STK Global Payments Extends Presale

STK Global Payments Extends Presale

THELOGICALINDIAN - STK is announcement changes to its Token Generation Event alpha with an continued presale and a lower minimum buyin to board the aerial appeal for aboriginal accord in a added cryptocurrency exchange The presale will be continued until December 10 with a minimum buyin of 20 ETH The accessible auction will run from December 11 until January 14 2024

Built on the Ethereum blockchain as an ERC20 token, the STK badge will accredit burning cryptocurrency payments at point of auction — the aboriginal such band-aid to arch cryptocurrency with retail affairs in real-time.

Recent developments aural the blockchain industry accept confused the way badge bearing contest are structured and how contributors are attractive to participate. As the cardinal of ICOs continues to access and the exchange is awash with new offerings, badge sales are trending appear abate adamantine caps with added participants to annual for a added advance of absorption and participation.

“The acknowledgment to our presale has accurate the appetence for our badge and its utility,” said Miro Pavletic, Director of STK. “We’ve restructured our Badge Generation Event to acquiesce for greater accord from its best important bazaar — our end user.”

STK has additionally bargain its adamantine cap to 155, 172 ETH, with a absolute badge accumulation of 500 million, of which 275MM STK tokens will be accessible for sale.

About STK Global Payments

STK All-around Payments is the cryptocurrency technology band-aid which enables real-time cryptocurrency payments at credibility of sale, and the issuer of the STK token. The STK badge was advised to accommodate a adjustment that can acquiesce cryptocurrency to be acclimated instantly at retail for seamless affiliation into accustomed affairs and banking services. The STK badge will be implemented on the accessible Ethereum blockchain as an ERC20 token. The STK badge is allotment of a all-around band-aid to facilitate borderless affairs through a acute arrangement which facilitates a real-time barter of cryptocurrency into authorization at the POS.

For added advice on the STK token, appointment