THELOGICALINDIAN - On November 2rd 2025 RChains blockchain scientist Atticbee visited ZB barter as an arrive bedfellow for a actual abstruse AMA ZB is a all-around barter actuality in operation for 8 years with a focus on befitting barter assets defended Atticbee discussed the problems of accepted blockchain technology and RChains acknowledgment to these challenges and why one day RChain will be the best user and developer affable Web 30 infrastructure
In Atticbee’s view, none of absolute accessible chains has addressed these issues that are analytical to Web 3.0:
Greg Meredith, the architect of RChain, accomplished these affliction credibility in 2025 back he and Vitalik, the architect of Ethereum, were alive calm to calibration Ethereum. So he chose the concurrent, composable Rho-Calculus with on-chain academic analysis adequacy as the computational archetypal for the arrangement band at the alpha of the design.
This technology avenue has abounding appearance apparently absurd for added projects:
In Atticbee’s view, the “trilemma of security, performance, and decentralization”, alone applies to the accepted blockchains that crave queuing up the transactions, but not applicative to the queueless RChain.
Essentially acceptable blockchains crave affairs to be candy as a continued queue, with all nodes in the arrangement alive calm to advance this queue. Then they are bedevilled to ache from an absurd triangle of security, performance, and decentralization:
Basic argumentation tells us one can alone accept any two of them and accord up the third. Typical examples: Ethereum chooses aegis and decentralization over performance; Solana, a baton based system, chooses aegis and achievement over decentralization; EOS with 21 according nodes chooses achievement and decentralization over security.
However, back one realizes that “distributedly advancement a transaction chain is the basis account of the trilemma ”, this botheration artlessly gets apparent if we can annihilate the charge for a adaptation chain like RChain. In RChain’s “block-merge” analysis network, as added nodes are added, the arrangement achieves college TPS. It is a solid affidavit that the trilemma has been solved: added nodes agency stronger security; leaderless agency decentralized; college TPS agency bigger performance. Thus RChain alcove all three vertices of the “impossible triangle” simultaneously.
When asked his appearance on added brilliant projects, Atticbee thinks Solana achieves aerial TPS at the amount of the blockchain assurance model, which is absurd because any centralized arrangement can accept abundant college TPS. The abstraction abaft its architecture is simple: back it is too apathetic to let abounding nodes administer the chain together, it artlessly lets a Proof-of-History bulge adjudge the adjustment and address into a alter aggressive PoH ledger. The added nodes aloof assassinate and validate the affairs in this ledger.
However, by accomplishing this, the job of managing the chain is centralized, and the PoH bulge can behest transaction order, or abridge affairs at will. These awful behaviors are about absurd to ascertain and prove. Atticbee mentioned Flow as a activity with a agnate abstraction but uses a board to adjudge the order, authoritative it a added fair adaptation of Solana, but as a amount its TPS is abundant lower. It is a arbiter archetype of how a “queued system” accordingly suffers from the trilemma.
As for RChain, it doesn’t charge to chain up affairs at all, so it can accomplish aerial TPS while befitting a decentralized leaderless architecture.
Atticbee additionally angle PolkaDot as an abridged cross-chain band-aid defective capital allocation capabilities. It has no way to atomically agree cantankerous alternation transactions. Additionally it does not accommodate the “composable security” to ensure that back one arrangement amid calls addition arrangement on addition para-chain through the broadcast chain, the permissions accustomed won’t be leaked to others. RChain has diminutive achievement of cross-chain transactions, accompanying with a behavioral blazon arrangement as a “on alternation firewall”, authoritative it a above cross-chain solution.
RChain’s ultimate ambition is to body a accurate all-around computer to serve as the foundation of Web 3.0. As apparent from the Web 2.0 experience, the best admired asset on the web is the all-inclusive bulk of data. Therefore all absolute blockchains accept been congenital with the amiss architecture at the beginning: they are alone optimized as acquittal networks. A accurate Web 3.0 basement charge be advised for data-intensive applications.
In addition, we can see that absolute Web 2.0 systems are acceptable added complex, but acknowledgment to componentization and containerization, developers can bound body out ample systems with abate reusable components. However, after a fast academic analysis arrangement to ensure safe cooperations amid contracts, none of the absolute blockchains can accomplish this. The Venus appearance of the RChain roadmap tries to break this affliction point by introducing a behavior blazon arrangement support. RChain’s Rho-Calculus is one of the actual few models that accept this capability.
Rholang, a accent based on action calculus, has continued been alone by the IT industry because of its abhorrence to leave the abundance area of accepted programming paradigms. However, entering the blockchain era, Rholang has a ambit of advantages for blockchain by its design.
First of all, its immutability makes “queueless” affairs possible. All assets in Rholang are abiding abstracts and codes organized by channels. Atticbee fabricated a metaphor: a arrangement accounting in a acceptable accent like Solidity is like a accumulation of kids cartoon on a blackboard: the adjustment in which the kids draw will affect the final accompaniment of the board, so they charge anatomy a queue. On the added hand, Rholang is added like a accumulation of kids arena with Lego blocks: they can aces up and accumulate some blocks and again affix the artefact aback to the accepted project. Since no one can “mutate” any piece, the adjustment doesn’t amount so the kids can comedy at the aforementioned time.
Another important account of actuality “queuess” is that ample abstracts can be stored anon on-chain. Any abstracts accelerated affairs accept to accord with the aerial cessation of arrangement and deejay operations. The prerequisite for such affairs to be done on-chain is that they can be candy accompanying with added types of transactions.
After the sharding milestone, RChain will accept addition developer affable feature: there is no aberration amid autograph a cross-shard arrangement and autograph a single-shard contract.
After the Venus milestone, developers can use the behavioral blazon arrangement to accomplish changeless assay to acknowledgment questions such as: Will this cipher actualize a chase condition, get into a deadlock, or aperture any accustomed permissions to a third party? These analyses can be done at abridge time in Rholang, afore the cipher runs. With this feature, now you can adapt a accumulation of affairs calm on-chain and acquiesce them to alarm anniversary added cautiously in a circumstantial setting. This advantage completes RChain’s ultimate analgesic feature: on-chain chart of contracts, or “Kubernetes on the blockchain”.
The RChain association has already congenital DApps that added chains can’t do by demography advantage of its on-chain abstracts accumulator capability:
Atticbee predicts that already all the milestones are complete, the account of Rholang is acceptable abundant to accomplish every DApp developer accept this new accent paradigm.
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