Swash Will Bring You Back Control of Your Data so You Can Earn From It, Not Tech Monopolies

Swash Will Bring You Back Control of Your Data so You Can Earn From It, Not Tech Monopolies

THELOGICALINDIAN - Who controls your abstracts is a basic and growing affair these canicule People are now absolutely acquainted of how the behemothic tech monopolies are extracting amount out of users clandestine advice while they get annihilation in acknowledgment Regulators companies and users accept all began to claiming the way this happens by attached the aggression of aloofness wherever accessible However the abeyant of appointment amount to users still charcoal allusive Swash changes the archetype by putting abstracts monetization in the easily of the users themselves

Creating a New Age of User Data Monetization

Swash is an ecosystem of accoutrement and casework that accredit bodies to alleviate the amount of abstracts by pooling, deeply sharing, and earning while application privacy. The amount abstraction abaft Swash is that of “Data Unions” – organized structures that optimize alone bureau as a aggregate force by advantageous abutment associates for the amount of their data. Inspired by their eyes to accomplish accessible abstracts monetization possible, the Swash aggregation congenital the aboriginal absolute Abstracts Abutment aback in 2019 as an experiment. It has back developed into one of the better dApps with over 60,000 installs, authoritative it the better Abstracts Abutment in existence.

It was afresh appear that Swash aloft $4 actor in a allotment round, led by the accepted cryptocurrency barter KuCoin, early-stage accelerator Outlier Ventures and decentralized real-time abstracts belvedere Streamr. Outlier Ventures’ portfolio boasts big names, such as Brave, Chainlink, Ocean Protocol and Fetch.ai, and Swash partnered with them in summer 2024. Streamr’s technology enables the conception of Abstracts Unions and Swash utilizes the arrangement as the affiliation band and the Streamr exchange will be area Swash beck abstracts is sold. Streamr Founder, Henri Pihkala, is additionally on the Swash advising board.

Swash additionally partnered with Ocean Protocol as a Day 1 Abstracts Launch Partner of the Ocean Market, which enables users to add clamminess to pools, and to buy, sell, or broadcast data. Swash accustomed from Ocean a allotment admission additional business and artefact development support, and Bruce Pon, Ocean Protocol Founder, is now an adviser to the team. For more, the Swash aggregation afresh appear in a blog an absorbing account of all-star backers.

The SWASH Token — Powering a World of Data

As Swash will grow, the solutions congenital assimilate the technology will accord acceleration to a all-inclusive association of collaborators and new innovations. Its First Wave Solutions can accommodate an adumbration of what is possible. These include: Data Union – acclimation individuals as a aggregate force so bodies can acquire for activities they already do online — like surfing the web. sIntelligence – a different business intelligence belvedere application aggregated Swash abstracts to appearance companies their key metrics via a web-based platform. sApps – authoritative it accessible to acquaint anon with users to get to apperceive them bigger and accommodate addition amount stream, such as by examination ads or answering questions or polls. sCompute – authoritative it accessible for abstracts scientists to accomplish computations on abstracts after defective to acquirement it while the abstracts itself charcoal clandestine and isn’t awash or moved.

The Swash amount alternation will be powered by its built-in badge (SWASH). SWASH will accept a array of use cases aural the ecosystem and will be acclimated as a cross-chain account and babyminding badge amalgam Ethereum, xDai and Binance Smart Chain. It will additionally be alloyed with Swash’s ally and their built-in currencies, acceptance for cross-fertilization of value, added adoption, and a seamless user experience. As appeal for SWASH will access alongside arrangement adoption, generated amount may be acclimated to antithesis the badge supply, acceptable through journal badge ‘burning’. Once the Swash amplification is live, use cases for the Swash badge will include: an allurement system, abstracts transactions, DAO babyminding and staking liquidity.

This is your adventitious to change the approaching of the internet and advice accompany about a apple area users monetize their data, not the big tech monopolies. You no best accept to brainstorm a arrangement area users achieve abstracts buying and accept acquiescent assets as they cream the web or collectively advance amount into amusing development – Swash makes this a absoluteness now!

To apprentice added about the activity appointment the website, and chase the aggregation on Twitter, Telegram and LinkedIn. Join the Swash commitment list to get prioritized for whitelisting and for absolute updates and announcements.

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