Tokenized Healthcare Ecosystem Aims to Disrupt Standard Health Information Exchange Platforms

Tokenized Healthcare Ecosystem Aims to Disrupt Standard Health Information Exchange Platforms

THELOGICALINDIAN - Digital healthcare is a fullblown industry based on EHRs cyberbanking bloom annal The affiance fabricated by EHRs is that bigger admission to a patients abstracts may aftereffect in beneath medical errors lower costs and added accommodating assurance However admission to applicable accommodating abstracts via EHR systems is paved with challenges The abstracts is broadcast beyond assorted healthcare stakeholders because altered providers use altered EHRs

Furthermore, centralized platforms abridgement security, transparency, and transactional speed. Arizona-based healthcare provider Banner Health was the ambition of a massive cyberattack in 2016, area the personal abstracts of 3.62 actor patients were compromised. Many healthcare accessories are acceptable acquainted of the dangers associated with centralized EHR systems, accordingly a bigger band-aid is needed.

Blockchain technology could accommodate a reliable another to accepted cyberbanking bloom annal systems. Three capital allowances administer – immutability, security, and ultra-secure, fast transactions. Given that a patient’s healthcare abstracts is advance beyond altered stakeholders, the broadcast balance technology aural the blockchain could accommodate admission that doesn’t abide in today’s systems, at the aforementioned time abbreviation costs, dispatch transaction time, and abbreviating confidentiality.

Data tokenization could advance aegis in the healthcare industry

Better authentic as a action that replaces acute abstracts – for example, Primary Account Numbers and Nonpublic Claimed Advice with non-sensitive abstracts – e.g. 10FH6BBYX694XXQAcnnyT, abstracts tokenization provides users with a different identifier that safeguards the claimed information. Tokenizing abstracts streamlines admission after accepting to encrypt/decrypt the information, and best-supporting technology lying at its amount is blockchain.

Decentralized balance belvedere Timicoin/TimiHealth jumpstarts the adventure to defended healthcare advice by leveraging the allowances of the blockchain. The activity will affair acute affairs to bear real-time, authentic abstracts afterward a patient’s authorization.

A decentralized Ledger arrangement

The capital purpose of Timicoin’s blockchain belvedere is to basis accommodating bloom abstracts assimilate the blockchain and accommodate users with different identifiers, appropriately ensure their advice is impenetrable. The activity aims to advance a absolute ecosystem area users’ medical abstracts is stored in a athenaeum alleged a “data bucket” for angel and bloom certificate storage.

Medical institutions and healthcare analysis accessories will be accepted admission to the abstracts they need, provided users accede to allotment it. The platform’s absolute acquittal arrangement will be the Timicoin token, which advised to action abstracts requests for customer organizations, patients, and providers. Users acquisitive to abundance or allotment their claimed advice will accept TimiHealth at their disposal; the platform’s adaptable app for complete portability and aegis of medical records.

The abstracts administration and appeal aperture can additionally be acclimated by the medical alignment and healthcare accessories to acquisition new providers, appeal data, and pay for it in Timicoin tokens.

The defended another to autumn & administration medical abstracts

As against to accepted bloom advice exchanges, the basal technology of Timicoin is decentralized, accouterment a account basement that is secure, anonymous, and transparent. In adjustment to allotment medical annal with a specialist, patients no best accept to go through the altercation of acquisition advice from antecedent providers. The Timicoin/TimiHealth mission is to become a distinct accumulator belvedere area the bodies can admission their complete medical history in real-time.

Timicoin has a activated minimum applicable artefact (MVP) in abode – the TimiHealth app. The aggregation affairs to abide development for the TimiHealth Consumer Portal, TimiCloud, and TimiPatient App.