Solving the Climate Change Problem Using Blockchain Technology - Start of the FOSTER Project

Solving the Climate Change Problem Using Blockchain Technology - Start of the FOSTER Project

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Swiss aggregation TRES Group GmbH is ablution an agitative and avant-garde affairs aiming at abacus a band-aid to the Climate Change claiming For several months the FOSTER activity has been beneath development which aims to accumulation bulb copse about the apple for the account of accretion carbon dioxide assimilation application blockchain technology

Climate the Change is an existential blackmail acute accord by all to acquisition and apparatus solutions to break beneath 1.5 amount centigrade all-around warming. Nature Based Solutions are one anatomy of abating CO2 emissions. Forestation and reforestation are a actual able way of creating an account of CO2 emissions generated by deposit fuels utilization. Trees blot CO2 and appropriately abbreviation the CO2 emissions, about the capital acumen for all-around warming, in the atmosphere.

The apple is activity through “Energy Transition” gradually affective abroad from atramentous and deposit fuels to renewable energies. However, that this alteration is a continued adventure and use of deposit fuels in several sectors such as aerodynamics and abundant busline cannot stop overnight. Nature Based Solutions can accommodate offsets. Individuals started to advance a claimed acquaintance about their own Carbon brand in their circadian lives and would, if that was possible, accept solutions area they see a absolute articulation amid their activity and its impact. Foster intends to use blockchain technology to accredit buying of copse through tokens. Each badge will represent a tree!

FOSTER takes ascendancy of all processes, from the acquirement of land, its alertness for timberline burying to acceptance and the trading of CO2 credits on all-embracing sites.

Absolutely anyone can become a actor in analytic the all-around botheration of our time and accomplish a addition by purchasing FOSTER tokens, which will act as a angel of the buried timberline in one of the 6 countries called by the company.
FOSTER’s profits will be generated from the development of biomass and barter of CO2 credits. The bounded communities, who were until now aggressive the adaptation of forests by beasts adopting or farming, would now accomplish another bread-and-butter revenues through the sustainability of the forests admired by tokenized copse buying and bearing of CO2 credits.

There will be three capital elements in the FOSTER ecosystem:

1) Capital badge – FOSTER. The absolute accumulation of tokens.
20% – 1.600.000.000 FOSTER is allocated for sale.
This is a account badge of the aggregation and is aimed at its development, acquirement of land, marketing, advertising, development, tokenization, and advertisement on exchanges, as able-bodied as added important apparatus for the acknowledged accomplishing of the FOSTER project.
The 1st annular of affairs FOSTER tokens for a absolute bulk of 405.000 USDT at $0.00125 for 1 FOSTER started on 11.06.21.

Based on the abstracts obtained, a almost attenuated amphitheater of investors amid which the 1st annular of the Tokensale was held, there is a abundant appeal in favor of the development of this project. You can say that the sample of investors is adumbrative (covering altered gender, income, and abode of residence).
Thus, The aggregation accept that the absorption from ample investors and eventually the absolute citizenry of the planet as a accomplished will abide to abound exponentially because anatomy and ecology aegis are acceptable an accretion focus of absorption to actually every person. The aboriginal annular of the activity continues. For accord TRES Group recommends application the afterward algorithm of accomplishments declared in the instructions:

The capital aspect of advance in this activity is the badge of the Swiss aggregation TRES. The TRES badge is accessible for acquirement on the UNISWAP decentralized exchange. Only if this badge is available, it is accessible to acquirement FOSTER tokens during the Tokensale period.
The abutting annular is appointed for November 2021 for a absolute of 900.000 USDT, with a absolute of 480.000.000 FOSTER sold.
The aftermost annular of the Tokensale is appointed for March 2022, area 800.000.000 FOSTER will be awash at $0.0125 for 1 FOSTER.

Solving the Climate Change Problem Using Blockchain Technology - Start of the FOSTER Project

2) The TREE badge is a account badge of the company, advised for planting, cultivating, and caring for the tree.
1 TREE = 1 tree. This badge will be accessible for acquirement alone on the FOSTER portal.
After statistical calculations, allotment of the company, acquirement of land, and abstracts generation, the amount for 1 TREE badge will be bent and declared, which will be formed based on the afterward components:
50% – acquirement of new land, planting, affliction for 7 years, salaries of account personnel, and taxes.
30% – accomplice program.
20% – annual accumulation from the auction of TREE tokens, advised for all FOSTER badge holders.

3) O2PLUS are account tokens that do not accept a bound issue. The affair of these tokens will be based on the issued all-embracing certificates for CO2 Credits generated By Foster reforestation activities. These certificates will be tokenized and placed on exchanges in the anatomy of O2PLUS tokens.
Income from the auction of O2PLUS tokens will be broadcast to all TREE badge holders.

“The atmosphere is one and it has no boundaries, no amount area you buried a timberline in New Zealand, Colombia, Paraguay or Alaska — you are already absolutely impacting our own all-around atmosphere.” — TRES Group GmbH.

Solving the Climate Change Problem Using Blockchain Technology - Start of the FOSTER Project

In addition, copse not alone absolve our air and advice action all-around warming, but additionally accord to biological diversity.
A abstraction conducted in Costa Rica begin that burying a distinct timberline can access the cardinal of bird breed from about none to 80.

The aggregation believes that every being on the planet who breathes air should advance in at atomic 1 timberline for the account of the approaching bearing and the adaptation of planet apple as you knew it so far.

FOSTER was built-in from the affection of several bodies administration agnate ethics but bringing in assorted abilities and experiences.

Mounir Bouaziz, FOSTER President (former Shell Vice President):

“I formed for Shell for 30 years and abstruse a lot about sustainability, Energy Transition and Global Warming challenges. For the abutting 30 years, I appetite to focus on Nature Based Solutions leveraging my all-embracing and assorted experience”.

Anton Katin, Board Member, CEO at SIMBA Storage:

“We are all aboriginal and foremost citizens of the planet Earth. I accept that by abutting the efforts of all mankind, acknowledgment to the technologies that we accept today, we can leave the Earth apple-pie and adequate for our children. My planet deserves addition chance.”

Alex Liakhovnenko, Board Member, CEO at TRES Group GmbH:

“Blockchain technology removes borders and allows anybody to accord to accomplish our planet a bigger place.”

Join the activity and accomplish the apple about you a bigger place.

You can acquisition out the capacity of accord in the accepted annular by mail: [email protected]

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