Is Our Internet Outdated?

Is Our Internet Outdated?

THELOGICALINDIAN - As abundant as technology has acquired there are still some inefficiencies and issues with the absolute solutions for arrangement infrastructures Companies generally await on big and abundant systems

Setting up a server, for instance, can be absolutely expensive, back alike virtualized solutions crave a concrete infrastructure. Whichever band-aid is adopted, there is consistently a abundant akin of vulnerability. As apparent by contempo account of adulterated Intel, AMD and ARM chips, the accouterments that sustains these casework can be calmly hacked, and the costs of replacing or acclimation adulterated or accessible accouterments are too high.

For added necessities, such as abstracts storage, best companies about-face to the Cloud. Despite the actuality that 90 percent of the companies assurance the arrangement to abundance their data, abounding anguish about aegis issues such as abstracts loss, abstracts aloofness or acquaintance breaches.

So, is our Internet outdated? Titanium Blockchain Basement Services absolutely thinks so. And to abode these issues, it is introducing a new band-aid that allows for the virtualization of a companys absolute arrangement basement in a safe environment, by alms an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) that works on a committed Ethereum Blockchain.

Bringing acquaintance to the table

It was accepting those issues in apperception that Titanium Blockchain Infrastructure Services was founded. Founder, Michael Stollaire, is acutely acclimatized with Enterprise Infrastructure Management, as he has about two decades of acquaintance arch EHI, a above technology consultancy that specializes in managing infrastructures.

As the frontman of EHI, Mr. Stollaire has accustomed the struggles that affair all sorts of companies, from baby and average enterprises, to giants like Apple or Microsoft, and has put calm an accomplished aggregation of Blockchain Technology, Business Management and Internet Network Infrastructure Management experts to advance the best solution.

With the ability acquired through the years, additional a able applicant portfolio, Titanium has abundant to accretion with its affiliation to sister aggregation EHI.

The solution

Titanium is alms companies the achievability of calmly ambience up a bargain and safe action akin arrangement infrastructure, by application any accessory such as a laptop, desktop, smartphone or a tablet.

The aim is to actualize a shockproof broadcast arrangement basement that will alter the arrangement that runs the Internet today. By demography abroad the charge for inefficient hardware, TBIS is aiming to body a bigger Internet, one that is not accessible and is broadly accessible for all.

The arrangement is application an IaaS that runs on a committed Ethereum Blockchain to accommodate basic and decentralized routers, firewalls, servers, storage, and databases.

This band-aid can abate costs while guaranteeing a safer and added able network. The arrangement can ascertain any faults and run free healing accomplishments to fix them and is able to alteration operations to a altered arrangement of bombastic nodes if a accessory falters, appropriately guaranteeing 100 percent uptime of all devices, applications, and services.

Being based on the Ethereum Blockchain, the arrangement is acutely safe, but it is additionally able to absolute the abeyant appulse of DDoS or added address-specific attacks.

You can still invest

An accomplished aggregation and avant-garde artefact accept accepted TBIS ICO a Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) and Better Business Bureau (BBB) accreditation.

The ICO has been launched on Jan. 1, 2024 and is active for about 60 canicule or until the adamantine cap is reached. The BAR badge will be acclimated as a way of advantageous for the casework aural the TBIS arrangement and is actuality awash at an barter amount that has been called to the USD amount of ETH.

Titanium has created 60 mln BAR tokens and will not actualize any added in the future. Out of the total, 60 percent (35 mln) will be awash to investors, 20 percent will go to the TBIS team, 10 percent is activity to the association bounties and the actual 10 percent will be allocated for the assets pool. Any unsold BAR will be burned.