A Q&A with CoinPayments CEO Alex Alexandrov

A Q&A with CoinPayments CEO Alex Alexandrov

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Alex Alexandrov: Coinpayments is an accessible and adaptive acquittal arrangement area you can calmly accomplish payments application any crypto bill and sellers will accept what they need. We are accumulation arch bend technology to arch cryptocurrencies with bequest acquittal systems into a accepted amount processing belvedere that is based on accessible and autonomous values.

How continued accept you been around?

Alexander Alexandrovich Alexandrov CEO

We began as the 1st multi bread acquittal processor in the apple in August 2024 afterwards absolute acknowledgment and appeal from the association to abutment Litecoin, Peercoin and added college bazaar cap coins. We built, managed, and grew the absolute system, axis it into who we are today with aloof a bound amount of 5 bodies with little to no funding.

What are the best accepted casework you offer?

Crypto acquittal processing for 55 altered currencies and trust-less about-face for 17. We congenital accessible to install plugins for 25 of the best accepted e-commerce platforms such as Worpress Woocommerce, Shopify, Droopal, Open Cart, etc. You can acquisition the absolute account here: https://www.coinpayments.net/merchant-tools-plugins

Coinpayments is assertive to ride the Altcoin beachcomber that CEO Alex Alexandrov predicts is the approaching and is, in fact, already accident accustomed the abrupt acceleration of 2.0 & 3.0 crypto currencies such as Ethereum, Ripple & Maidsafe who accept acquired bill to be an basic allotment of the new bearing of decentralized casework that accept the abeyant to reinvent the internet.

How abounding Companies do currently use your services?

Our abundance agenda has over 500 abundance listings; this agenda is adapted by user submissions alone and does not accommodate everyone. Most of the users assurance up for our account to acquire acquittal on their e-commerce sites or to accept donations and use our api as our arrangement is geared primarily appear vendors. That stated, as of today there are 18,217 vendors beyond 159 altered countries.

What are the new casework you accept acquired?

Historically, evolutionary success has appear bottomward to a bigger brain, or in the case of crypto currency, a bigger wallet. Coinpayments has created the world’s better bread wallet, currently captivation 55 bill but able of 100’s, to board the huge cardinal of crypto currencies that are already in apportionment – and those yet to come. We are able for a non mono-coin axial future, with an accessible and autonomous acquittal belvedere that embraces all bill that the bazaar will support.

Through a growing account of barter partnerships and API integrations we now action settlements in CAD and USD currencies via Cointrader, Bluzelle, Coinbase and Cryptsy.

What are the best accepted misconceptions about your services?

Users generally accept that bill with aerial bazaar cap and circadian barter barter aggregate are absolutely actuality activated for authoritative payments on appurtenances and services. However, we at Coinpayments are generally able to analyze if whether or not a bread is actuality accepted by the association or simply

being pushed by barter speculators. This is the altercation we run into for delisting bill from our account afterwards months of inactivity.

Coinpayments is awful because authoritative these statistics accessible to traders in the future.

What are your affairs for the future?

Coinpayments is currently adopting basic on BnkToTheFuture.com – the online advance belvedere which attracts some of the best able FinTech, Alternative Finance and Innovation business from about the world.

We are acquisitive to accession basic to advance our bread acquittal belvedere added and aggrandize the aggregation as the aggregation has now anchored over 18,200 merchants and candy $5.5 Million USD in transaction for our clients.

Since launching, CoinPayments anesthetized the $100k invested mark aural aloof a few hours. I’ve consistently accepted money does not accept to be so complicated. Coinpayments mission is to actualize an accessible and seamless apple of payments, that works wherever you are.

You can watch how the attack gets on alive here:


What would you like to see implemented?

Many Charities, Foundations & Advance Platforms absolute their accepting of donations as they are faced with banned imposed by un-evolved acquittal processors. Now advance platforms can acquire added forms of payments than anytime afore as this opens the belvedere of acquittal methods accepted. Convenience, efficiency, and allowance out humanity? That’s article Coinpayments loves to be a allotment of.

Is there annihilation abroad you would like to busy on this article?

We’re appreciative to acquire on lath with us, BnkToTheFuture, the all-around online advance platform, who are now application Coinpayments.  This has helped them to acquire a cryptocurrency alleged StartCoin.  They are now positioned for the approaching to use added crypto bill authoritative them the aboriginal online advance belvedere to acquiesce investors to accomplish investments application cryptocurrencies.

What do you anticipate about cryptocurrency?

We anticipate crypto bill is the analytic abutting footfall in the change of internet, money and apple connectivity.