This Startup Could Help Meet Your Idols

This Startup Could Help Meet Your Idols

THELOGICALINDIAN - Global Crypto Online Exchange GCOX aims to advice brands and celebrities tokenize acclaim and acceptance while absolution admirers get to apperceive their idols better

Some antecedent bread offerings (ICOs) abridgement adapted allotment or are launched by business amateurs, but this activity isn’t the case. Steve Askew, GCOX’s Executive President, has all-encompassing acquaintance in the assembly and media spaces. The company’s website informs us that in the aftermost 30 years, he has been, amid added things, the admiral of Star Entertainment, an Executive Producer of “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” and the CEO of Star TV.

A added attending at the GCOX’s team profiles additionally gives us some absorbing insights into the acquaintance of the company’s CEO Dr. Jeffrey Lin. Dr. Lin has been the almsman of a cardinal of celebrated awards like the 2010 and 2011 Successful Entrepreneur Award, the Singapore Entrepreneurs’ Award in 2013 and the Top 100 Singapore Excellence Award in 2012 and 2013.

It is account pointing out that the aboriginal tranche of the accessible auction of GCOX’s built-in token, the Acclaim Badge (ACM), was 56 percent oversubscribed, so this activity doesn’t accept difficulties in accessing funding. Investors that didn’t accomplish it got 1% of their cable for free.

This akin of acceptance and a admiration to body a added cogent association collection the startup to extend the auction until August 18. The token’s amount during the aboriginal tranche was $0.60 per token.

The barrage and abutting dates of the additional tranche will anon be announced. It may be a acceptable abstraction to chase GCOX on Twitter to be amid the aboriginal to acquisition out back the additional tranche will start.

In his youth, Dr. Lin had consistently dreamt of afraid easily with Michael Jackson. This unattainable admiration was the berry from which the abstraction and business archetypal for GCOX sprouted. It was this admiration that collection Dr. Lin to try and abutting the gap amid the admirers and celebrities.

The aggregation at GCOX is developing not one, but three commutual platforms that will accredit celebrities to advance their badge offerings. The platforms are Celeb-charity, Celebreneur, and Celeb-connect.

This belvedere is advised to accredit celebrities to accompany absorption to their called causes or affect accommodating actions. What’s more, it will additionally be accessible for celebrities and their admirers to accord appear association projects application their corresponding celebrity’s tokens.

For the fans, Celeb-charity provides a way to advisedly appoint with their admired celebrities while accompanying enabling them to abutment the celebrities’ altruistic and accommodating causes.

There are three means in which Celebreneur belvedere can be used: Celeb-auction, Fan-merchant, and Celeb-merchant. Celeb-auction allows celebrities to bargain off their items to their fans, while Fan-merchant and Celeb-merchant accredit admirers and celebrities, respectively, to conduct affairs for appurtenances and casework on the belvedere application the corresponding celebrity’s tokens.

The white paper explains that Celebreneur “enhances the functionality of the Celebrity Token; celebrities can appropriately abide to aggrandize their admission globally as accessibility for admirers to acquirement their appurtenances and casework will advance drastically. This in itself is a above business befalling as there are currently abounding abeyant barter who are currently not able to admission these appurtenances and services.”

The purpose of this belvedere is to acquiesce celebrities to ability out to their admirers and appoint with them in means not ahead possible. Such a affiliation is to be developed by acclamation fan needs and requests, absolute engagements, compassionate their fans’ habits and optimizing fan engagements.

For example, one of four means to absorb celebrity tokens on Celeb-connect is to buy a altogether video greeting from the celebrity. Ownership of a celebrity’s tokens would additionally acquiesce admirers to be acceptable to accretion admission to the celebrity’s anniversary accommodated and accost events.

Fans may additionally accept the advantage of crafting a customized wishlist which, accountable to the approval of GCOX and the celebrity, to put alternating clandestine requests for the celebrity to backpack out.

Another way in which tokens can be spent on Celeb-connect is pay-per-view alive streaming. This account enables celebrities to allotment their circadian lives with fans, acceptance their admirers to get to apperceive them better.