of over 90 start-ups in his portfolio and above business administrator at Group. Among the advisors, there’s John McAfee, the architect of the McAfee Security antivirus and architect of MGT Basic Investments, who is activity to use the Universa belvedere to apparatus his own blocking activity McAfee Coin, with which he hopes to “change the adventure basic market.”

As of today, Universa has admiring over $19 actor during the badge auction and keeps adopting the funds actual quickly.