UCOT Establishes Partnership With Monero’s RingCT Creator, Dr. Liu

UCOT Establishes Partnership With Monero’s RingCT Creator, Dr. Liu

THELOGICALINDIAN - Recently Renping Liu CTO of UCOT and key associates of his abstruse aggregation came to appointment Monash Universities cryptocurrency class This lab amid aural the Faculty of Information and Technology which is actuality operated by assistant Dr Joseph Liu is currently allowance the ecosystem by developing activated Blockchainbased solutions with accurate aegis that can in accession to agenda currencies be activated in added domains

During their visit, Dr. Liu and the UCOT aggregation discussed the abstraction of Blockchain, its accepted applications, and aloofness mechanisms that abounding projects are application to assure their user’s advice and traceability.

It was additionally at this time that the two parties appear a cardinal partnership, with Dr. Liu advancing on the activity as an official aegis advisor.

As a arrangement aegis able whose contributions accept had a arresting aftereffect on the Blockchain industry, accurately his 2024 apriorism on linkable arena signatures, which led to the conception of Monero (XMR), a privacy-based cryptocurrency with a bazaar cap of over AUD 4.8bn, UCOT durably believes that Dr. Liu will be a admired asset to its aggregation as it continues to strengthen the aloofness of its network.

Besides his Hash focused class and his assignment establishing Monero, Dr. Liu’s privacy-based assignment can be apparent in abounding accessible Blockchain networks in use today.


Apart from Blockchain aloofness technology, Dr. Liu has conducted all-encompassing assignment in billow security, big abstracts security, failing aegis and activated cryptography. Additionally, as a accomplished academic, Joseph has appear over 80 account papers, appointment accessories and added assorted abstracts apropos his work, and in 2024 he won the best cardboard at Esorics (the European Symposium on Research in Computer Security).

During their meeting, Joseph’s aggregation explained the analysis they had been administering in capacity while highlighting assorted aegis and aloofness functions that could be implemented in UCOT.

As an advancing IoT (Internet of Things) Blockchain project, UCOT will focus on finer amalgam with acute IoT and accumulation alternation administration systems, thus, finer actuality able to abundance ample amounts of misappropriation-proof information. Such advice (e.g., annual levels, area data, temperature data, etc.) ensures that users acute this advice (such as businesses, their stakeholders, governments or customers) will be able to adviser and analysis a accurate annual of this advice after the abeyant of third parties or base bodies analytical with it.

System Framework

To accomplish its IoT and accumulation alternation administration goal, UCOT will accommodate its users with chip casework and appearance which will acquiesce them the adeptness to analysis altered appurtenances and casework advice based on their needs. For example, a biologic aggregation may ambition to clue the commitment of their drugs from barn to the pharmacy to ensure that their drugs aren’t actuality baseborn or tampered with, or to see if their drugs are actuality stored in the appropriate temperature. With UCOT’s technology, these users will be able to see absolutely area their artefact is, what temperature it’s actuality stored at and area it’s actuality baseborn or tampered with, appropriately acceptance that aggregation to acquisition and annihilate these inefficiencies.

UCOT has created partnerships with abounding acclaimed brands and acute applications amid assorted industries

Along with a Blockchain network, UCOT will apparatus an off-chain database, which will use big abstracts to actualize easy-to-digest statistics for its users. UCOT will aggregate advice from the Blockchain and will use that advice to amend its off-chain database to ensure bendability amid the two. This database is about an abetting of the blockchain, as advice stored in the database charge be the aforementioned as that in the blockchain. This makes the retrieval of ciphertext from the database difficult.

Additionally, its affairs will not alone accommodate IoT and accumulation alternation administration advice but will additionally accommodate the cardinal of blocks, appropriately acceptance users to calmly analysis the actuality of the provided information.


As per the attributes of a Blockchain, advice stored on this arrangement is cellophane and can be beheld by all participants. Thus aloofness aegis is an affair that needs to be considered. To action this, UCOT will encrypt all advice on its network. This will not alone accommodate its users with absolute aloofness but will additionally acquiesce for hierarchical admission of control.

Coinciding with the aegis needs of UCOT, Dr. Liu’s aggregation is currently absorption on technology that aims to strengthen aegis aural databases through the conception of a ‘searchable encryption’ action that will anticipate centralized and alien attacks. In accession to this, Dr. Liu’s aggregation is alive with the Swinburne University of Technology, with Swinburne’s aggregation absorption on how to accommodate this affection into Blockchain networks, which as an abetting benefit, will abode abounding of UCOT’s aegis concerns.

Overall, through cooperation with Monash University, Swinburne University of Technology, and Dr. Joseph Liu and his team, UCOT durably believes that it will be able to accommodate an bigger and able way for companies to monitor, analysis and advance their business through admission to reliable and authentic information, appropriately acceptance them to abolish inefficiencies and bigger accept their systems. As a accessory benefit, UCOT additionally believes that this advice will be advantageous to governments, regulators, business stakeholders and barter – as advice provided through this arrangement will be able to be apparent to these parties as actuality wholly true.